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Conducted By: The ARO-HB&A Research Group. Two of the established research organizations in the Philippines teamed up recently:. HB&A Research International: Established in 1997, affiliated with Louis Harris & Associates for technology transfer.
Conducted By: The ARO-HB&A Research Group Two of the established research organizations in the Philippines teamed up recently: • HB&A Research International: Established in 1997, affiliated with Louis Harris & Associates for technology transfer. • Asia Research Organization: Established in the 1950’s, the Philippine affiliate of Gallup International.
Conducted By: The ARO-HB&A Research Group HB&A took care of total project management, data analysis, final reports and presentation. • Coverage: • Questionnaire Construction and Sample Design • Recruitment and Training of Field Interviewers • Backcheck/Quality Control/Supervision • Data Encoding and Tabulation • Analysis and Report Preparation • Presentation of Results ARO’s experienced field interviewers were deployed in all 16 cities and 1 municipality of Metro Manila.
Sampling Design and Methodology Base of 500 respondents: • Representative sample of 50 barangays from all barangays in Metro Manila. Ten (10) respondents per barangay. • Households selected via a skip-interval method from every barangay starting point. • Randomly selected respondent of reproductive age in every household. • 50% male/50% female respondents
Key Findings: Profile of Respondents AGE RELIGION 62% are aged 34 below 38% are 35 and above 90% Catholic 4% INC 2% Born Again 1% Protestant 3% Others
Key Findings: Profile of Respondents EMPLOYMENT STATUS 51% are working 49% are non-working BY TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT 49% Private Sector 47% Self-Employed 4% Government SOCIO-ECO CLASS 2% C1 19% C2 65% D 14% E GENDER 50% Male 50% Female
Key Findings: Profile of Respondents MARITAL STATUS 38% are single 62% are married OF THOSE WHO ARE SINGLE: 64% never married 28% live-in relationship 5% previously married and marriage annulled 3% widow/widower OF THOSE WHO ARE MARRIED: 91% are married and living together 3% are married but spouse is away often (within Phils.) 3% are married, spouse is OFW 3% are married, but living separately. HAVE CHILDREN? 74% have children 26% do not have children
Intent to Have (More) Children • Among those respondents who currently don’t have children, • 96% want or plan to have children in the future. • Among those respondents who already have children, the average number of children is 3. • 19% of them intend to have more children.
Intent to Practice Birth Spacing 96% intend to practice birth spacing or family planning
Who Can Give or Take Away Life 98% said only God has the right to give and take away life.
What Stage Life Is Formed 91% agree that human & animal life start upon conception, i.e. when the sperm joins the egg. 77% agree that humans differ from animals because of the existence of a soul many believe exists at the point of union of the sperm and egg. 71% disagree that human life may be terminated at the point of union if regarded the same as animals. 86% agree that human life must not be terminated at the point of union because humans differ from animals due to the soul’s presence.
RP Constitution Protects Life In the Philippine Constitution, the State shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. (Art. II, Sec. 12) 57% are aware of this provision. 87% agree with this feature of the Constitution.
On Abortion 98% would not ever consider aborting their unborn child still forming in the womb even if the pregnancy is unplanned. 98% would not consider or condone aborting a baby even within the first three months.
On Abortion 80%do not believe it is all right to terminate an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy within the first three weeks. (15%believe) 78%are against any form of termination of a baby. (21% are not against)
On Abortion Being Illegal 95% are aware that abortion is illegal in our country. 92% agree that abortion should continue to be illegal.
Awareness of the RH Bill 73% are not aware that our congressmen have been trying to pass a reproductive Health Bill while many lay people and the Catholic Church are strongly opposed to it. (16% are aware)
Who Should Teach Sex Education 65% agree that fathers can best teach their sons about sex while mothers can best teach their daughters about sex, more than teachers. 88% of parents who agree wish to be trained how to teach their children correctly about sex.
RH Bill Issue: Sex Education 75%are not aware that if the RH Bill becomes a law, Sex Education will be taught as early as Grade 5, with emphasis on the technical and biological aspects without necessarily covering the moral, religious and spiritual facets.
RH Bill Issue: Sex Education 58%are aware that in other countries where early Sex Education was introduced - emphasizing only the biological and technical aspects - teenage pre-marital sex and sexual abuse by teachers towards students increased significantly. 88% are concerned that the same thing might happen to our country if this RH bill turns into law.
RH Bill Issue: Sex Education • Re: Statement that the number of teen pregnancies, abortions and family dislocations increased significantly in the countries where sex education was taught by teachers, not by parents to very young children aged 10-11: • 53%said they are very concerned. • 23% said they were aware. • 30% said they were not aware. • 45% said they want to know more about it. • 28% said they are aware. • 17% said they are not aware • 2% said they are not aware and are not concerned.
RH Bill Issue: Sex Education 87%disagree to allow their children to be taught by school teachers about the technical and biological aspects of sex in a co-ed environment, and possibly “tutored” by their teachers if they are not up to par with their lessons.
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That BCP’s have a 3%-5% failure rate. • 59% are aware • 50% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That BCP’s increase the risk of breast, cervical and other cancers in women. • 55% are aware • 66% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That BCP’s pose an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. • 44% are aware • 57% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That regular intake of BCP’s results in vitamin deficiency in women. • 37% are aware • 41% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That regular intake of BCP’s cause deformities in children. • 61% are aware • 63% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That there are documented cases of multiple births as a result of BCP use. • 24% are aware • 31% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That urinary tract infections (UTI) have been reportedly caused by BCP use. • 43% are aware • 42% are very concerned
RH Bill Issue: Contraceptives • Side Effects of Birth Control Pills: • That weight gain is a common observation among women who regularly use BCP’s. • 78% are aware • 56% are very concerned
On Availability of Abortifacients 85% are not aware that if the RH Bill is passed, teenage children can secure abortifacient devices and substances without their parents’ knowledge and consent (7% are aware)
On Availability of Abortifacients 92%do not agree with the plan to make available free of charge Birth Control Pills, IUDs and the like to young teenage children without the parents’ knowledge and consent.
Awareness of Natural Methods 83% are aware of natural methods which, when properly used, can result in a higher success rate in planning and spacing births compared to artificial methods. (15% are not aware)
Willingness to Learn Natural Methods 75% are willing to learn how to use natural methods instead of artificial methods. (22%are not willing)
On Contraceptives as Essential Medicines The top 10 leading causes of mortality are among Filipinos were presented: • Diseases of the Heart • Diseases of the Vascular System • Cancer • Pneumonia • Accidents • Tuberculosis • Chronic Respiratory Diseases • Diabetes • Certain conditions before conception • Kidney/Renal Failure
On Contraceptives as Essential Medicines Statements that followed: It is government’s responsibility to provide universal health care, especially towards the lower income segments of society through free vaccinations, free or low-cost/ subsidized medicines, treatment for major diseases and dread diseases, free or low cost dialysis and other treatments. The RH bill will allow an extra P10 million per Congressman or a total of more than P2 billion to promote the use of contraceptives and all the other features that go with the bill.
On Contraceptives as Essential Medicines 90% do not agree for Congress to appropriate at least 2 Billion pesos to the detriment of other essential medicines that are needed for free vaccinations for children, treatment of dreaded diseases and other more important health and medical concerns.
On Sterilization Without Spousal Consent 93%do not agree for their spouse to undergo sterilization without their prior consentas now required by law.
On Population and Economic Development Statements Presented: Birth rates in different countries have declined not because of birth control but due to changes in attitudes, education, urbanization and economic development, a desire for a better way of life, and the tendency to marry late and have fewer children. Many developed countries are concerned that their population is now shrinking and are incentivizing young couples to start families and have more children. Countries with huge populations, like India and China, have grown in economic development and will soon be major superpowers.
On Population and Economic Development The Philippines has 90 million people and because of our human resource talent, over 10 million are employed overseas. Because of OFW remittances, the country has been spared of the current recession that has hit many developed countries. 82% agree that our human resource strength and population size will make us even stronger in the coming years provided corruption can be reduced significantly and our government officials truly serve our people. (16% disagree/2% DKCS)
Features of the RH Bill Statements Presented: The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has expressed the Catholic Church position, stating grave concern that the RH Bill may be passed. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) expressed the same concern. The concern has to do with the resultant immoral society whose people will no longer follow Church teachings, which would result when the contraceptive mentality takes root in a country, leading to high abortion rates, high divorce rates, and increase in the number of teenage and out-of-wedlock pregnancies.
Features of the RH Bill 90%are not in favor of Congress passing a bill that will: Require children aged 10-11 to learn sex techniques with vivid pictures from male and female teachers who will explain only the biological and technical aspects of sex.