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‘The Future of the Irish Pub within Wider Society’ Julie Gannon, Research Project Manager &

‘The Future of the Irish Pub within Wider Society’ Julie Gannon, Research Project Manager & Gillian O’Brien, Doctoral Student THE FUTURES ACADEMY, FACULTY OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, DUBLIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. MEAS 3rd Annual Alcohol and Society Conference, The Clarion Hotel, Cork,

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‘The Future of the Irish Pub within Wider Society’ Julie Gannon, Research Project Manager &

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  1. ‘The Future of the Irish Pub within Wider Society’ Julie Gannon, Research Project Manager & Gillian O’Brien, Doctoral Student THE FUTURES ACADEMY, FACULTY OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, DUBLIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. MEAS 3rd Annual Alcohol and Society Conference, The Clarion Hotel, Cork, 11th October, 2005

  2. The Futures Academy The Futures Academy, DIT was established in 2003 as: …a centre of excellence to fulfil the need for a creative approach towards innovative strategic planning in Ireland by helping others prepare for, and embrace, future uncertainty… How do we achieve this? - professional guidance, training & seminars - cutting edge PhD research - international, EU & national projects - World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) - futures workshops - futures module

  3. Driving Forces of Change • “What are the major driving forces of change and how • should the Irish pub industry prepare itself • now to face a future of uncertainty and complexity?” • We are witnessing revolutionary transformations on a global, • European and Irish scale in the following 6 sectors: • Technology • Demography • Governance • Environment • Society/Culture • Economy

  4. The Need for a Futures Approach

  5. The Need for a Futures Approach • uncertain what lies ahead for Irish society • most of us anticipate some form of change: • - new markets • - new legislation • - new locations • - new competitors • - new technology • still plan and invest based on past trends and current conditions • leaves us in a difficult position when confronted with an • unfamiliar turn of events or unexpected change • a structured and creative ‘futures’ approach should be adopted

  6. The Benefits of a Futures Approach • powerful tools to aid decision making in face of uncertainty • multiple perspectives on complex events • highly interactive, intense and imaginative approach • challenging and surprising • rehearse tomorrow’s future to produce better decisions today • address, identify, evaluate and ameliorate RISK

  7. The Futures Field • Futures techniques include: • - Horizon Scanning • - Survey Questionnaires • - Scenarios • - Strategic Conversations • - Wind Tunnel Testing • - Visioning Workshops

  8. The Prospective through Scenarios Process So What? Gannon, O’Brien & Ratcliffe (2005) The Futures Academy

  9. The Irish Pub 2015 Futures Workshop

  10. Futures Workshops:A Handbook PART I: Background, Concepts & ‘Futures’ in Planning PART II: Practical guide to using futures methods & step-by-step advice on futures workshops PART III: Next steps, potential pitfalls & lessons from practice Futures Workshops A Handbook for Urban Practitioners Professor John S. Ratcliffe & Julie Gannon The Futures Academy Dublin Institute of Technology In conjunction with LUDA: Improving the Quality of Life in Large Urban Distressed Areas, a research project within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission.

  11. The Irish Pub 2015 • Briefing Session • Session 1: • Set the Strategic Question • Identify Driving Forces of Change • Determine Main Issues and Trends • Session 2: • Future Directions for the Irish Pub • Potential Wild Cards • Group Presentations & Discussion • So what? … • Fosters an inspiring and imaginative approach • About ‘why’, not just ‘where’ we want to go • A process of inclusive engagement • ‘Imagine forwards, plan backwards’ Futures Workshops

  12. A Vision for the Future of the Irish Pub in 2015

  13. “Integral part of the leisure industry…” “The Third Place…”

  14. “China towns at Ranelagh, Parnell Street…” “Turkish quarter…” “French cafes…”

  15. “What women want…” “Ladies who lunch…”

  16. “Classic movie nights…” “Internet bars…”

  17. “Leisure centres & gyms…” “Dvds…” “Off-licenses…”

  18. Challenges for the Future - What of the future beyond the today of 2015? - Will we see an anti-drink culture? - Will there be 24 hour opening, and shared uses ? - Will the grey market be more important? - Will we see the rise of the ‘members only’ bar? - Will food be the prime product not drink? - Will there be fine wines as well as fine ales? - Will entertaining outweigh imbibing? - Will the licensed trade accept social responsibility in return for commercial success? - Will the ‘experience’ matter more than alcohol?

  19. Closing Thought… “At the end of our exploration will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”. T.S. Elliot

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