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Major World Religions in the Middle East. JUDAISM. (JEWS) A RELIGION AND AN ETHNIC GROUP. FOUNDING. Began Around 1,000 to 2,000 B.C. SOUTHWEST ASIA Originated in area of Israel (sometimes called Canaan)
FOUNDING Began Around 1,000 to 2,000 B.C. SOUTHWEST ASIA Originated in area of Israel (sometimes called Canaan) Taken over by the Assyrians then Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, (Maccabees) Romans (Diaspora).
How did the religion develop? • Began with the Hebrew people. • Abraham, the founder promoted the idea that there is one God (monotheism).
DEFINITIONS • GOD: Elohim and Yahweh (Jehovah) are the names of God. • SYNAGOGUE: The place of Jewish Worship. • RABBI: A Teacher and leader of the Jewish Religion. • Holy Day: Saturday
Holy Books • TORAH (instructions): FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. • TALMUD (learning/study): THE MISHNAH AND GEMARRA written ancient Jewish law formally oral teachings or commentaries on the Torah.
Major Beliefs THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD. This brings CERTAIN BLESSINGS AND RESPONSIBLITIES. Believe that God gave them the right to the land of Israel. Believe in a Messiah (Anointed One) that will usher in a better age.
What are the three major sects of Judaism? Reformed • Follow the Bible • More Liberal • Relaxed rules • Head covering • Dietary laws • Mixed seating Orthodox • Some live in isolated communities • Very traditional in authority, practice, and education. • Conservative • Believe in Talmud and Bible but feel that practices can change to fit the times.
Dietary Laws • KOSHER: means “Ritually Correct” • THE JEWISH FOOD LAW excludes PORK OR SHELLFISH because the are unclean • MEAT MUST BE KILLED IN A CERTAIN WAY. • Cannot mix Dairy and Meat.
Jewish Holidays • Rosh Hashanah: the Jewish New Year’s festival and commemorates the creation of the world. (Shofar is sounded. Get a hair cut and new clothes). • Yom Kippur: (Day of Atonement) the most sacred day of the Jewish year. Fasting & asking for forgiveness, confessing one’s sins to God. • Sukkot: Harvest celebration, palm branch, citron, myrtle, and willow are lifted up to give thanks. • Purim: celebrates the story of Esther from the Bible.
Passover • Celebrates Jews exodus from Egypt. • Review the biblical account. • During Passover, Jews eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs to remind them of slavery and the experiences of their ancestors. • Open door for Elijah
JEWISH HOLIDAYS HANUKAH PENTECOST Seven weeks after Passover. Harvest festival of the 1st fruits of summer Commemorates the giving of the Torah. Physical and Spiritual Harvest • “The Festival of Lights” is a celebration of the victory of the Maccabees and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple. It also commemorates the miracle of the oil that burned for 8 days
Bar Mitzvah & Bat Mitzvah • “Son and Daughter of the Commandment” • Become a full member of Jewish community. • Celebrate with a ceremony. • Young person reads from Torah. • Age 13 for Boys and 12 for Girls
How many people are in the religion? • Number 12 on major religions. • Has 15,000,000 followers • Majority of those live in Israel (35%) or the United States (46%). • There are many in Europe, South America, etc.
FOUNDER • BEGAN IN SOUTHWEST ASIA • Judea (later Palestine) • Now Northern Israel • Then Spread throughout Europe
Christianity Spreads • Christianity Spreads throughout the Roman Empire (referred to ascatholicmeaninguniversal or including all because they believed Christianity was a religion for all not just one type of people) • Emperor Constantine legalized the Christian Religion in the Roman Empire and later converts • Nicene Creed 325 A.D. at Nicaea (now Iznik Turkey) • Roman Empire Splits 395 A. D. • Roman Catholic in the West • Greek Orthodox in the East
Roman Catholic Church • The Roman Empire Falls 400’s and the Roman Catholic Church rises in power in Western Europe. • The Popes influence and Power grows. • Catholic cathedrals built throughout Europe. • Martin Luther dealt the symbolic blow that began the Reformation when he nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church. That document contained an attack on papal abuses and the sale of indulgences by church officials.
Branches of Christianity • THERE ARE MANY BRANCHES CHRISTIANITY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. • Roman Catholic • Greek Orthodox • Protestant: • Anglican • Lutheran • Methodist • Presbyterian • Baptist • Mormon
Definitions • The Trinity • God the Father • God the Son • The Holy Spirit • Holy Book is the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) • Church, Chapel, or Cathedral: is the place of Worship. • Church Leaders: Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Bishops • Holy Day: Sunday
Holy City: Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulchre The Garden Tomb • MANY PROTESTANTS BELIEVE THIS IS THE PLACE JESUS WAS BURIED. • Church built over the place where many Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox think Jesus was crucified and buried.
Holidays Christmas Easter Commemorates The Birth Of Jesus Christ to The Virgin Mary. Christ is Greek translation of Messiah Hebrew meaning the anointed one. Commemorates the resurrection of Christ Birth is often assocaited with this holiday
Sacrament • Solemn observances or rituals/Experience God’s Salvation • Baptism: become a member of a church • Communion: represents Jesus’ final meal consecrated bread and wine. • Other Sacraments: • Penance (confession) • Confirmation • Ordination • Marriage
Founding • Began in Saudi Arabia in 600Ad(CE) by Mohammed • In response to the worship of polytheistic idols
Definitions • God: Allah • Place of worship: Mosque • Imam: Shi’ite religious leader • Caliphs: Sunni religious Leaders • Holy book is called the Koran (Qu’ran) • The words of god spoken to Muhammad • Also believe in the old testament • Holy day: Friday
Two main sects of Islam • Shiite/Shi’ah (SHE-ITE) Believe leaders have to be related to Mohammed • The word "Shia” is commonly-known from shortening the historical "Shia-t-Ali," or "the Party of Ali.” Ali was a cousin & son-in-law of Mohammed. • Sunni (soo-nee) believe the new leader should be elected from among those capable of the job (Church Leaders). • The word "Sunni” means "one who follows the traditions of the Prophet."
5 PILLARS OF ISLAM • i. Shahadah (Faith) • Belief in Allah • ii. Salat (Prayer) • 5 times a day • iii. Zakat (almsgiving/Charity) • iv. Sawm (Fasting) • v. Hajj • Pilgrimage (visit) to Mecca
Dietary Laws Muslims follow a set of dietary laws which are outlined in the Qur'an. God specifically prohibited (haram). Everything that else is permitted (halal) Muslims do not consume pork or alcohol, and follow a humane process for the slaughter of animals for meat.
Holy Cities • Mecca is the city in Saudi Arabia where the Kaaba is located • Built by Abraham and Ishmael. • The Kaaba contains a Black Stone, enclosed in a silver ring. According to Muslim tradition, the Black Stone was given to Abraham by the angel Gabriel.
Holy Cities • Medina is the city where The Holy Mosque of the prophet Muhammad is located. • Dome of the rock is a large rock inside the mosque in Jerusalem. It is the place where Mohammed was ascended to heaven.