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Creative Leadership Women

Overview. What is effective leadership practice? What is creative leadership?How are women especially well suited to succeed as creative leaders?. Effective Leadership Practice for Modern Times. Non-autocratic leadership style Flexible structure Open culture Questioning attitudeToler

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Creative Leadership Women

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    1. Creative Leadership & Women Dr. Tara Grey Coste Singapore 2009

    2. Overview What is effective leadership practice? What is creative leadership? How are women especially well suited to succeed as creative leaders?

    3. Effective Leadership Practice for Modern Times Non-autocratic leadership style Flexible structure Open culture Questioning attitude Tolerance for mistakes

    4. Effective Leadership Practice for Modern Times To achieve success in these times of great change, we need creative people building creative organizations.

    5. Creative People Have a great deal of physical energy but are also often quiet and at rest Tend to be smart yet also naďve at the same time Exhibit a combination of playfulness and discipline Alternate between imagination and fantasy and a rooted sense of reality

    6. Creative People Seem to harbor both extroversion and introversion Appear remarkably humble and proud at the same time Exhibit the psychological strengths of both genders (e.g., aggressive and nurturing)

    7. Creative People Seem both traditional/conservative and rebellious/iconoclastic Are both passionate and objective about their work Have a tendency toward openness and sensitivity that exposes them to pain and suffering yet also a great deal of enjoyment

    8. Elements of Creative Leadership How does that translate to leadership practice geared toward developing creative organizations?

    9. Elements of Creative Leadership Challenge & Involvement Keep your people highly engaged. Freedom Develop an atmosphere that encourages original thought.

    10. Elements of Creative Leadership Trust/Openness Strive for a culture in which it is okay to experiment and admit mistakes. Idea Time Carve out time for projects and thinking not tied to production deadlines.

    11. Elements of Creative Leadership Playfulness/Humor Leave plenty of space for fun. Conflict Allow disagreement to stimulate better formed ideas.

    12. Element of Creative Leadership Idea Support Budget sufficient resources so that fledgling ideas have a chance to prove themselves. Debate Encourage healthy forms of idea challenging.

    13. Element of Creative Leadership Risk Taking Celebrate the success and learn from the failure found in the unknown.

    14. Causes of Gender Differences in Leadership Less experience in organizations Less committed to work and career Quit jobs more often Less educated Discrimination and stereotypes Cultural factors

    15. Change Oriented Thinking The more people are challenged, the more they tend to rely on tried and true answers to the challenges that face us. But as we all know, in order to survive in today’s highly competitive global reality, we must embrace creative ideas and the change that necessarily comes from them.

    16. Creative Leadership & Women Tara Grey Coste, Ph.D. Leadership and Organizational Studies University of Southern Maine 51 Westminster Street Lewiston, ME 04240 USA tcoste@usm.maine.edu (e-mail) 207/753-6500 (phone), 207/753-6555 (fax)

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