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An Introduction to SD&C’s Open-end Fund Services

An Introduction to SD&C’s Open-end Fund Services. Fund Business Dept. China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation 2012.5.31. Agenda. Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C Main Products and services on the Fund Platform Future Development Initiatives of the Platform.

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An Introduction to SD&C’s Open-end Fund Services

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  1. An Introduction to SD&C’s Open-end Fund Services Fund Business Dept. China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation 2012.5.31

  2. Agenda • Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C • Main Products and services on the Fund Platform • Future Development Initiatives of the Platform

  3. Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C Features 1 • OCT.4, 2002 the Fund Platform of SD&C was launched • A variety of participants making our system more flexible and innovative • Connecting channels • the OTC • the exchanges - SSE and SZSE • A unified interface enabling participants to have easy access to all services

  4. Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C Features 2 • Leverage of existing securities account system, clearing & settlement system and communications network of SD&C • Main Services • Registration (TA services) • Investors account administration • Order processing (subscription, redemption, etc) • Clearing and settlement • Corporate actions processing

  5. Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C System Architecture Overview SD&C Fund Platform Fund management companies Customer service 47 251 funds 330 others 172 Distributors Commercial banks Securities companies Independent Selling companies Direct selling of fund management company • Two connection channels • The OTC • The exchanges – SSE and SZSE Subscription/Redemption investors

  6. Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C Order Processing Overview Distributor Fund Management Companies SD&C Shanghai Branch SD&C The Fund Platform Distributor SD&C Shenzhen Branch Order Data routing Distributor Confirmation Report Payment instructions Cash settlement results

  7. Agenda • Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C • Main products and services on the Fund Platform • Future Development Initiatives of the Platform

  8. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Overview • Main products types • Generic open-end funds • Money market funds • QDII funds • LOFs on SZSE • Open-end funds on SSE • Cross-market ETF on SZSE • Other kinds of asset management products

  9. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform LOFs on SZSE - Features 1 • Provided by SD&C and SZSE • Including three kinds of transactions • Subscription/Redemption through the OTC channel with fund account, settled on the Fund Platform • Subscription/Redemption through the trading system of SZSE with security account, settled on the Fund platform • Centralized trading on the trading system of SZSE with security account, settled on Depository & Clearing system of SD&C, Shenzhen branch

  10. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform LOFs on SZSE - Features 2 • Two kinds of fund shares • Listed fund shares registered in Depository & Clearing system of SD&C, Shenzhen branch • OTC fund shares registered on the Fund Platform • Inter-system custody transfer • Each kind of shares can be transferred to another by inter-system custody transfer order • Inter-system custody transfer is processed between the fund account and the security account of the same investor

  11. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform LOFs on SZSE - Order Routing Centralized trading Fund Management Companies Subscription/Redemption through SZSE Subscription/Redemption through the OTC Inter-system custody transfer Data routing and confirming SD&C The Fund platform SD&C Shenzhen Branch D&C system SZSE Other Distributors • Securities Companies • The OTC channel • The exchange channel on SZSE

  12. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Open funds on SSE - Features 1 • Provided by SD&C and SSE • Including two kinds of transactions • Subscription/Redemption through the OTC channel with fund account, settled by the Fund Platform • Subscription/Redemption through the trading system of SSE with security account, settled by the Fund platform

  13. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Open funds on SSE - Features 2 • One kind of fund shares but registered in two kinds of accounts • Registered in fund account • Registered on the security account of SSE • Inter-system custody transfer • The shares registered on each account can be transferred to another through inter-system custody transfer • Inter-system custody transfer is processed between the fund account and the security account of the same investor

  14. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Open funds on SSE - Order Routing Subscription/Redemption through SSE Fund Management Companies Subscription/Redemption through the OTC Inter-system custody transfer Data routing and confirming SD&C The Fund platform SD&C Shenzhen Branch D&C system SSE Other Distributors • Securities Companies • The OTC channel • The exchange channel on SSE

  15. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Cross-market ETF on SZSE - Features • Tracking CSI 300 index which consists of 300 stocks listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges • The ETF shares traded on the SZSE • Subscription/Redemption routed through the Fund Platform with Shenzhen and Shanghai security accounts • All transactions settled on Depository & Clearing system of SD&C, Shenzhen branch

  16. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Cross-market ETF on SZSE - Features • Key features • The Fund platform collecting Subscription/Redemption orders • The Fund Platform verifying the unity of the investor’s Shenzhen and Shanghai security accounts • The Fund Platform assembling the locking/transferring orders of all the component stocks • The D&C system of Shanghai branch processing orders of the component stocks listed on SSE • The D&C system of Shenzhen branch processing orders of the constituents listed on SZSE

  17. Main Products and Services on the Fund Platform Cross-market ETF on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Order Routing Fund Management Companies SD&C Shanghai Branch ③ Subscription/Redemption Ordering ② Constituent stock locking and transferring SD&C The Fund platform ② SD&C Shenzhen Branch Data routing and confirming ④ ETF shares registration Centralized trading ① ⑤ Securities Companies ⑤ SZSE

  18. Agenda • Profile of the Fund Platform of SD&C • Main Products and services on the Fund Platform • Future Development Initiatives of the Platform

  19. Future Development Initiatives of the Platform • Develop more functions to meet customized demands • Accommodate new fund products • Upgrade IT systems to support safe, efficient and flexible operations • Provide more information services to system participants

  20. Thanks!

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