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Aboriginal Tribes of _________________________________________________ Name ________________________ Meaning (If available)_____________________ Where exactly did they live: Map needed. Picture Family Life: Description Community Life: Description Shelter: Picture or and 3-D model
Aboriginal Tribes of _________________________________________________ Name ________________________ Meaning (If available)_____________________ Where exactly did they live: Map needed. Picture Family Life: Description Community Life: Description Shelter: Picture or and 3-D model Hunting and Gathering/ Or Farming Description/who Pictures or/and 3-D models Culture and craft Today:
Famous People of_________________________________________________ Name some: ______________________________________________________ Highlight one: _____________________________________________________________ Where exactly did they live: Picture of place needed. Picture of person needed When born: Family Life as a child: Description Fame: (Why famous, embellish here.) Any humanitarian ventures. Adult Life: Today: (Where, what)
Economy of _________________________________________________ Remember the four strands of economy from fifth grade: 1. services: tourism, 2. manufacturing, natural resources, and agriculture. • 1. What do people do for a living in your province? (This is the driving question.) • 2. Employment of your province • 3. What agricultural opportunities are there? • 4. How about tourism? • 5. How about industry? • 6. How about natural resources such as fisheries, mining, and lumber? • 7. What energy sources are used in the province? • 8. What is the average yearly income for a family? • 9. How about transportation and communications? Do they play a part in the economy of the province • 10. What is the tax rate in the province and how does it compare to other provinces? • 11. How about trade? • You should have some statistics. Maybe a table or a graph.
Government of _______________________________________________________________ Driving Question: How is the provential government organized and how does it differ or how is the same as Canada’s federal government? • Who is in charge of the province’s government? • How does one become in charge? • What qualifications are needed? • How is the provincial government organized? • What rights does the provincial government have? • What rights does the provincial government not have? Do these rights belong to the federal Canadian government? • Which branches are in charge of what? • What are some major issues for your province that this governmental body is concerned with currently? (What is the provincial government that you are researching up to? • What are some current events or issues in the province?
History of _______________________________________________________________ Driving Question: What events helped to form Canada and expand it? • Exploration • Colonization • Wars and conflict: • 4. French and English Rivalry • 5. Settling and expanding (What caused the province to gain population? When did it become a province or if it hasn’t, why not? • Gold Rush • Beaver etc. • 6. Other significant events in the history of the province or territory. • 7. Modern History: