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SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Mark talked about the difference between the adventures of the Galapagos Islands vs. visiting a zoo. He asked us to consider ways we may have settled for a very comfortable, safe experience when God has called us to so much more. Is there anything in our church or ministry that communicates a protected life of a zoo, rather than a faith journey that’s unpredictable?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Can you share any ways that you may have chosen a safe faith rather than answered a tough calling from God?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • What in our ministry and message challenges people to live dangerously for Christ? • What in our ministry and message allows people to stay in a protected environment?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Referencing the rich young ruler, Mark made the statement that there are Christians who feel they have everything figured out, yet something is missing. They follow the rules, but still cling to their own agenda. How does our ministry lead people to be fully devoted to the risk of following Christ? • Are there any other ways we can equip and launch people to impact their communities and our world?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Mark said, “Your greatest assets will become your greatest liabilities if you don’t use them for God’s purposes.” Is there something specific about our city that affects how we carry out the mission of our church? • How are we using what God has given us in people and possessions to reach our community for Christ?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • How are we using what God has given us in people and possessions to reach our world for Christ?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Mark shared how the disciples were poor in material possessions but they accumulated a wealth of experience in following Jesus. He talked about the still small voice that told him, “Don’t accumulate possessions; accumulate experiences.” How does that resonate with you? How can we apply that insight in leading others?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Realizing that the rich young ruler found his identity in his possessions, where do you see people in our ministry finding their identity? • How do we communicate and equip people on finding their identity and worth in Christ?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Do you find any struggles in your own life with where you find your identity? • Is there anything you are holding on to that you need to let go of?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Are there any non-verbal messages in our ministry that communicate excess or waste as it relates to money and possessions? • What can we do to communicate more clearly the heart of the mission of our church and make sure we’re not communicating a consumer-driven message?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • How can we challenge those we lead with the truths directly found in Scripture that deal with money and possessions? • As we talk about stewardship, how are we leading by example?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • How does Mark’s message line up with our mission, vision and values as a church?
SESSION THREE: MARK BATTERSON • Did Mark say anything that goes against our current strategies as a church? • Did he say anything that would cause us to refocus or rethink some of our strategies?