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SuRf Lab: (STFC) VTF Infrastructure and Process

Detailed summary of SuRf Lab's latest updates, including cryogenic performance, radiation survey progress, cleanroom build, and commissioning schedule for runs. Review of proposed testing and maintenance cycle for series cavities.

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SuRf Lab: (STFC) VTF Infrastructure and Process

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  1. SuRf Lab: (STFC) VTF Infrastructure and Process • SRF Collaboration Meeting: 25/06/2019 • Mark Pendleton • Paul Smith • Andy May • Dave Mason • On Behalf of the SuRF Lab Team

  2. Run-1 cryogenic performance ~36 hours for shield cooldown to 75K ~6 hours for cavity support insert cooldown to 4.2K

  3. Run-1 cryogenic performance Excellent pressure and temperature stability under static load at 2 K with PID control of 2 K pumps +/- 0.1 mbar +/- 1 mK Stability under dynamic load to be investigated in forthcoming run

  4. P02 Q vs T measurements

  5. P02 Q vs Eacc Measurements

  6. P02 Q vs Eacc Measurements

  7. P02 Q vs Eacc Measurements • Same calculation method used as CEA Saclay • Good agreement within expt error bars • Q-10-15% • Eacc-5% • Investigating the heat dissipated on the input probe at high power levels • Series cavities have a Cu probe, whereas prototypes have a Ti probe-3xRs-3 times loss • Radiation survey in progress- • cant complete till P02 on top cradle

  8. Radiation Survey Points Pole outside ESS Office Bunker wall pointing toward main offices Top of LHe dewar

  9. Preliminary Radiation SurveyCavity P02 middle cradle

  10. HOMS Cavity P02

  11. Cleanroom Update • Cleanroom build complete • Commissioning and validation • in progress. On - schedule. • HPR final build phase w/c 1st July • 2019

  12. UPW system installed • Ultra pure water system installation completed on-time and as per specifications. • High pressure works on schedule to complete by 8th July 2019

  13. Solution and proposal provided for Series Valve orientation : • Valve orientation requirement at 45 Degree for CEA integration. • Solution utilising 45 Degree elbow- fitted to each series cavity to suit STFC interface • Meets original design spec for STFC modular cleanrooms • RI to procure and install 88 elbows (STFC to implement change with RI) • STFC to receive cavity with elbow installed and capped (Spec. TBA) • STFC will ship to CEA with Elbow removed. (Spec TBA) • CEA will prep and clean DN40 valve for CEA interface connections. Elbow solution for series cavities

  14. High Level SuRf Lab commissioning schedule Run 4 Run 2 Run 3 • Latest Schedule for commissioning with cavities available: • *P01: Current status at CEA for testing mid July 2019. Arrival @ STFC TBC. • * H001 First series dressed cavity tested at DESY due @ STFC 28th August 2019 • Run 2 (22 – 26 July): De-risk: Rad survey completion (P02 Top cradle) • and High Power Tests ~200W (localised cooling installed on flange) • Run 3 (30 Aug – 26 Sep): P01 + P02 Commissioning • Run 4 (17 – 27 Oct): P01 + P02 + H001 Commissioning • Utilising P01 + P02 + H001 for commissioning and De-risk • SuRf lab to review and update series schedule after Run 3

  15. Objectives for Run 2 • Use copper block to thermally anchor the flange-reduce temp rise • Do we need to do a phase optimisation at high power • If YES • Perform Phase optimisation-then wait to cool • Perform decay measurement then wait to cool (Like DESY) • Just measure the transmitted power? • If NO • Perform decay measurement then wait to cool (Like DESY) • Just measure the transmitted power • Perform Radiation Survey with P02 on top cradle & measure Rad

  16. Commissioning and validation with Series cavities • Proposal: 1st Quarter of 2020 will be utilised for • verification and validation of STFC VTF with dressed HB002 • + HB003 + HB004 tested from DESY. Commissioning • times may be shortened dependant on Run3 conclusions. • Di-Phase pipe cutting validation with DESY: HB001 (TBC) • Box validated by STFC cavity production team • Further De-risk testing strategies under consideration

  17. Proposed annual testing and maintenance cycle • Run 3 will be used for system optimisation • Target to test 3 Cavities every 2 weeks (system design S.P) • Schedule proposed for the testing over one year cycle • Anticipated 66 tests per year with quarterly and yearly technical stops. • Next steps to define STFC acceptance criteria for full validation

  18. Target 2 week Cycle: • Proposed 2 week cycle for • Testing x3 cavities • Linked for mapping resource • Contingency built into the programme to allow cross-over of staff and uncertantites of the testing specifciation/duration • i.e. Cavity processing time cut off 1 hr? • Draft plan under development

  19. Cavity workflow: Workstation (WS)

  20. SuRF Lab QMS • SuRf Lab Database under development for the STFC cavity workflow

  21. Next Steps: • Review lessons learnt from Run 1. Adapt Run 2/3 • Update processes and procedures • Update plans with new data to meet TA deadline. • QMS: Commission data management system • Completion of the workstations: procurement, installation, commissioning. • Complete planning for the completion of CSI A for series cavities. • 5’s type system for the SuRf Lab area • Training of all staff; on the job and collaborator opportunities

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