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Administration of Street & Highway Works Notices. TRAINING HAND OUT For those involved in the administration of street works notices. Based on the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 Code of Practice for the Co-ordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters
Administration of Street & Highway Works Notices TRAINING HAND OUT For those involved in the administration of street works notices Based on the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 Code of Practice for the Co-ordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters Technical Specification for the Electronic Transfer of Notifications (EToN)
Background & Basics Hand out for
7 WORKS CLASSIFICATION 7.3 Registerable Works Page 42 7.3.4 Included and Excluded Works Works promoters must register, or notice, all works that: (a) Involve the breaking up or resurfacing any street, (see below for pole testing and coring involving excavation). (b) Involve opening the carriageway or cycleway of traffic-sensitive streets at traffic sensitive times. (c) Require any form of temporary traffic control as defined in the Code of Practice for Safety at Street Works and Road Works. (d) Reduce the lanes available on a carriageway of three or more lanes. (e) Require a temporary traffic regulation order or notice, or the suspension of pedestrian facilities. (f) Require a reduction in the width of the existing carriageway of a traffic-sensitive street at a traffic-sensitive time Works promoters do not need to register the following works in advance however, where reinstatement is carried out it must be registered within 10 days of completion. • traffic census surveys - because disclosure prior to a census can encourage a change in normal traffic flows • pole testing involving excavation - does not require registration in advance, unless one or more of rules (b) - (f) above, apply. • core holes - not exceeding 150 mm in diameter do not require registration in advance, unless one or more of rules (b) - (f) above, apply. • road markings - that are not part of a larger set of works and do not reduce the width of the carriageway, as they do not involve breaking up of the highway If a street authority gives prior written agreement to a works promoter, small excavations may not need to be registered in advance, unless one or more of rules (b) - (f) above, apply. For this purpose small excavations are defined as those associated with existing apparatus and that do not exceed 150 mm distance from the building line and are no larger than150 mm. The statutory requirements for signing, lighting and guarding of all of the above activities, as well as the requirements for the legal parking of any associated vehicles, must be complied with at all times. Code of Practice for the Co-ordination of Street Works and Works for Road Purposes and Related Matters
Where do we send a notice? Notices for works on publically maintainable streets go to the Street Authority. (The Highways Agency is the Street Authority for most motorways and trunk roads) Notices for works on private streets go to the ‘street manager’ or all the frontagers. A copy should also be sent to the Street Authority for recording on their Register. A promoter should take all reasonable steps to determine the identity of a ‘Street Manager’ for a private street. Some streets may have an ‘interested organisation’ registered on the gazetteer.Notices should also be sent to any interested organisations. (eg Network Rail for works on streets that have a level crossing).
What type of notice to send Hand out for
How do you decide what Notice to send? Estimated Duration Major: Standard: Minor: Immediate - Urgent Immediate – Emergency 11 + days 4 to 10 days (Maximum) 3 days (Maximum) Duration determined by nature of works - extensions can be requested Duration determined by nature of works - extensions can be requested
WORKS CATEGORY SELECTION Immediate Emergency Works YES Is immediate work required to prevent or end a dangerous situation (includes dangerous defective works or reinstatements) NO Is work to prevent or end an unplanned interruption to a supply or to avoid substantial loss with respect to an existing supply, or to reconnect a supply to comply with a statutory duty (HA works: signs, bollards etc) Immediate Urgent Works YES NO Major Works Are the works in the annual programme OR need a TTRO OR have a planned duration of 11 days or more, other than immediate works YES NO Minor Works YES Are the works, other than immediate OR major works with a planned duration of 3 days or less NO Standard Works
Notice periods and sequence Hand out for
Advance Warning – minimum periods Advance s 54. Proposed Start s 55 (Immediate Urgent s55. Immediate Emergency s 57). Works Start or Revised Duration s 74.
What information is required on the initial notice? Hand out for
Error corrections/Amendments The following information can be corrected using a Works Data Alteration notice, some of which need an agreement from the authority • Works description – can only be amended with agreement • USRN/Provisional street details – can only be amended with agreement • Applicable designation – can only be amended with agreement • Grid reference/s – can only be amended with agreement • Location description – can only be amended with agreement • Restricted notice flag – can be updated withoutagreement • Attachments – can be added without agreement • Project reference & Description - can be amended without agreement • Promoter & Contractor details – can be amended without agreement Agreements must be obtained from the relevant authority
Retracting S74 notices sent in error • If an Actual Start, or Works Stop notice has been issued on a notice in error, it may be possible to retract the notice using a Works Status Correction notice • An agreement must be reached with the relevant authority before sending this correction notice
Works completed what happens next ? Hand out for
Works Completed – Detail of reinstatement Site 1 Street_Location: – Footway (optional) Site_Location_Text: - From o/s No 6 to outside No 24. Side Street 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Front Street Site 1 On the Proposed Notice the notice would be created and sent on the USRN for Front Street Works_Description: - Lay 1 x 100mm dia. pipe, 10m in C/W at 600mm cover, 60m in F/W at 350mm cover. It is only necessary at the this stage to create 1 site on the notice. Proposed Notice
Works Completed – Detail of reinstatement Site 1 (Amended) Street_Location: - Footway Site_Location_Text: – From o/s No 6 to jcn Side Street. Length x Width: - 30m x 0.4m Site 2 (New) Street_Location: – Carriageway Site_Location_Text: – Across jcn of Side Street. Length x Width: - 10m x 0.4m Site 3 (New) Street_Location: - Footway Site_Location_Text: – From jcn Side Street to o/s No 24. Length x Width: - 30m x 0.4m Side Street 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30m F/W 10m C/W 30m F/W Front Street Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 We now need to add the location text on Site 1 and create additional sites to cover the different surfaces in the trench work, and add reinstatement details, including a grid reference for all works. Partial Registration – works still in progress
Works Completed – Detail of reinstatement Site 1 (Amended) Street_Location: - Footway Site_Location_Text: – From o/s No 6 to jcn Side Street. Length x Width: - 30m x 0.4m Site 2 (New) Street_Location: – Carriageway Site_Location_Text: – Across jcn of Side Street. Length x Width: - 10m x 0.4m Site 3 (New) Street_Location: - Footway Site_Location_Text: – From jcn Side Street to o/s No 24. Length x Width: - 30m x 0.4m Side Street 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30m F/W 10m C/W 30m F/W Front Street Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 We now need to add the location text on Site 1 and create additional sites to cover the different surfaces in the trench work, and add reinstatement details, including a grid reference for all works. Full Registration
Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) Hand out for
Offences under • s54 (5) Advance Notice • s55 (5) Starting Date • s55 (9) Cancellation • s57 (4) Immediate - Emergency • s70 (6) Registration • s74 (7b) Actual Start/Revised Duration/Works Stop
FPN Offences - Content Notice received time could not be determined. USRN not found in street gazetteer. You are not among the list of notice recipients. Works proposed during restriction in force without agreement. No agreement for provisional street works found. USRN on confirmation notice from differs from that on the original notice or last error correction notice. Registration date not within 10 days of closed notice. Registration received against non-excavation works. No length and width received for site. Length and width received foe subsumed site. Length greater than 10m while plotted as point type. Location co-ordinated not provided. Location feature type not provided for location coordinates. Site coordinates not provided. Site feature type not provided for site coordinates.
FPN Offences – Missing Content Missing initial notice for major works, while confirmation has been notice received. Notice has been received without previous notice. Possible missing cancellation notice for major works. Possible missing cancellation notice for minor/standard works. Full reinstatement not received within 10 days of actual stop notice. Cancellation notice received late. Registration notice received late.
FPN Offences - Sequence Possible missing notices, notice number greater than expected. Notice sequence number already exists. Unable to locate phase, confirmation notice sent without initial notice. No phase found for works, works stop notice sent for non-existent works. Works stop notice served before actual start notice. No phase found, registration notice sent for non-existent works. Initial notice received for cancelled works. Reinstatement not received for the previous phase. Initial notice received before previous phase has stopped.
FPN Offences - Timing Proposed start is after estimated end. Works proposed outside 58 response time. Works proposed outside 58a response time. Insufficient notice given for major works first phase initial notice Insufficient notice given for major works initial notice. Insufficient notice given for standard works initial notice. Standard works duration exceeds 10 working days. Standard works duration is less than 4 working days. Insufficient notice given for minor works initial notice. Minor works duration greater tan 3 working days. Insufficient notice given for major works confirmation notice. Proposed start date for major works outside validity period. Insufficient notice given for major works confirmation notice. Confirmation notice received after initial notice estimated start.
FPN Offences – Timing Confirmation notice received during S54(4a) cancellation period. S55 confirmation notice received whilst previous confirmation notice still valid. Invalid proposed start on S55 confirmation notice. Actual start before proposed start without agreement. Actual start notice received late. Actual start date in the future. Major works started outside validity period. Standard works started outside validity period. Minor works started outside validity period. Works stop date before actual start date. Late notification of works stop notice. Works stop date in future. Invalid site reinstatement date. Site reinstatement date in future. Registration received for works that are either in progress or stopped.
Administration of Street & Highway Works Notices Further info available: - • DfT Website www.dft.gov.uk • SEHAUC Websitewww.sehauc.org.uk • HAUC(UK) Website www.hauc.org.uk For full information and advice notes