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CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. What is Management?. Management refers to issues of supervision, refereeing, facilitating, and even academic discipline…. What is Classroom Management?.
Management refers to issues of supervision, refereeing, facilitating, and even academic discipline…
Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students.
It’s an effective discipline, • It’s being prepared for class, • It’s motivating your students, • It’s providing a safe, comfortable learning environment, • It’s building your students’ self esteem, • It’s being creative and imaginative in daily lessons.
Satisfaction and enjoyment in teaching are dependent upon leading students to cooperate, • Classroom management issues are of highest concern for beginning teachers, • And it is different for everyone: • Teaching Styles • Personality/Attitudes • Student population • Not all management strategies are effective for every teacher. Try different strategies to see if they work for you. Why is Classroom Management Important?
Principles for SuccessfulClassroomManagement Deal with disruptive behaviors but also manage to minimize off-task, non-disruptive behaviors, Teach students to manage their own behavior, Students learn to be on-task and engaged in the learning activities you have planned for them; however, it is students’ nature to be off-task than on-task.
Techniques for Better Classroom Control Use softer voice so students really have to listen to what you’re saying, Direct your instruction so that students know what is going to happen. Monitor groups of students to check progress, Move around the room so students have to pay attention more readily and focus attention on entire class, Engage in low profile intervention of disruptions, Make sure classroom is comfortable and safe, Overplan your lessons to ensure you fill the period with learning activities, Come to class prepared, Show confidence in your teaching, Learn student names as quickly as possible.
How to Create a Positive Classroom Atmosphere A positive atmosphere can make a classroom a more pleasant place to be and, in turn, a more effective, motivating place to learn. It's simple to do, and it can have positive results on the achievement of students.
Change the way you act, talk, teach, communicate with your students, • Encourage the students with positive feedback whenever possible, • Cover the walls of your classroom with positive messages,use bright, warm colors in decorations and make wall displays educational, • Embed more positive words in everything that you write, read and talk about, • Create a positive word for the day and start a discussion on it and create a class dictionary of positive words, etc.
A teacher has “witness”: When discipline problems occur, the teacher consistently takes action to suppress the misbehavior of exactly those students who instigated the problem, When two discipline problems arise concurrently, the teacher deals with the most serious first, When handling misbehavior – make sure all students learn what is unacceptable about that behavior, Getting angry or stressed does not reduce future misbehavior, Deal with misbehavior without disrupting the learning activity. Witness refers to a teacher’s awareness of what is going on in theclassroom.
Be free to roam, • Avoid turning back to class, • Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, physical proximity to students, and the way you carry yourself will communicate that you are in calm control of the class and mean to be taken seriously. Proximity and Body Language
DO NOT USE SARCASM, • Do not place labels (good or bad), • Do not get students hooked on praise, • Speak only to people when they are ready to listen, Praise the work and behavior – not the students themselves, Verbalize descriptions of behaviors and never value judgments about individualsbut remain in control. Cooperation through communication
Take advantage of the new school year or term to set the stage for cooperation, • Be particularly prepared and organized, • Utilize a communication style thatestablishing non-threatening, comfortable environment, • Clearly establish expectations for conduct, • Establish an environment in which achieving specified learning goals takes priority over other concerns, • It is much easier to establish this environment from the beginning rather than later. A Businesslike Atmosphere
Make sure all students can see and hear clearly (and you can see them clearly)
Arrangement is determined by learning activity (lecture, class discussion, small group work, etc.)
Think through class procedures and learning activities and arrange the room in the best possible way.
Do not tolerate undesirable behaviors no matter what the excuse is, • Understanding the function of a behavior will help in knowing how to deal with that behavior, • Understanding why a person exhibits a behavior is no reason to tolerate it.
Many misbehaviors exhibited by students are responses to a behavior exhibited by the teacher, Want to be left alone (i.e., disinterest or feelings of inadequacy) Power seeking behavior Attention seeking behavior Revenge seeking behavior
Power-seeking students attempt to provoke teachers into a struggle of wills. • Power-seeking behaviors are a child's way of seeking some control over his circumstances. Examples include debating or arguing, refusal to follow instructions, etc. Attempts at strict rule enforcement will likely result in more defiant behaviors. An effective strategy for dealing with power-seeking behaviors is to offer choices rather than demands. • In most cases, the teacher should direct attention to other members of the class. Power Seeking Behavior
These are behaviors that result in attention from others, including negative attention such as being punished or ridiculed. • Examples of attention-seeking behaviors are whining, being silly, or interrupting others. If a behavior results in feelings of annoyance in others, it is likely an attention-seeking behavior. • Give attention to this student when he or she is on-task and cooperating. • “Catch them being good!” – and let them know you caught them. Attention Seeking Behavior
Revenge Seeking Behavior Revenge-seeking behaviors include bullying, vandalism or aggression against younger or weaker children and teachers. Children exhibiting these behaviors are communicating that they feel unaccepted. They have usually failed to get their needs met through any of the previous types of misbehavior. They are seeking emotional responses from others, so responding in a controlledmanner is most effective. Indicate the rule they have violated, the consequences of breaking that rule, and then follow through with administering the consequences is essential. Finally, providing positive feedback for positive behavior will help ensure that those behaviors increase.
Behavior: Rambling -- wandering around and off the subject. Using far-fetched examples or analogies. • Refocus attention by restating relevant point. • Direct questions to group that is back on the subject • Ask how topic relates to current topic being discussed. • Use visual aids, begin to write on board, turn on overhead projector. • Say: "Would you summarize your main point please?" or "Are you asking...?" POSSIBLE RESPONSES:
Behavior: Shyness or Silence -- lack of participation POSSIBLE RESPONSES: • Change teaching strategies from group discussion to individual written exercises or a videotape • Give strong positive reinforcement for any contribution. • Involve by directly asking him/her a question. • Make eye contact. • Appoint to be small group leader.
Behavior: Talkativeness -- knowing everything, manipulation, chronic whining. POSSIBLE RESPONSES: • Acknowledge comments made. • Give limited time to express viewpoint or feelings, and then move on. • Make eye contact with another participant and move toward that person. • Give the person individual attention during breaks. • Say: "That's an interesting point. Now let's see what other other people think." or "I appreciate your comments, but I'd like to hear from others," or "It looks like we disagree."
Behavior: Sharpshooting -- trying to shoot you down or trip you up. POSSIBLE RESPONSES: • Admit that you do not know the answer and redirect the question the group or the individual who asked it. • Acknowledge that this is a joint learning experience. • Ignore the behavior.
Behavior: Side Conversations -- may be related to subject or personal. Distracts group members and you. POSSIBLE RESPONSES: • Don't embarrass talkers. • Ask their opinion on topic being discussed. • Ask talkers if they would like to share their ideas. • Casually move toward those talking. • Make eye contact with them. • Standing near the talkers, ask a near-by participant a question so that the new discussion is near the talkers. • As a last resort, stop and wait.
Off task behaviour is a term used to describe occasions when the child is engaging in a behaviour that is not related to the activity set by the teacher. Typically this term is used to refer to relatively low level forms of behaviour, such as day dreaming, playing with materials or equipment, talking to others and wandering around the room.
Types of Supporting Materials Facts Facts are not in dispute and they provide powerful support for a speaker. However, it is essential that the speaker avoid using nonfactual information as fact. Playing fast and loose with the facts will destroy the speaker’s credibility. Personal Experience Your personal experiences, if used appropriately, can provide compelling support for your objectives. Describing your experiences with the topic lends a real-life perspective to an issue that cannot be achieved through the use of facts or statistical information. Examples Examples can help a speaker clarify complex concepts. Examples as supporting material offer the advantage of helping receivers visualize the meaning of the message. They are used to clarify, reinforce and personalize your ideas. Stories Stories are useful as supporting material to make a point and are, in essence, extended examples. Moreover, stories offer a memorable, entertaining method of conveying information. Worksheets, Handouts and Games
REFERENCES Kral, Thomas, Teacher development, Washington D.C, 1994.Geddes andSturtridge,1982.www.eslgold.comwww.wikipedia.comwww.wikihow.comwww.theteachersguide.comwww.teachervision.fen.com