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ROC Orlando

Dive into the redemptive power of God's mission, learn how to lead with creativity, and engage in intentional outreach to cultivate a thriving church community. Discover effective strategies for disciple-making and evangelism, grounded in Acts 1:8 and biblical principles. Explore the importance of small groups, preaching, and effective leadership in shaping a church's impact. Embrace the urgency of sharing the Gospel and nurturing a vibrant congregation dedicated to fulfilling God's mission.

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ROC Orlando

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  1. ROC Orlando Leading with Passion and Sharing the Mission Rev Doug Kallesen FLGA

  2. Sharing with Passion and Leading the Mission • Acts 1:8 “you WILL be MY ….” • Creative • Redemptive • Sanctifying power of God at work in you!

  3. God’s Mission • Mission begins in the heart of God. • God’s mission is necessary because of sin. • God’s mission centers in Jesus Christ. • God’s mission is empowered b y the Holy Spirit. • God’s mission is to and for everyone. • God’s mission is our mission. • God’s mission is my mission. • God’s mission is urgent.

  4. Acts 1:7 • “You will receive power WHEN the Holy Spirit..” • Rev. Mark Zehnder of King of Kings Omaha • What common piece of furniture was replaced by the TV in the average U.S. home? • What are the implications of John 15 ?

  5. Do you? • Wonder how many people in this store will spend eternity in heaven? • Become concerned with whether or not family members and friends believe in Jesus? • Find yourself praying for opportunities to share your faith? • Look for an entry point in the conversation to insert Jesus..?

  6. What synagogues & temples are in your world?

  7. How ready is your church to disciple a new believer? Do Well Don’t Do Well

  8. 1. Principle of Intentionality • 86:1 U.S. converstion/membership • 20:1 U.S. in 1950 • 400,000 churches in USA • 3% do intentional outreach • Survey- • What may we do to become a better church? • What can we pray about? • Leave on door fill out pickup in 1hr.

  9. 2. Issue of Doctrine • 9 of 10 unchurched attend 1 or 2 x every 2 yr • Christmas eve highest unchurched attendance. • 2 Causes for return visit- • Discover what you believe. • Discern that you do what you believe.

  10. 4. How do Small Groups & SS fit? • 5 yrs later • 86% still active if in small group • 14% less active or delinq if no group • Sm Grps become the ministry arm of church • Evangelism factor • Fellowship factor • Discipleship factor • Prayer Factor

  11. 3. Expected response of Preaching • Liked the preaching • Survey pastors spent 5x in prayer & Bible stdy • (20 hrs vs 4 hrs) • Pastoral care high lay involvement

  12. 5. Leadership Issue • ABC Moment • Awareness-what "is" is not what "it" should be • Belief -God can make us "who" He wants • Crisis- spiritual attack on leaders • Tenure of Pastor (22 yr. avg)

  13. 7. The Rainer Scale • U5-Antagonistic 5% • U4-Resistant but not angry 21% • U3- Neutral 36% • U2-Receptive 27% • U1- Highly Receptive 11% • 80-90% of unchurched will attend if • Invited repeatedly • Walked into church with • U5- Has a higher % of unchurched • Over 80% of unchurched have never been invited. • LCEF Demographics - Habits of Unchurched

  14. IncarnationalvsAttractional Incarnational Attractional • Individual to individual relationship • Connect with their life • Becoming part of their life and community. • Introducing Jesus into their world. • Individual invitation to event- relate them to church • Connect them with your church’s life • Their becoming a part of your life and church community. • Introducing them into Jesus’ Body.

  15. Connecting Congregation & Community to Christ GPA

  16. Leading the Mission • Acts of Grace • Net Fishing

  17. G.A.P. Analysis • 1. Community Needs • 2. Capacity of Congregation • Gifts • Abilities • Passion • 3. Capacity of Leadership • Gifts • Abilities • Passion

  18. Acts of Grace • Many Fish • John 21 / Luke 5:4-9 …we are ____________ • Attitude • Awareness • Acts & Action • Not Grandmas but Paul’s Church

  19. Characteristics of a Post Church or Pre-Church Culture • Spiritual hunger church no longer the “soul” provider • No absolutes • Christianity & the Bible • Many gods, religions, views • Icons of marriage, creation, sexuality, church are no longer esteemed • Tables – which one does the church set at?

  20. Tables • Kid wanting to sit at the Adult Table again…how do we get there again? • Know that we, “have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Eph 1:3 • Alive in Christ/One in Christ Eph 2 • Live a life worthy of our calling as children of God. Eph 4 • Imitators of God Eh 5…wives & husbands • Children & Parents…Slaves & Masters Eph 6

  21. Tables • Aliens…citizens of another world 1 Peter 1 • Submission to Rulers & Masters 1 Peter 2 • Wives & Husbands 1 Peter 3 • Living for God…suffering, trials 1 Peter 4 • Clothe yourselves with humility Eph 5:6

  22. Table Talk • Paul & Agrippa Acts 26:28ff • Will you make me to be a Christian too? • Paul, “yes, it is my prayer that you and all who listen will be as I am …except without these chains.” • From Rome Christianity became a world religion by the grace of Almighty God

  23. Modern Day Churches at the Adult Table • LINC Houston • Our Savior Plantation, FL • Prince of Peace Orlando • Stepping Stones Ministry • Our Savior East Bay- St. Pete, FL • Journey of Life, Orlando • Amazing Grace Oxford, FL

  24. Conversations of Grace • Attitude • Aware • Act • Line Fishing • 1 to 1 witnessing

  25. What Natural Opportunities do you have to share your faith? • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. • 6. • 7. • 8.

  26. Natural Opportunities • Prayer at meal with waiter • Workout at the gymn • Work opportunities through events & conversations • School • Sports (attitude, conduct, response) • Driving • Elevator ride • Waiting in Line • Flight • Car Ride • Holidays • Funeral / Wedding • Vacation • Telephone call • Correspondence • Journaling / Diary

  27. Witnessing Principles • Prayer is almost universally acceptable • Power of Questions • You listen to them/They will listen to you • Gospel snacks vs all you can share Bible Buffets • Spiritually Season your conversations • Light displaces darkness you are the light of the world. • Christian Jewelry, Shirts, cards help start the conversation. • Know your story of His story in your life!

  28. John 4 • Common Stage v. 4-7 • Ask for HELP v. 7 • Create Curiosity v. 10-13 • Woman DESIRES living water – THIRSTY v. 15 • Confession v 16-17 • Acknowledges Jesus that she knows v. 19 • Jesus describes to reconnect with God v. 21-24 • Woman speaks of belief in a coming Messiah • Jesus reveals – I am He v. 26 • She goes and tells the entire town v 28 ff

  29. Reconciliation & Proclamation • Matthew 18:16ff “whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven….” • John 20:19-23 “if you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven.” • 2 Corinthians 5:15-21 New creation …Ambassadors of reconciliation. • Woman caught in adultery John 8 • Peter post resurrection 21 • Joseph & his Brothers Gen 45 • King David & Nathan’s word picture 2 Sam 12

  30. Witnessing should lead to Discipling • Matt 28:19-20 • Initial Conversation • Commitment to continue dialog • Bible reading • Prayer • Information Class-Alpha • Small Group (86% stay ) • Worship • Church Life • Develop an authentic friendship • Those told tell others • Witness/Disciple/Disciple Maker • Connecting Events • Is Your Church ready for visitors? www.friendshipablaze.org

  31. Contact Information • Rev Doug Kallesen FLGA District 7207 Monetary Drive Orlando, FL 32809 dkallesen@flga-lcms.org 407.857.5556 ext. 2

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