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Final Presentation. P13681. Austin Frazer Role: Lead Engineer - Analysis Major: Mechanical Engineering Eileen Kobal Role: Lead Engineer – Mixtures of Gas Fluids Major: Chemical Engineering Ana Maria Maldonado Role: Team Manager Major: Industrial Engineering Marie Rohrbaugh
Final Presentation P13681
Austin Frazer • Role: Lead Engineer - Analysis • Major: Mechanical Engineering • Eileen Kobal • Role: Lead Engineer – Mixtures of Gas Fluids • Major: Chemical Engineering • Ana Maria Maldonado • Role: Team Manager • Major: Industrial Engineering • Marie Rohrbaugh • Role: Project Manager • Major: Mechanical Engineering The Team
Valve Concept Summary Fixtures interface between AGT can and valve Fixturing/leakage similar to other side Valve leakage Fixture leakage Moog’s Problem Statement: To mass spectrometer High pressure helium High pressure helium Leakage from valve Leakage from Fixture Leakage from room through lid and baseplate
Concept Summary Continued Valve Moog’s current means of fixture leakage reduction: Vented Double O-ring 0 psi (Vacuum) 3000 psi • Vent open to ambient. Leakage past 1st O-Ring is meant to dissipate out of can • MSD team is able to modify vent conditions
Concept Summary Continued Moog’s current means of fixture leakage reduction: Large O-rings • Moog already has “constant N2 flow” subsystem implemented on bottom large O-ring • Similar subsystem could be applied to top large O-ring • This was listed as lower priority Constant N2 flow during test
Customer Specifications and Requirements Numbers represent how well the engineering specification meets the customer requirement . The Ranking describes how important the customer need is. Voice of the Customer to Voice of the Engineer Ranking
Simulink Model • System was modeled in Simulink to help select a concept • Only vented double O-ring was modeled. Not large O-rings • Model was built with a perfectly mixed assumption. This would prove to be a poor assumption • Results of the Simulation indicated that a pulse-purge vent condition would most drastically reduce the fixture leakage. This was the basis for the system design of MSD I
Initial Project Design – End of MSD I The initial design (per the detailed design review) was intended to be a permanent system. Due to budget cuts this was eliminated as a viable concept Design accounts for large O-ring and vented double O-ring leakage • Permanent Subsystem Required: • Modification of baseplate • Robust Labview programming by Moog supplier • System was required to operate independent of operator input • Multiple circle seal valves • Robust and space - efficient mounting of all required components • Hardlines capable of safely handling high pressures • Cost: Approximately $7,500 per AGT
Initial Project Design Continued High Pressure Inlet All vents connected to one system Access port to Vent Modifications to baseplate necessary
Actual System Design – Portable System • Due to budget cuts, a portable “proof of concept” system was created to test the validity of the pulse purge vented double O-ring • Most design criteria from MSD I remained intact. Changes include • Valves, regulators, electrical components donated by Moog • All parts machined and assembled by the MSD team • Electrical subsystem to control valve(s) to be designed/implemented by MSD team • Operator input into system OK
Actual Project Design – Portable System Tube represents valve. Typically the Fixture system is on both the inlet and outlet of the valve. Welded to minimize leakage High Pressure Helium into Fixture System Seals have two o-rings with a vent between. Gas moves freely between the seals. Helium Leakage from Fixture Vented Helium
Bill of Materials Total cost ~$1000 Total cost after donated/borrowed items ~$40
System Architecture Flexline goes to next slide
System Architecture Continued Vent Port Helium Inlet
Results • 4 hours of continuous leakage data was acquired under varying vent conditions. Sample plot is given below:
Results Continued Analysis of the test data produces the following plots: Duty cycle varies within this plot. No correlation between duty cycle and leakage rate* Proves to increase fixture leakage (as expected) Not strong enough correlation to draw conclusions (see order of magnitude) *It is concluded that the N2 pulse actually pushes the Helium out of the vent. Uniform mixing does not occur
Results Continued 1 sec of pressure followed by 50 sec of vacuum Cycled 14 times 14 peaks Constant N2 flow around large O-rings significantly reduces fixture leakage
Conclusions • Proof-of-concept design was successfully designed and assembled. Reliable test data was collected • Test data indicates that pulsing/purging the vented double O-ring volume does not reduce fixture leakage adequately • Test data indicates that constant flow of N2 past the lower large O-ring significantly reduces leakage results • A constant flow through the vent is expected to significantly reduce fixture leakage • Project output is consistent with current Moog priorities • Data was collected and the concept was tested. Relatively few un-returnable company resources were used. A conclusive answer has been acquired
Our Recommendation • Do not pursue pulse purge vent condition • If modifying selected fixturing was a possibility, allowing a constant flow through the vent is expected to significantly reduce fixture leakage • Implement the constant N2 flow system on the upper large O-ring • Designs have already been completed for the modification of the can and manufacturing of addition required components
MSD II Schedule We finished on time!!!
Acknowledgements • Robert Bauer & Moog Space and Defense Group • Michael Zona • Dr. Jason Koldziej • Dr. KarunaKoppula • Dr. Elizabeth DeBartolo • Prof. John Wellin
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