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Adjectives of Special Declension There are ten adjectives in Latin that are called irregular, but they are declined like adjectives of the first and second declensions with the exception of only two cases: (1) the genitive singular, which ends in -ius in all genders; (2) the dative
Adjectives of Special Declension There are ten adjectives in Latin that are called irregular, but they are declined like adjectives of the first and second declensions with the exception of only two cases: (1) the genitive singular, which ends in -ius in all genders; (2) the dative singular, which ends in -i in all genders. alius alia aliud - other, another Nom. alius alia aliud Gen. alius alius alius Dat. alii alii alii (Pages 216 - 217) Acc. alium aliam aliud Abl. alio alia alio Nom. alii aliae alia Gen. aliorum aliarum aliorum Dat. aliis aliis aliis Acc. alios alias alia Abl. aliis aliis aliis
Ten Irregular Adjectives Masc. Fem. Neu. 1. alius alia aliud another, other (of several), else 2. alter altera alterum the other, the one (of two) 3. uter utra utrum which (of two) 4. uterque utraque utrumque each (of two), both 5. neuter neutra neutrum neither (of two) 6. unus una unum one, alone; only (pl.) 7. ullus ulla ullum any 8. nullus nulla nullum none, no 9. solus sola solum alone, sole, only, single 10. totus tota totum the whole, entire, all (Pages 216 - 217)