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Presented by:. AI , AINI AND ANGGI. The combination of traditional Learning and e-learning.

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  1. Presented by: AI , AINI AND ANGGI

  2. The combination of traditional Learning and e-learning

  3. Hopper (2003) states that blended classes have been proved more effective than full on-line classes because it is able to create positive collaboration between direct (face to face) and on-line environment.

  4. Blended Learning Levels (Graham, 2006)

  5. SOME ADVANTAGES Accessibility and flexibility Enhancing learning independency Various types of learning experience Promoting participations for introverts • Retaining social interactions • Promote public speaking skills • Promote writing skills • Build connection between student and teacher

  6. Why Blended Learning? Owsonet al (2006) • Due to the developing of critical thinking and the need of student’s satisfaction • Offering flexibility • Spending efficiency To intersect best aspects of face-to-face with online learning

  7. Graham, Allen, and Ure (2005) states that commonly people choose blended learning because: • blended learning is improving education, • access and flexibility, and • cost efficiency

  8. BL APPROACH • Full provision of module related documents in electronic format, • Regular formative assessment with feedback, • Opportunities to learn from each other collaboratively, • Electronic personal development planning, • The opportunity to submit all appropriate summative assessment electronically, • All face-to-face learning is interactive.

  9. Blended Learning Application in Language Learning to master target language communicative competence. Blended E-Learning Cooperative Approach (BeLCA) It comprises three aspects: • E-learning • Face-to-face • Cooperative learning Tarigan (1984) Grammatical competence Sociolinguistic competence Discourse competence Strategic competence

  10. Blended E-Learning and Cooperative Approach (BeLCA) This approach combines face-to-face learning, the utilization of technology in learning, and learning activity in pairs or groups. It comprises three types of interaction which have to integrate : Social interaction Material Teacher interaction

  11. Disadvantages of BeLCA • Internet cost • Computer availability in a great number of schools • Many teachers do not have enough technology literacy • Student readiness • Teacher’s workload • Institution support • Internet abuse anxiety

  12. BLENDED LEARNINGPROSPECT • on-line courses • content development training • e-learning management • e-learning services and devices • Equipped a large number of school with computers, internet, human resources, software and professional development • Egypt has supported teachers so that they are used to delivering on-line course and developing website which enable them to exchange information, comments, suggestions and materials (Wanchaver,2004)

  13. ADDIE model of BelCAdesign and development Dick, Carey, and Carey (2001) Analysis Evaluation Design Feedback Try-Out Development Implementation

  14. FACTORS THAT PROMOTE SUCCESFUL BL Institutional success factors: • BL should be developed • Organizational readiness, sufficient technical resources • Room for staff • Transformative redesign • Institutional practice

  15. Teacher Success Factors • Continuing professional development • On-going pedagogical and technical support to sustain teacher innovation • Fears of losing control • Workloads

  16. Student Success Factors • Maturity and readiness for BL • Responsibility and good management skill • Consistency and transparancy of communication around the expectation

  17. Summary • Blended Learning is the incorporation of traditional learning and e-learning • Blended learning can be applied as an alternative approach in teaching • Blended learning can be integrated with cooperative and collaborative learning (BelCa) • It is effective, efficient, and attractive • Allows student to be an important part in learning and build learning interdependency

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