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ILWS Workshop 2006 on The Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earths Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects FEBRUARY 19-24, 2006 GOA, INDIA. Некоторые ключевые доклады. Plenary Sessions : Chuan-Yi Tu , et.al., KuaFu Sun-Earth system explorer project (PG3)
ILWS Workshop 2006 onThe Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earths Environment: Recent Progress and ProspectsFEBRUARY 19-24, 2006GOA, INDIA
Некоторые ключевые доклады Plenary Sessions : • Chuan-Yi Tu , et.al., KuaFu Sun-Earth system explorer project (PG3) • Joseph M.Davila, Barbara J. Thompson, and Nat Gopalswamy The International Heliophysical Year (PG6) • William Liu - Overview of the ILWS program and upcoming activities (PG1) • P.B. Rao - CAWSES-India (PG7) • P.K. Manoharan - IHY program in India(PG8) • C. Alex Young, et.al., - The Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) (PG9) • Judith L. Lean, - The Sun’s role in global climate change (PL1) • F. Hill - Recent advances in helioseismic predictors of space weather (PL9) Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Mesosphere • Hermann Lühr - The thermospheric response to geomagnetic storms • A. Boudouridis and E. Zesta - Results from the South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) • Nat Gopalswamy and S.Yashiro - Coronal mass ejections and space weather • David F. Webb - Space weather and coronal mass ejections Operational Space Weatherand Future missions • R. Zwickl - Space weather program in the US • Chi Wang - Introduction to SMESE mission • Gérard Thuillier and Jean-Yves Prado - The PICARD mission • Richard G. Marsden, and team: - Solar orbiter: A mission update • E. C. Sittler Jr., and team: - Solar probe: Close encounter with the Sun • T. Neubert, and team: - The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor
Доклады по наземным геомагнитным данным • Kiyohumi Yumoto and the MAGDAS group - MAGDAS project and its application for space weather • C. Robert ClauerThe geomagnetic storm-time response to different solar wind driving conditions • Athanasios Boudouridis and Eftyhia ZestaResults from the South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) • A. K. Sinha and R. RajaramEffect of pressure pulse on geomagnetic field oscillations • J. H. SastriEffect of magnetic storms and substorms on the low- latitude ionosphere • G. S. LakhinaOn magnetospheric storms and substorms • Yusuke Ebihara and Mei-Ching FokStructure and dynamics of the ring current during severe magnetic storms
Доклады сотрудников ИИГ • David Anderson, Adela Anghel, Jorge Chau, Kiyohumi Yumoto and Archana Bhattacharyya - Daytime, low latitude, vertical ExB drift velocities, inferred from ground-based magnetometer observations in the Peruvian, Philippine and Indian longitude sectors under quiet and disturbed conditions [Invited] (I7) • A. Bhattacharyya, B. Engavale, D. Tiwari and S. BoseEffect of solar variability on transionospheric radio wave propagation in the equatorial region • Rashmi Rawat, Sobhana Alex and G. S. LakhinaLow latitude geomagnetic signatures following two major Solar energetic particle events at different phases of solar cycle-23 • B.M. Pathan, A. Dhar, A. Hanchinal and C. SelvarajExtended period of low density solar wind - ground geomagnetic signatures
Доклады и обсуждения от ИЗМИРАН • A.Zaitzev and V.Odintsov - Main features of the IMF sector structure during 23 circle of solar activity as its inferred from ground-based geomagnetic data (M6) • A.Zaitzev(NCAOR),- Russian Geophysical Observations in High Latitudes: Retrospects and Prospects • A.Zaitzev and team: Re-establish cooperation on the Geomagnetic Meridian GM-145
– all nordic countries, 150 points of observations – detailed studies of high latitudes geomagnetic disturbances International Geomagnetic Meridian Project was in since 1972
– experience since 1972, more than 30 years – analog data available for period 1972-1982 – digital data available since 1986 to 1998 – international symposiums at 1976 and 1986 Geomagnetic meridian GM-145 Cooperation Russia-Kazakhstan-India
High Latitude Portion of GM-145 at 1972-1998 • Since 1972 there are analog recordings 20 mm/hour • Since 1985 first digital magnetometers were installed onDixon, Bely Isl., Sabetta, Cape Kamenny, Salekhard, • Analog data in WDC, digital data in Internet www.iki.rssi.ru/magbase
Geomagnetic Meridian GM-145 as expected at 2006: Arctic Sea, Yamal Peninsula, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, India • 12 magnetometers, • 5 ionosondes • 7 institutes : AARI, IPG, IZMIRAN, IG-Ural, Surgut Univ., Inst.Geophysics (Siberia), Inst.Ionosphere, Indian Inst.Geomagnetism • beginning of operation – 2007 • base observatories : Heiss Isl., Dixon, Salekhard, Novosibirsk, Almata, Alibag, Trivandrum • more than 10 additional expedition points
Практические шаги по возобновлению работы на меридиане ГМ-145 1. Наладить сотрудничество между институтами России, Казахстана и Индии по координации наблюдений на ГМ-145 2.Создать открытую информационную систему в сети Интернет, включающую данные сети наблюдений на ГМ-145. 3.Разработать программу научных исследований на основе предложений всех участников, обеспечивающих наблюдения на геомагнитном меридиане ГМ-145 от высоких широт до экватора 4.Координация наблюдений на ГМ-145 с программами МПГ и МГГ на 2007-2010 гг. , а также с новыми космическими программами типа THEMIS, SWAMP и т.п.
Научные задачи сети наблюдений на ГМ-145 • Исследовать структуру и динамику токовых систем на уровне ионосферы и магнитосферы • Провести детальное сопоставление токов, определяемых по наземным данными и по спутниковым измерениям • Исследовать связь и характер возмущений в высоких широтах с возмущениями в средних и низких широтах • Создать информационную базу данных по сети обсерваторий ГМ-145, наладить обмен данными, разработать набор стандартных программ (инструментов) анализа данных • разработать методику представления данных в реальном времени
Prospects for geophysicalobservations: 2007-2008 and onwards • IPY – 2007-2008 , www.ipy.org • IHY – 2007-2012, www.ihy.org • eGY – 2006 – 2012, www.egy.org • National program for economical developments include the knowledge of geophysical conditions • Academy of Sciences and HydroMet Service responsible for continues activity in Arctic and Antarctic
New South Pole Station will be inaugurated at 2007-2008 season http://www.southpolestation.com/