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AFD Mental Health Project

AFD Mental Health Project . October 11, 2011. Content. Project Objectives . 2. Project Goals . 1. Project Activities . 3. Project Summary . 5. M H Statistics . 4. 1. Project Goals. Improve the mental health of the Palestinians

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AFD Mental Health Project

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  1. AFD Mental Health Project October 11, 2011

  2. Content Project Objectives 2 Project Goals 1 Project Activities 3 Project Summary 5 M H Statistics 4

  3. 1. Project Goals • Improve the mental health of the Palestinians • Ensuring better access to mental health care facilities • Developing the mental health care staff’ capacities • Improving the quality of services related to mental health at the Primary Health Care level

  4. 2. Project Objectives • Improve mental health services infrastructures • Constructing and equipping three community mental health centers in Jenin, Nablus and Halhoul • One Documentation Center in Al Bireh • Improve the capacity of mental health professionals in Jenin, Nablus and Halhoul as well as the staff dedicated to Ramallah Documentation Center. • Improve the capacity of selected general practitioners and nursing working in the Primary Health Care clinics in Gaza and the West Bank.

  5. Project ActivitiesNablus Community Mental Health Center.Additional third floor (558m2) was constructed and equipped in 2008/09. The center start providing services in May 2009.Additional four staff members were recruited by the project to support the services provided by this center for more than 2000 client in the past two years.The center staff received well structured practical and theoretical training and supervision.

  6. Project Activities Jenin Community Mental Health Centre • Construction of new building that consists of two floors (360 m2 area). • The center was constructed and equipped in 2008/09. The center has been operating since April 2009. • Additional seven staff members were recruited by the project to support the services provided by this center. • The Jenin CMHC is currently working in full capacity.

  7. Project Activities Halhul CMH Center for Youth and Adolescents • A pilot center is the first of its kind in the occupied Palestinian territory. • Construction of an additional floor on the top of the existing MOH's building in Halhoul (130 m2). • Providing mental health services for children and adolescents in the Hebron district • Due to the high demand on the center services, another floor currently under construction to maximize the capacity of the center.

  8. Project Activities Dr. Mohammad Said Kamal Documentation Center • The Center is the first of its kind in the oPt and should become a landmark for all researchers and service providers seeking cutting-edge knowledge to better serve the mental health sector in Palestine. • Occupying Part of the fourth floor of the Health Directorate building in Al Bireh (140m2) • The Center is currently fully functional and ready to support mental health professionals and researchers with the most up-to-date books, journals and online resources.

  9. Project Activities Dr. Mohammad Said Kamal Documentation Center • The center’s clients have access to more than 900 specialized books in mental health, psychology and thousands of online articles. • This center staff will collect all data related to mental health from the centers distributed in the west bank to analyze and present in an efficient way. • Website for this center is currently under construction.

  10. 2 . Project Activites • Training • Primary Health Care Training. • Mental Health Professionals’ Training. • PMU Training.

  11. Training of general practitioners and nurses in Gaza and the West Bank • Very important to help in early detection of Psychological disorders. • 7O Primary Health Care staff members successfully completed the training program in WB and Gaza. • WB : 54 GAZA :16 • Training program consist of 13 modules. • PHC Staff members passed through verbal and written exams. • The 7o staff members responsibility is to spread the knowledge and experience they gained through their colleagues.

  12. PMU Training • The Principles and Practice of Structured Parenting Work course. • Intensive training on psychological assessment tools. such as psychological evaluation of children and focused mainly on the use of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (version IV) • Intensive internship programs in Jordan and Egypt. • Training for two MOH psychiatrists in Switzerland and the UK.

  13. Mental Health Professionals’ Training. • Practical and theoretical. • In groups and Individual. • Constructive and cumulative. • Concentrates on skills needed to provide high quality service.

  14. 3. Mental Health Statistics

  15. Statistics from the Centers • Nablus : Based on the statistics from the MoH, 77 new cases arrived to the CMHC in Nablus during the year 2009 while in the year 2010, 312 new cases were opened. During 2011, additional 255 clients approached the center seeking help .108 females and 147 males. • Jenin: The Jenin CMHC opened 243 new cases during the year 2009 and this number increased to 296 during 2010. During 2011, additional 209 files opened ,female=80, male= 129

  16. Statistics from the Centers • Halhul: 232 new clients approached the center. In total 1148 clinical sessions were conducted by the center’s staff during 2010. During 2011, 234 new case arrived to the center.73 female and 161male .

  17. Emergency intervention • Strengthen the Mental health unit • Conduct a cumulative evaluation for Phase I • Secure funding for Phase II

  18. Summary 19 Newly recruited staff were integrated to the MOH payroll system At least 2000 client get benefit from the centers services 13 specialized training modules at least 100 professional benefited from the project training WB & Gaza Active referral and appointment systems Occupational therapy , Speech therapy 3 training components Access to the most resent recourses Anti stigma and outreach campaigns

  19. Thank You

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