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El presente progresivo

El presente progresivo. (Present progressive). What is it?. The present progressive is a tense used to describe an action in progress , meaning something that is happening right now. How is it formed?.

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El presente progresivo

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  1. El presenteprogresivo (Present progressive)

  2. What is it? • The present progressiveis a tense used to describe an action in progress, meaning something that is happening right now.

  3. How is it formed? • In English, the structure consists of the verb “to be” and the action verb ending in –ing. • I amsinging. • You areeating. • In Spanish, the structure is very similar. It consists of the verb “estar” and the action verb ending in –ando (ar verbs) or –iendo (er/irverbs). • Estoycantando. • Estáscomiendo.

  4. Participiopresente • The verb ending in –ing (English) and –ando/-iendo (Spanish) is called the present participle, or participiopresente. • To form the participiopresente, simply take off the –ar/-er/-ir ending and replace it with –andoor –iendo. • HABLAR HABL + ANDO = HABLANDO • COMER COM + IENDO = COMIENDO • ESCRIBIRESCRIB + IENDO = ESCRIBIENDO

  5. Important notes… • REMEMBER: The present progressive always consists of TWO PARTS: estar and the present participle (participiopresente). • The participiopresenteDOES NOT CHANGE. We know who’s doing the action by the form of estar. In other words, “hablando” does not make sense. I need to say “estoyhablando” to know who’s doing the action.

  6. Turn these into the present progressive : • Hablo • Estudias • Comemos • Cantan • Miras • Vivimos • Trabajáis • Monto

  7. Presenteprogresivo: práctica • I am working on the present progressive. • You are looking at your notes. • Srta. Lee is talking to a student. • Sr. Romero is teaching Texas history. • Sr. Romero and Sr. Bernhart are singing and dancing. • We are studying the present progressive. • They are eating in the cafeteria. • We are not running in the halls (pasillos).

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