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Unit 6 Review Sheet

Unit 6 Review Sheet. COUP D’ETAT - seizure of the state; Napoleon’s take over of the government NAPOLEONIC CODE - laws created by Napoleon giving the French people back the rights they had won during the revolution; all men are equal; freedom of religion; all was lost after his fall.

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Unit 6 Review Sheet

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  1. Unit 6 Review Sheet

  2. COUP D’ETAT - seizure of the state; Napoleon’s take over of the government • NAPOLEONIC CODE - laws created by Napoleon giving the French people back the rights they had won during the revolution; all men are equal; freedom of religion; all was lost after his fall

  3. ELBA - first island Napoleon was exiled too; eventually escaped • WATERLOO - Napoleon’s last major battle after he escaped from exile • TREATY OF FOUNTAINBLEAU – ended Napoleon’s rule and sent him into exile on Elba • ST HELENA – desolate island in the Atlantic; where Napoleon died in exile

  4. COTTAGE INDUSTRY – goods are made in the the home • LABOR UNION - created in response to poor, dangerous working conditions and low pay • FACTORY ACTS - no children under the age of 9 could work; older children could only work 9 hour days; no women or children in the mines • KAISER – title given to a German ruler; ie Otto von Bismarck • BALANCE OF POWER – countries of Europe were evenly divided; the creation of new nations disrupts it • NATIONALISM - pride in one’s country

  5. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION - started with new farming methods; caused people to move to the cities; middle class grew in sizeURBANIZATION - since people were not needed on the farms they moved to the cities

  6. CORPORATION – a business owned by a number of individuals; emerge as a result of the Industrial Revolution MONOPOLY - complete control over a specific industry; ie Standard Oil Company SOCIALISM – a society that would benefit everyone; no difference between rich or poor

  7. MARXISM – a classless society where everyone’s wants and needs are taken care of • CAPITALISM – free market economy; limited or no government interference; socialists claim it causes a gap between rich and poor • PROLETARIAT – the working class; need to unite and overthrow the government to bring about change

  8. BESSEMER PROCESS - cheaper, easier way to make steel • CONGRESS OF VIENNA – created a new balance of power in Europe; let leaders maintain power; prevent other revolutions from happening • PAPAL STATES – land controlled by the pope; current Vatican City • POWDER KEG – Europe 1815-1914; fine alone one spark causes an explosion

  9. NAPOLEON - French General; staged a coup; exiled to Elba and St. Helena; created Napoleonic Code; expanded boarders; kept the nation at war; lost a lot of money • CAVOUR AND GARIBALDI – Italian nationalist who forced foreigners off the lands and unified Italy • BISMARCK – unified Germany; took the title kaiser

  10. NEWCOMEN - created the first steam engine • STEVENSON - first steam powered locomotive; the Rocket • FULTON - 1st steam powered ship; the Clermont • EDISON - phonograph; light bulb • MORSE - telegraph that used electric impulses • FORD - 1st car; the assembly line • WHITNEY - interchangeable parts; cotton gin

  11. ROCKEFELLER – Owned the Standard Oil Company; had a monopoly on the production of oil • MARX – wrote the Communist Manifesto; wanted to create a classless society; in order for change to take place the proletariat needed to rise up and overthrow the gov’t • ENGELS – work with Marx to write the Communist Manifesto

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