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Birthdays & Anniversaries. Aug. 14 th Brittany Swafford Aug. 18 th Ella Kate Jackson Keith & Sarah Buchanan Aug 21 st Kristen Hughes. Trail Life!. The True Token 5. EXODUS 12:23
Birthdays & Anniversaries • Aug. 14th Brittany Swafford • Aug. 18th Ella Kate Jackson • Keith & Sarah Buchanan • Aug 21st Kristen Hughes
Trail Life! True Token 5
The True Token 5 EXODUS 12:23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.
Token A thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc. A voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services, typically one given such as a gift or for travel. (Heb.) 'owth A sign, a distinguishing mark, banner, a miraculous sign, warning, or proof. True Token 5
Token: “owth” GENESIS 4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. GENESIS 9:12-13 12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. True Token 5
TOKEN 159 And the Holy Ghost is a positive Token that your Lamb died and you received the Token upon yourself, for His very Life is in you. 61 No devil, no sickness, no death, no sorrow, nor nothing else, can bother you as long as you hold that Token over it… Holding the Token in your hand, you have an assurance of resurrection. You have the assurance that everything you have need of, in this journey… that Token speaks peace. Amen. There is no devil can stand before It. There is nothing can stand before It, because God has accepted It. And you hold the Token in your hand, that the price is paid. Oh, it's a positive Token. 63-0901 True Token 5
THE.TOKEN 132 Then, when we pray, we must have the Token to present with our prayers. Now don't fail to get that. When you pray, you must have the Token to hold over your prayer; if you're not, you pray until the Token comes, 'cause you're not promised to receive it. See, you've got to have this Token first... 64-0308 Believe It. Accept It. Full obedience to the whole Word of God will entitle you to the Token. Full obedience! Not the part of It as far as your denomination goes, but all of It. Full obedience to the Word, which is Christ, brings you into Christ. 63-0901 True Token 5
THE.TOKEN 119 We're not to come together to talk about the Message. We are come together to get in the Message. And the Message is Christ, He is the Word. We're to get into It, get beneath It. Yes, sir. 120 He was not responsible for any persons out from under the blood, not one; no matter who he was, he was not responsible. All had to take not only himself, but his whole family. They're only safe when the token was displayed. We cannot feel safe until this Token is displayed. You must come under this Token, God's Holy Spirit. And It displays to you Jesus Christ, because It comes and lives in you. 63-1128 True Token 5
TOKEN 249 Now, you people that's listening to This, on tape, you women, you men, you listen a minute. If you ever believed me, you believe It now. 250 It's time for to quit fussing with one another. Believe the Message of the Bible! Believe Jesus Christ! And love, and honor, and respect one another. Man respect your wives. You respect your homes. Bring your home together, because, remember, this Lamb was for the home, not just one; for the whole home, too, had to be brought. Everything had to be brought in. We should love each other. And believers should separate themselves from the world. 63-0901 True Token 5
HEBREWS 11:31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace. True Token 5
Received: (Gr.) To take up, receive; to receive or grant access to, a visitor, not to refuse friendship; to receive hospitality; to receive into one's family to bring up or educate; give ear to, embrace, make one's own; To receive. i.e. to take upon one's self, sustain, bear, endure. True Token 5
THE.TOKEN 113 One woman in that whole great economy! One little woman, and her of ill fame, probably excommunicated from every church in the city, but she believed that messenger. And that messenger left the token, the sign, and God honored the token. So is it today. Just remember, when God's wrath destroyer that come, that big system fell, the token kept her house safe. Not 'cause she was a good woman; because she had faith and applied the token. 64-0308 True Token 5
THE.TOKEN 75 It was only a shadow of the Real for this day, the Antitype. The Token must be displayed. A Jew could furnish, could furnish the evidence that he was in the covenant; but the token wasn't there, the covenant was without any effect. And so is it today, my brother, my sister. 76 And everyone can see the dullness of the church today. Everybody can see the deadness of many, too many of the members. It's because that you have played around, you've took sensations and you've took other things. True Token 5
And you have trusted upon the wisdom of some man, upon the theology of some organization, upon the membership of your mother's church, and upon some loyal pastor. But that all are good things, have nothing against them, no more than circumcision was to the Jew, but that wasn't God's program. "When I see the blood," and it only! 63-1128 MATTHEW 7:21-23 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. True Token 5
LEADERSHIP 162 …You're either for God or against God, and the outward expressions shows exactly what's on the inside. Many of you think, "I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I'm going to Heaven." That don't mean one thing that you're going to Heaven. No, sir. You can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost every hour in your life, and still be lost and go to hell. The Bible says so. 65-1207 True Token 5
163 Look here, you are a outside person. You have five senses that contacts that outside body.. Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the spiritual. But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God. 167 …And when a man has been borned again by the Word of God, predestinated to Eternal Life, called "The Elected," it'll be Word of God on top of Word, Word on Word! Not a denominational creed and then a Word, and a creed; and it won't work. You can't have that leaven in It! Only one Eternal Life, Jesus Christ the Word: True Token 5
SIRS.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS What will take place at that day if our sins are not under the blood? It'll be a terrible day for many, and a glorious day for many. For it'll be the day of rejoicing for those who have accepted our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then all of our sins will be put upon Him, and He will be our Attorney at the bar. I'm so glad to know tonight that the testimony, that I have confessed all my sins to Him some 30 yrs. ago, have been on the field trying to represent Him to people, as a real Attorney who can plead the case so perfect, until God forgives every sin and sends back the Seal of His recognition to us to be sons and daughters of His Holy Spirit to give us witness. 60-0109 True Token 5
REVELATION 1:12 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; True Token 5
THE.PATMOS.VISION 167 Now, here's more proof that this doctrine is right about being the Lord's day. Notice. He was not a priest during this time; neither was He a king; He was a Judge. Notice, a high priest, when he went into the sanctuary or went in to minister, to service, he tied himself around the waist. Tying his girdle around the waist, meant that he was serving: never tied it over his shoulder. But here He comes out, walking out with the girdle tied around the top, over His shoulder, girded about the paps, with a golden girdle, girded up high. What is it? A judge. The judge with his sash over his shoulder, girded up here, not down as a priest… shows He wasn't in His priesthood now. John went all the way over into the Lord's day and saw Him coming as the Judge. 60-1204 True Token 5
THE.IMPERSONATION.OF.CHRISTIANITY 19 And God likened the prophet to the eagle that would go in the makeup of a prophet. He is a seer that in the Spirit climbs beyond the emotion of the church… beyond the rhythm of the music… beyond the joy among the saints. God brings him up into a realm alone, He opens his eyes, lets him look around and see things that is to come. Then He brings him back down among the members of the body to foretell …what is in the making. A prophet is also a gift of knowledge. A knowledge is like an attorney, who studies books, when you go to hire an attorney to plead your case, he's only taking what he knows, and you're paying for what he knows to present your case before the judge. 57-0120 True Token 5
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK 63-3 What is there to fear? The judgment that fell upon Him at the cross, at the grave, and when He descended, was for us. He absorbed the full brunt of the wound of sin and there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. See for a surety our "Attorney" is our "Judge". He is both "Attorney" and "Judge." As Judge the "case is settled"--it is finished. There is now therefore no condemnation. Why should the church fear? True Token 5
TOKEN 111 But in this case, the Judge Himself becomes our Attorney. God became man. There was no attorney could do it. We couldn't find one. Moses, and the Law, the prophets, nothing could do it. So the Judge become both Jury, Attorney, and Judge, Himself; and took the justice of His Law in His Own hands, and paid the price of it, Himself. How much more secure could we be? And sent His Own Life back upon us, as a witness that He has accepted it. How safely! 113 When He becomes both Judge, Jury, and Attorney, He pleaded our case. We, found guilty by His Own Law; and He come and took the guilty person's place, that was in the sanctuary. He took his sin. He took it upon Himself, and died, and paid the price, and shed His Blood, and give back His Own Token, His Own Life. 63-0901 True Token 5
THE.TOKEN 44 If you had to come to the courts, of being guilty, you would seek the best lawyer you could find. Anybody would do it. And every man that's born in the world, I don't care how good of home he come out of, he is guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ until he has accepted the pardon of it. And the only way that you know the pardon is right, when the Token puts Itself upon you, and you have the Token. 46 Notice, you are guilty, and you would hunt the best attorney that you could find to plead your case. And if I was going to the Judgment of God, I don't want no priest, I don't want no man; I want the best attorney I can find to plead my case. True Token 5
47 Let me say to this, to you, my Christian friend. Our attorney is also our judge, and our judge became our attorney. The case is settled when we receive His pardon. The judge Himself came down and became the attorney, and the attorney and judge is the same Person. God become man, that He might justify man by His Own death that He placed upon him. Hallelujah! Our judge and our attorney is the same Person. 48 The Holy Ghost is the Token that we have been pardoned. The case is closed. To every man and woman that truly has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he has been tried, he is identified with his attorney, with his judge, with his sacrifice, and the Token he holds in his possession shows that his trip is paid to Glory. 64-0308 True Token 5
TOKEN_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M 120 There it is, it cannot perish now. The Life lays over it. It's a Token, lays over that little body, lays over that soul of that person. There is a Token over there, the Holy Spirit, that it belongs to God. It's His. "When I see the Token, I'll pass over you." A positive Token, the Holy Spirit is our Token. Therefore, when you receive the Holy Ghost, you've passed from death to Life. That's all there is to it, 'cause Life is in you. You can no more perish. True Token 5
THE.TOKEN 67 Now the attorney may think that he has it all put down. But, you see, who is the judge is going to decide the case, whether the attorney can make it clear to him that you're justified in your deed. 68 O God, if the people could only see this! Our Judge is our Attorney. The case is settled. It's all over. The same One is Judge is the Attorney, is our Attorney. The case is settled, we have the Token… When God was made flesh and dwelt among us, our Judge become our Attorney, and the case is settled. And the Holy Ghost is here for a Token that we're ready to pass from here into the Lands beyond. 63-1128 True Token 5