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“Southeast Asia Disaster Management Cooperation 2009” (SEADMC 2009) Overview

“Southeast Asia Disaster Management Cooperation 2009” (SEADMC 2009) Overview. 2-11 December 2009. Overview Agenda. Planning Timeline SEADMC Overview Part I: Objectives and schedule Part II: Objectives and schedule Key Deliverables. Timeline. Part I: 2 – 3 December 2009 Jakarta

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“Southeast Asia Disaster Management Cooperation 2009” (SEADMC 2009) Overview

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  1. “Southeast Asia Disaster Management Cooperation 2009” (SEADMC 2009) Overview 2-11 December 2009

  2. Overview Agenda • Planning Timeline • SEADMC Overview • Part I: Objectives and schedule • Part II: Objectives and schedule • Key Deliverables

  3. Timeline • Part I: 2 – 3 December 2009 • Jakarta • Deployment to Serang, Banten Province • 4 Dec: MPAT Secretariat • 6 Dec: Participants • Part II: 7 – 11 December 2009

  4. SEADMC Overview • SEADMC Part I: Regional Disaster Management Emergency Response Workshop • 02 – 03 December, Jakarta, Indonesia • Focus: • Cooperative examination of international, regional and national disaster management and emergency response (DM/ER) mechanisms • Review information, apply examples, and assess the inter-organizational coordination mechanisms of DM/ER mechanisms • Goal: Identify detailed regional and international coordination and cooperation mechanisms and develop recommendations for improved cooperation

  5. SEADMC Overview • SEADMC Part II: Disaster Management Emergency Response Workshop • 07 – 11 December, Banten Province, Indonesia • Focus: • Plan emergency response actions for a major natural disaster in Banten Province requiring international assistance • Conduct a scenario driven table top workshop to familiarize participants with relevant DM/ER mechanisms and develop a response plan • Develop a provincial disaster management/emergency response SOP • Goal: Improved emergency response capabilities by major organizations in large scale disasters at a provincial level in Indonesia

  6. SEADMC End State Conditions • Enhanced ASEAN member states disaster response capabilities in support of an affected ASEAN member state • Enhanced Government of Indonesia “Whole of Society” preparation, mitigation and response to disasters. • Improved information sharing, cooperation, interoperability and effectiveness among major responders to large scale natural disasters in Indonesia (Government of Indonesia; ASEAN; Humanitarian Community; Assisting States).

  7. SEADMC Part I

  8. SEADMC Part I: Objectives • Develop an awareness of the strategic DM/ER issues, concerns, mechanisms of ASEAN, GOI, and international actors • Enhance relationships and understanding amongst members of GOI civil agencies, TNI, ASEAN Secretariat, Assisting States and the humanitarian community who will support GOI disaster preparation, mitigation and response efforts • Determine key issues for inter-organizational coordination and cooperation amongst regional and international supporters to the GOI in DM/ER: • Develop proposed matrix of Disaster Management / Emergency Response guidelines and appropriate roles for regional / international organizations • Provide input for development and refinement of regional and international coordination and cooperation procedures

  9. SEADMC Part I: Objectives • Provide information for AHA Centre operations and SASOP refinement • Provide information for ARDEX 10 planners

  10. SEADMC Part I: Construct Day 1 • Background briefs: presentation of DM/ER mechanisms by major actors / stakeholders • Round Table Discussion on inter-organizational cooperation Day 2 • Scenario-driven “table top” workshop • Participants grouped into syndicates each addressing the same issues • Recommendations briefed in plenary • Moderated panel discussion to discuss the “Way Ahead”

  11. SEADMC Part I: Schedule

  12. Affected State (Indonesia): BNPB Depkes Ristek Menkokesra Depdagri DPU - Kimpraswil Depsos Dephub Ministry of Environment BPS BASARNAS Kesbangpol MABES TNI DEPLU Assisting Actors: Regional Organizations: ASEAN Secretariat AHA Centre ADPC SEADMC Part I: Participants

  13. Assisting Actors (continued): Humanitarian Organizations: WFP Regional Bureau UN Technical Working Group & IASC Country Team Representatives IFRC Indonesian Red Cross Assisting States: ASEAN Member States (National Focal Points): Brunei Cambodia Laos Thailand Donors: Australia France United States SEADMC Part I: Participants

  14. SEADMC Part II

  15. SEADMC Part II: Objectives • Provide input for DM/ER SOP for Banten Province • Refine existing SOP outline • Facilitate the opportunity for observers from Banten Districts to utilize this event to help develop District SOPs • Provide checklists of required input • Determine key issues and propose recommendations to enhance “whole of society” preparation, mitigation and response to disasters • Refine / determine procedures of Assisting States support to TNI at Provincial Level • Review Generic HA/DR Concept of Operations (HA/DR CONOPS) template among Assisting States and TNI

  16. SEADMC Part II: Objectives • Provide information to inform SASOP Part VI (military operations) development. • Validate national, provincial, and TNI disaster preparation, mitigation and response procedures. • Review provincial/local early warning procedures & immediate response actions • Validate / enhance / refine TNI support to GOI disaster response organizations • Develop recommendations to improve readiness • Provide groundwork for 2010 US Army Pacific – TNI event

  17. SEADMC Part II: Construct Day 1 • Background briefs and discussions of relevant major strategic issues identified in SEADMC Part I Days 2-4 • Scenario-driven staff planning workshop / table top exercise • Participants grouped in syndicates to facilitate development of the Banten Province SOP • Syndicates develop SOP input based on major “all hazards” disaster that strikes Banten Province Day 5 • Plenary back briefs on issues and recommendations

  18. SEADMC Part II: Schedule

  19. Affected State (Indonesia): BNPB K2B (Kordinasi dan Kajian Cepat Bencana) Pemda Banten Korem Banten TNI BPBD Lanal Banten Lanud Gorda dan Polda District Observers Citegon, Pandeglang, Serang Assisting Actors: Regional Organizations: AHA Centre SEADMC Part II: Participants

  20. Assisting Actors (continued): Humanitarian Organizations: UN Technical Working Group & IASC Country Team Representatives IFRC Indonesian Red Cross Assisting States: ASEAN Member States (military): Brunei Cambodia Laos Thailand Donors: Australia United States SEADMC Part II: Participants

  21. SEADMC Key Deliverables • The key deliverables are inputs that include: • Specific “improvement notes/recommendations/ input for disaster response procedures for Banten Province • Recommended input for regional inter-organization coordination and cooperation in disaster response • Enhancements to TNI support to GOI at all levels • Recommendations for ASEAN Assisting States military support to Affected State • Recommendations for non-ASEAN Assisting States support to Affected State and coordination with AHA Centre. • Other recommendations as developed

  22. SEADMC Scenario Outline • Day 1: • Anak Krakatau erupts causing pyroclastic flows and a tsunami which destroys much of the towns in western Java, from Merak to Tamanjaya. The tsunami also destroys part of the town of Banten. Ash covers much of the province of Banten, including Serang. Tens of thousands are feared dead or missing. Homes, businesses, roads and farms / fish pens are destroyed • The earthquake also causes damage to several chemical plants, causing a hazardous materials threat to Serang and the surrounding area. • Day 2: • Ash continues to fall, moving east towards Jakarta. • Foreign governments press for GOI for information on their nationals in resorts located on the west coast of Java. • International community offers relief aid, funds, personnel, military forces

  23. SEADMC Scenario Outline • Day 3: • GOI responds to the disasters: TNI supports BNPB, SATKORLAK. Indonesia NGOs, in-country representatives of international NGOS, UN agencies (in country) support GOI relief efforts. GOI resources are stretched; assessment teams deploy. • GOI requests international support, starts prioritizing needs. • Day 5: • Food and water shortages, lack of sufficient medical care are creating a looming health emergency for the survivors. 115,000 are displaced. • International assistance starts to arrive. • Day 7: • Foreign military is supporting TNI in Banten. • Thousands remain homeless, medical support remains inadequate.

  24. SEADMC Facilitators and Support Staff • Facilitators: • Keep syndicates focused on objectives • Provide scenario updates as required (SEADMC Part II) • Recorders: • Capture issues and recommendations • Support development of Banten Province disaster response SOP (SEADMC Part II)

  25. Questions?

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