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Brief experiences,ASu. Cultural adjustment, Legal issue, services,Transportation,Cash . Big-ideas, NCFTE, Good Teacher ,Small Reform, ASU visit. Reform P roposal, ASU library. PLC, Kits-Laptop, camera,Books ,
Brief experiences,ASu Cultural adjustment, Legal issue, services,Transportation,Cash. Big-ideas, NCFTE, Good Teacher ,Small Reform, ASU visit. Reform Proposal, ASU library. PLC, Kits-Laptop, camera,Books, Visit to-Adam Ele, Desert Thunder Ele. Messa Public School, Phonex Union HS, Franklin Police & Fire HS,ECE-PSTE in ASU. Field Visit-Gold field, Canyon lake,SonoraDesert.KartteshnerCaveran. Washingto DC, Manumentvalley,Grant Canyon. Training-Technology, Gender Equity, Core learning, Professional Library, McREL, TAP, Education for Democracy, Leadership for Change, Ethnic Module, Sustainability, Early Literacy Module,etc.
School visit and observation Instructional Planning, Grouping, Activities and participation. Dedication, Devotion, Involvement, Accountable, Transparent. Feed back ,Advisory classes to weak student as Scheduled Date. More performance- GIA- Policy, Irregular(10day) discontinued. Regular discussion with Expert/principal for lesson planning. Onsite support to teachers by principal and site coordinator. Linkage with training to regular classroom practice in school. Infrastructural facilities, Co-teaching in school..…..still dropout. Monitoring/Assessment by Education Deptt. ASU or others.
Intensive training - cum-orientation Process-Product ,Thinking and Teacher knowledge . C I T W -effective classroom interaction and process. TAP-Rubrics training for teachers performance. Prof. S. Painter and Prof. C. Clark continuous up-gradation, inspiration, motivation for improving ,changing mindset . Small reform in my professional growth-start from my-self.
First Reform Orientation Session at SCERT,Assam. • Commissioner & Secretary, Education: • Director/ Deputy Director of SCERT: Reader, Asstt. Directors, Lecturers(5) • Principal(1) & lecturers of DIET-(10) • Middle School Teacher (10), Guwahati- • Special invitation to all the faculties and other employees of the SCERT. : Inaugurate the Sharing Meeting and issued necessary instruction to work. : Convey the Govt. order to principal, Reader, Lecturers from SCERT. • Lecturers will carryout the order and involved for Professional Development. • School Teachers and Lecturers will together analyze the hard spot/gap areas in the curriculum and developed strategies for professional growth.
Professional Development of Teacher Educator’s of DIET-By Dr. D.K. Dutta, Reader, SCERT, Assam. Introduction: why it is important? Context and Rationale: How it can related?
Objectives of the Reform Proposal 1. To focus on the Professional development of teacher educator and teacher . To identify Instructional strategies for making classroom more interactive. 3. To promote PLC among educators to sustain the reform measures. 4. To create an IC Map among educators and teachers.
Methodology Sample of the study Hypothesis. Research Question. Limitation of the study. Terminology used. Monitoring and Evaluation. Action plate Templates
Who will benefit and how? Teacher educators , teachers and students will be benefited immediately. The performance of teacher trainees in classroom interaction will be higher. 3. Trainees will gain confidence in bridging the gap between theory & practice. 4. Both teacher educators and teacher will get ample opportunities to assess their performance against the commonly agreed standard. 5. IC map will lead the professionals to assess the change &.teaching profession.
Classroom interaction and Students Achievement 1.Class room instruction:-classroom interaction 2.Teaching skills –Planning & Preparation, Classroom Environment ,Instruction & Professional responsibilities. 3.Instructional Planning-Categories of nine instructional strategies. 4.Framework of Planning- Creating the Environment for Learning, Helping students Develop Understanding and Helping Students Extend and Apply knowledge. 5. Performance of teacher: Instruction, Planning, Environment and Professionalism.
Meta-analysis • Identifying Similarities and Differences. • Summering and Note Taking. • Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition. • Home Work and Practice. • Non-linguistic Representation. • Cooperative Learning. • Setting Objectives and Providing Feed back. • Generating and Testing Hypotheses. • Cues, Questions and Advance Organizers
Instructional strategies for Performance Standard an Objectives Motivating Students Presenting Instructional Content Lesson Structure and Spacing Activities and Materials. Questioning. Academic Feed Back. Grouping Students. Teacher Content Knowledge. Teacher Knowledge of Students. Thinking Problem Solving.
Professional development Self Development. Instructional Supervision. School Responsibilities. Reflecting on Teaching. Commitment to Profession. Commitment to learners. Commitment to Societiesand Parental Relation. Community involvement in school activities and event Growing and Developing Professionally.
Questionnaires/Schedules • Stage of Concern Questionnaires(So CQ). • Change Facilitator Style Questionnaires(CFSQ). • Class Room Observation Schedule(CROS). (Components of Professional practice) Domain:1 Planning & preparation(22) Domain:2 Classroom Environment(13) Domain:3 Instruction(18) Domain:4 Professional Responsibilities(15)