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Find Jesus

Are you observant enough to find Jesus?

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Find Jesus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creative Youth Ideas Find Jesus Are you observant enough to find Jesus?

  2. ActivityThe Wisemen are looking for Jesus. Everyone sits in a circle. 1-3 participants (depending on the size of the group) are chosen as Wisemenand asked to leave the room. While they are away, one person is chosen to be "Jesus." The person chosen as "Jesus" will secretly wink at others in the circle. His objective is to not get caught by the Wisemen. CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

  3. Anyone in the circle who sees that they have been winked at by "Jesus" sings the first line of a Christmas Carol and continues to play. (Alternatively they can shout, "Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy!”) The Wisemenare then called back into the room and asked to find "Jesus." Once the Wisemenare able to identify "Jesus", start the game again with a new set of Wisemenand a new "Jesus." CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

  4. This game is a great lead in to the story of the Wisemen. CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

  5. Variation 1 Add a Herod. Herod, like the Wisemenis trying to find Jesus. But if Herod finds "Jesus" first everyone loses. CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

  6. Variation 2Rudolph is waiting for Santa so that all the presents can be delivered. Rudolph needs to find Santa. One participant is selected to be Rudolph and leaves the room while Santa is selected from those remaining. Once Rudolph returns Santa begins to secretly wink at people in the circle. If a person is winked at the let out a loud, “HO! HO! HO! –Merry Christmas. Once Rudolph identifies Santa, start again with a new Santa and a new Rudolph. CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

  7. For more Christmas Ideas Visit our website at CreativeChristmasIdeas.com

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