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Erin McQuivey Brandon Rennie Laura Curtis Carrie Hall Emily Haygeman

Effective Implementation of Social And Behavioral Goals For Children Being Served By Individualized Education Programs Under The Classification of Autism. Erin McQuivey Brandon Rennie Laura Curtis Carrie Hall Emily Haygeman Faculty Member: Gwen Mitchell.

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Erin McQuivey Brandon Rennie Laura Curtis Carrie Hall Emily Haygeman

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  1. Effective Implementation of Social And Behavioral Goals For Children Being Served By Individualized Education Programs Under The Classification of Autism Erin McQuivey Brandon Rennie Laura Curtis Carrie Hall Emily Haygeman Faculty Member: Gwen Mitchell

  2. Educating Children with Autism:General Educator’s Experience and Perceptions • Social and behavioral goals in IEP • Who is writing goals? • Responsibility for implementation of interventions? • Survey of general education teachers • https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/trialsurveyasdlink • Methodology • Demographics • 95 respondents from Utah and Idaho

  3. Results: Quantitative Findings

  4. Results: Qualitative Findings • Lack of experience/exposure • Common response across open-ended questions • Reliance on Special Education team for knowledge base in ASD and specific interventions • Interventions • Training, Support and Implementation • Perceptions of Efficacy

  5. Directions for the Future • Implications of this study • Professional development funding for general education teachers • Implications for future research • Access: Urban vs. Rural • Sample size • Types of trainings offered • Increased focus on EBP

  6. Carrie • Changes to the Program: Timely notice to prepare for seminars • Deadlines for all presenters to submit assignments for participants to complete within an appropriate time frame. • It is important to set deadlines according to the project details and expectations. If a project requires a team to collaborate, it is important to allow ample time for the team to communicate and complete the seminar assignments. • Additions to the Program: Advocacy hours • Outside of the legislative component, an additional focus on completing hours with an advocacy organization would be a great addition. • Trainees gain a better understanding of what it takes to advocate effectively in their communities to support individuals with disabilities.

  7. Erin • Changes to the Program • Group Activities, continued opportunities to get to know each other and increase networking among trainees • More clear expectations and knowledge of all assignments (and due dates) from the very beginning • More time to prepare for didactic sessions, getting readings, assignments earlier than a couple days prior to session • Additions to the Program • Online Forum

  8. Laura • I was given a very clear understanding of the commitment I was taking on.  All trainees and faculty should have the same understanding and be ready to meet those demands. • Having a learning cohort and faculty who are all on the same page incredibly enhances an amazing opportunity for growth and professional development. Brandon

  9. Emily • Some assignments got “lost in the shuffle.”  More clarification of priorities/deadlines with assignments (example clinic leadership interview assignment and “day of the life” assignment). • Leadership projects:  Possibility for selection of topic based on interest groups formed at orientation? • Supervision/guidance: Require more scheduled times for check-in, guidance, selection of additional opportunities/assignments. 

  10. Questions

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