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The Shadow Knows Active Inquiry

The Shadow Knows Active Inquiry. Maria Sabetta Roger Williams University Msabetta711@hawks.rwu.edu. Developer Page. Developer Materials Lesson Overview Standards Formative Assessment Opening Lesson Developing Lesson Closing Lesson Materials, Resources, Credits

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The Shadow Knows Active Inquiry

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  1. The Shadow KnowsActive Inquiry Maria Sabetta Roger Williams University Msabetta711@hawks.rwu.edu

  2. Developer Page Developer Materials • Lesson Overview • Standards • Formative Assessment • Opening Lesson • Developing Lesson • Closing Lesson • Materials, Resources, Credits • Enrichment and Accommodations Student Materials • Introduction • Learning Goals • Assessment • Learning Activity

  3. Lesson Overview • This lesson is used as an extension lesson and allows the students to apply their new content knowledge to the activity. This is a hands on lesson that students should enjoy completing. This lesson also allows students to work together in groups and have fun with the new concepts they have just learned.

  4. Standards NCTM Standards • Measurement • Grade 6-8 • Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements. • Solve problems involving scale factors, using ratio and proportion.

  5. Formative Assessment • Students will be formatively through participation in their groups and completion of the activity in groups.

  6. Opening the Lesson • This lesson will begin by the teacher asking the students a question: • Can you determine the height of a telephone pole or tree without climbing to the top? • 5 minutes

  7. Developing the Lesson • Put the students into groups of 3 or 4. The students will work in their groups to measure the heights of two people in their group. Once the group has recorded their data, they will use the measurements in a ratio to predict the height of the other two students using a given formula. The teacher will then tell the students to pick a nearby tree or telephone pole and measure its shadow length. They will then use the previous ratio to find the height of the new object. • 45 minutes

  8. Closing the Lesson • Once all of the groups have finished recording and analyzing their data, the groups will then share their results with the class. The teacher would close the lesson with a few questions: • What applications would this activity have in the business world? • What occupations would need this skill to do their job? • 15-20 minutes

  9. Resources, Materials, Credits • The Shadow Knows: Teacher Notes • Materials needed for this lesson include measuring tapes for each group and sunshine

  10. Enrichment and Accommodations • To accommodate for the three students with IEPs, I am going to assign each person in the group a different job, therefore each student is always busy and stays focused on the activity. I am also going to group the girl with the mathematical disability with a group that I feel will help her to understand the material, and give her a handout with the specific formula on it and specific instructions on how to solve these problems, so she does not get confused.

  11. For the Student • Introduction • Learning Goals • Assessment • Learning Activity

  12. Introduction • This lesson is a fun, hands-on activity that will allow you to apply the new concepts of ratio and proportions to real life situations. You will be able to work in groups of 3 or 4 and each person in the group will be assigned a specific job.

  13. Learning Goals • Use ratios to determine heights • Solve for an unknown in the proportion to determine the heights of people and objects

  14. Assessment • You will be assessed on your group participation and the completion of the activity. You will also be formatively assessed on your presentation of your results to the class.

  15. Learning Activity • Choose 2 students from your group. Measure their heights and the lengths of their shadows. Record your data in the table below. • Measure the length of the 3rd and 4th students’ shadows. Record their data in the table. • Use the measurements in a ratio to predict the height of the 3rd and 4th students. Formula: Height of student 1 Height of student 3(x) Length of student 1 shadow Length of student 3 shadow

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