Welcome to the Annual Title One Parent Meeting Pelion Elementary School
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Welcome to the Annual Title One Parent Meeting Pelion Elementary School. Back To School. September 10, 2012 6:00 P.M. Title One School Wide Program Overview. Back to School.
Welcome to the Annual Title One Parent Meeting Pelion Elementary School
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Welcome to the Annual Title One Parent MeetingPelion Elementary School
Back To School September 10, 2012 6:00 P.M.
Title One School Wide Program Overview Back to School The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires that each Title 1 School hold an Annual Meeting of Title parents for the purpose of… - Informing parents of their school’s participation in Title 1 - Explaining the requirements of Title 1 - Explaining to parents their rights to be involved in their child’s education
What you will learn………. What does it mean to be a Title 1 school? What is the LEA Title 1 Plan? What is the LEA Parental Involvement Plan? What is a CIP? What is the School-Parent Compact? How do I request the qualifications of my child’s teacher(s)? How will I be notified if my child is taught by a teacher who is not Highly Qualified? How is the Annual Evaluation of the Parental Involvement Plan conducted? What are some past and present Title 1 Initiatives? How can I be involved in all of these things I’m learning about? Back To School
Back To School Title One is the Largest Federally Funded Supplemental Education Program. Being a Title 1 school means receiving federal funding (Title 1 dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… - Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards. - Providing avenues for improvements in curriculum and instruction through funding for supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies - Conducting parental involvement meetings, trainings, and activities - Recruiting/hiring/retaining highly qualified teachers Being a Title 1 school also means parental involvement and parents’ rights.
Back To School LEA Title 1 Plan The LEA Title 1 Plan addresses how the LEA will use Title 1 funds throughout the school system. Topics included in the plan are: Student academic assessments Additional assistance provided to struggling students Coordination and integration of federal funds and programs School programs including migrant, preschool, school choice, supplemental educational services as applicable Parental Involvement Strategies, including the LEA Parental Involvement Plan You, as a Title 1 Parent, have a right to be involved in the development of the LEA Title 1 Plan
Back To School LEA Parental Involvement Plan The LEA Parental Involvement Plan addresses how the LEA will implement the parental involvement requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It includes… The LEA’s expectations for parents How the LEA will involve parents in decision making. How the LEA will work to build the schools and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement to improve student academic achievement.
Title One Parent Involvement Policy Parent involvement is critical to improving the learning climate in our Title One school. Input from parents strengthens our program by allowing confirmation of present operations and changes where needed. This feedback assists in creating an atmosphere of academic excellence. Parent involvement includes having a voice in how parent involvement funds are used, how information and training will be provided, and your role in decision making interests and activities. You, as parents, have the right to be involved in the development of your school’s Parental Involvement Plan.
DRAFT Title I Parental Involvement Policy Lexington School District One Pelion Elementary School In collaboration with parents, Lexington School District One and Pelion Elementary School have created a Parental Involvement Policy as outlined by the No Child Left Behind Act. In accordance with this policy, we agree to the following: The Lexington One School District will ask parents to serve on the team that develops the Title I plan under section 1112, and the process of school review and improvement under section 1116. Parents will be informed of any schools identified for improvement and will serve on teams to develop school improvement plans. Meetings, conferences, surveys, suggestion boxes and electronic communication will be used as methods to generate parent feedback in the development of the plan. Procedures will be in place to respond to parent suggestions within two days of receiving the suggestion. These procedures will be followed by all staff members Lexington School District One assures that its Title 1 schools will have an annual meeting at the beginning of each year to inform parents of the school’s participation in the program and to explain the requirements of the program and their right to be involved. Parents will receive regular communication consisting of telephone contacts, website access and newsletters regarding upcoming Title 1 events. Lexington School District One will engage parents in the planning and review of the Parental Involvement Policy and the Home/School Compact. The Compact will outline how parents, the entire school staff and students will share in the responsibility for improved student achievement. Both the Involvement Policy and the Compact will be made available to parents for their responses at the beginning of the school year. Opportunities will be made available for additional parent comments. Parent feedback will be used to review and update the Involvement Policy and the Compact. Principals will remind parents of the importance of their feedback in the school newsletter and other forms of communication. Parents will be informed of the qualifications of their children’s teacher. Teaching credentials will be posted on the district website. Parents will be notified in writing if their children are taught for four or more weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. Lexington School District One will work with schools to provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary in planning and implementing effective parent involvement. Assistance will be coordinated with the Parenting Center, (First Steps), district adult education, school nurses and other resources as needed. Parents of children attending Pre-K Programs at Title 1 schools will be invited to participate in parental involvement activities at the school.
Lexington School District One will conduct an annual evaluation of the Title 1 Program Plan, including the content and effectiveness of the Parental Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact. Based on the results of the parent survey in the spring of each year, Title 1 committee members will work with parent groups at the school level to identify barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by this section (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). Any strategies developed will be used as part of the revision of the policy and communicated to parents in an understandable format. Lexington School District One will foster parental involvement through an established volunteer program, conferences, Back to School Nights and other school programs such as PTA/PTO meetings. These meetings, including parent conferences, will be held at different times to accommodate parent schedules. Title 1 funds may be used to pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parent involvement activities. Lexington School District One will engage the parents of children in Title 1 schools in decisions about how the one percent of Title 1 funds reserved for parent involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools. Lexington School District One’s Title 1 schools will continuously update parents regarding curriculum, state and local assessments and proficiency standards through family curriculum nights, conferences, newsletters and the district website. Parents will be informed of student progress through progress reports, report cards and conferences. Lexington School District One will schedule Title 1 committee meetings, with parent representation, for the purpose of developing, planning, reviewing and improving the Schoolwide Title 1 Program. Parents will be given the opportunity to provide comments on the Program Plan if they feel it to be unsatisfactory, and these comments will be provided to the LEA and SEA. Parents annually receive copies of the school and district report cards and the AYP status of the schools and district. Parents of students attending Title 1 schools identified as Needs Improvement, Corrective Action or Restructuring receive a written explanation regarding such status and are advised of their parent rights under No Child Left Behind, which may include Supplemental Educational Services or Public School Choice. Within ten days of registration, students with Limited English Proficiency are tested and the results are mailed to parents within the first thirty days of school. A parent notification form is included with the results if their child is going to be placed in a language instruction program.
Back To School What is a CIP? The CIP is your school’s Continuous Improvement Plan and includes: A Needs Assessment and Summary of Data Goals and Strategies to Address Needs of Students Professional Development Needs Coordination of Resources/Comprehensive Budget The School’s Parental Involvement Plan You, as Title 1 parents, have the right to be involved in the development of this plan.
School-Parent CompactFor our students to be successful learners, we all must work as partners toward the same goals of improving academic achievement. The Parent-Teacher-Student Compact is a commitment that outlines our responsibilities in building this partnership. It is a promise to work together for your child. You, as Title 1 Parents, have the right to be involved in the development of the School-Parent Compact.
How do I request the qualifications of my child’s teacher(s)? You as Title I Parents, have the right to request the qualifications of your child’s teachers. How you are notified of this right and the process for making such a request.
How will I be notified if my child is taught by a teacher who is not Highly Qualified? Our school’s present status of Highly Qualified Teachers Notification to parents regarding teachers not meeting NCLB’s requirements for Highly Qualified How parents are notified
How is the evaluation of the LEA Parental Involvement Plan conducted? Evaluation Requirements - Conduct annually - Conduct with Title 1 parents - Analyze Content and Effectiveness of the current plan - Identify Barriers to parental involvement -Data/Input may include… * Parent Survey * Focus Groups * Parent Advisory Committees Process and Timeline How the evaluation informs next year’s plan
Past and Present Title 1 Initiatives
Title One Program Initiatives
Past:*Kindergarten Literacy Instruction “Early Intervention” Pre-Reading Program *1st & 2nd Grade Literacy Instruction “Early Success” Reading Program *3rd & 4th Grade Literacy Reading Program “Soar to Success”
Present:* Title One services are being integrated with Response to Intervention (RTI) * Literacy teachers provide intense instruction to students in Tier 2 with “Voyager” and Tier 3 with “Voyager or “Project Read”
Professional LearningCommunities (PLC) Teachers workin collaborative teams to analyze student data and make instructional decisions that will improve student learning
Technology integration with the use of laptops and SmartBoards for curriculum integration.
Supplies and materials that support teacher/curriculum instruction in the areas of reading and math.
Professional Teacher Resource Library Reading Kits Professional Books Research Materials Math Manipulatives Read Alouds Writing Focus Materials Cool Books Sets Class Sets of Books Science and Social Studies- Integrated Literature Periodicals
Leveled Text Book Room 6 Pack of Leveled Text-Kindergarten through 5th Grade covering all standards Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies Largest Leveled Text Book Room in Lexington School District One Big Books Read Aloud Collection
Staff Development Opportunities Professional Learning Communities Conferences attended by about 20 PES teachers and administrators since 2006 Assessment Summit attended by teachers and administrators to learn more about formative assessments SC Early Childhood Association Conference SC Reading Association Conference Title One Conference Reading course taught at PES RISC Professional Development
How Can Parents Be Involved And Help Their Child With Academic Achievement? Sign and discuss the Parent-Student Compact. Attend meetings, programs, parent-teacher conferences, etc. Read classroom and school newsletters and other papers brought home on “Terrific Tuesday”. Give input/suggestions to administration and School Improvement Council (SIC). Complete and return parent input sheets when they come home in the “Tuesday Envelope”.