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Institute of Water Research, Michigan State UniversityGreat Lakes Protection Fund ProjectRestoring Great Lakes Basin Waters Through the Use of Conservation Credits and an Integrated Water Balance Analysis System3rd ADVISORY TEAM MEETINGWednesday, October 26, 2005 (9:30 – 3:30)(Corniche Room, Kellogg Center, MSU)
Restoring Great Lakes Basin Water Through the Use of Conservation Credits and an Integrated Water Balance Analysis System Funding Source: The Great Lakes Protection Fund Project Duration: 24 months Starting Date: January 2005 Principal Investigators Dr. Jon F. Bartholic The Institute of Water Research & Dr. Sandra S. Batie Dept. of Agricultural Economics Michigan State University
Project goal • Overall project goal is to explore the necessary conditions for a science-based decision support system that will assist policy decision makers involved with ground water management in Great Lakes Basin restoration. • Case Study approach
Spatial Limitation and Assumptions • With the spatial limitation on state-wide modeling, we are interested in protecting critical fish habitat from groundwater withdrawals. The Augusta Creek Watershed is selected as a case study. Brook trout is the key species to protect. We look at the impact of water withdrawals on groundwater discharge (water quantity) and its affect on trout and their habitats.
Specific Objective • Our specific objective is to provide science-based information to assist in making better decisions with respect to ground water withdrawal management in critical watersheds of Michigan to protect trout habitats.
Inputs from Advisory Team Comprised of Reps. From: • Environmental/Conservation Organization • Business/Industry/Utilities • Agriculture • State Planners • State government • Citizens User Assistance Interface Web-Site for Transactions The Project Gathering Inputs forDevelopment & Improvement Developing a Decision Support System “Water Balance Analysis System” Identifying Market based Alternatives • Law, regulations, and institutions • Identification of Alternatives • Impact of Alternatives on Trout Survival • Identification of Offsets and Mitigation and Impacts • Monitoring • Dispute Resolution Surface Hydrology Model Aquifer Model Aquatic Ecosystem Model Database Integration Implementing a Market Based Alternatives System Developing a Web Site for Transactions Developing a User Assistance Interface User Assistance Interface Site Selection Vulnerability Mapping Market-based Alternatives (A Hypothetical Demonstration Project) Central Tracking Database
Three major project components • Water Balance Analysis System • Market-Based Alternatives • User Assistance Interface
First project component“Water Balance Analysis System” • Identify critical watershed • Integrated assessments • Dynamic with trade-offs • Impacts of land-use changes on water surface/ground water and groundwater withdraws on base flow and trout habitat
Second project component“Market-based Alternatives” • Identify the necessary market conditions and legal framework necessary for a market based alternatives • With a hypothetical case embedded with real data from Augusta Creek watershed, examine alternative market based mechanisms for maintaining a safe minimum standard of water temperature for brook trout. • Examine mitigation and offset alternatives and their impacts on water temperature and trout survival
Third project component“User Assistant Interface” • Develop a User Assistance Interface which identifies critical habitat by clear watershed boundaries • Provide information on impact on cost of mitigation and offsets
For more information about the project.. Visit our web-site at… http://www.iwr.msu.edu/research/projects.html
Meeting Goals • Update on project progress and expected outcomes of the fist project component, “Water Balance Analysis System”. • Discuss a case study in the selected watershed of the second project component, “Market-based Alternatives”. • Suggestions for future development of the third project component, “User Assistance Interface”.