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Chinese Shadow Puppets

Chinese Shadow Puppets. By: Karl. History of Chinese Shadow Puppets.

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Chinese Shadow Puppets

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  1. Chinese Shadow Puppets By: Karl

  2. History of Chinese Shadow Puppets The shadow play has a history of over 2000 years, which was invented during the Han Dynasty (B.C202-A.D 220). Han Dynasty died of illness; so emperor missed her so much.One day, a minister saw children playing with dolls and the dolls shadows was on the floor vivid. And smart minister think something that he could make emperor happy so he used his brain. He used cottons to make puppets and he painted it. As night fell, he invited the emperor to watch his invention(Chinese Shadow Puppets).

  3. Chinese Shadow Puppets Pictures

  4. How are they made They are made of animals leather. Example: Sheeps, Donkey, Cows, Pigs etc… 

  5. Optional http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A0oGdWcEWg1Px2oA9LdXNyoA?p=chinese+shadow+puppets&fr=yfp-t-500&fr2=piv-web I like second one best

  6. Bibliography • http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/focus/shadow-puppetry.htm • http://www.chinatravel.com/facts/chinese-culture-and-history/chinese-arts/chinese-shadow-play/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_play

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