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we are going to learn all about mystic systems briefly to get the gist of it. We can see how these systems are gaining more and more popularity day by day and in order to take the advantage of this product. @ http://www.bigfogg.com/
In this article, we are going to learn all about mystic systems briefly to get the gist of it. We can see how these systems are gaining more and more popularity day by day and in order to take the advantage of this product, we need to know what exactly is it? How does it function? Why do we need it? And what are its benefits? So, let’s start unearthing it! What are Mystic Systems? These systems can be referred as a ai ir r con aim at air conditioning the area. The word ‘System’ is used as it consists of various types of equipment adjoining a series of nozzles placed at fixed distance. cond di iti tio on ni in ng g pr pre e- - c co oo ol li in ng g mys myst ti ic c s sy ys stem tems s and as the name suggests they These systems come in variety of designs and sizes like stainless steel mystic system, portable misting system, outdoor mystic system and more. For getting the perfect style and size which will perfectly suit your requirements, it is important to keep in mind the area where you are planning to place it. How does it work? As we know, this system has several nozzles which are fitted at regular or irregular intervals. So, these nozzles do the most important work of spraying ultra fine water droplets ranging from 15 microns to 50 microns in size. For effectively spraying these droplets, the system requires at least 500 psi pressure as if it will be less than it then the droplets produced will be larger in size. The water sprayed by these nozzles is evaporated in air for which heat is used and when the heat reduces, the air automatically becomes cooler. Why do we need it? Many times, the Sun can be pretty harsh to us and we are made to face its intolerable heat. So, that is why and when we need it. These systems make the air cool up to approximately 25 degrees by sprinkling out the water.
We might need for several places like for children’s play area for keeping them cool while they exhaust themselves, for poolside area, in restaurants or cafes so as to provide relief from heat to customers especially, in open or rooftop restaurants and many more. Benefits of P Pre re- - C Co oo ol li in ng g M My ys sti tic c S System ystems s: • Source of relief in bright sunny days. Mystic systems by spraying water droplets provides relief to you especially when you are outdoors where sun rays are directly falling on your head. • It is very convenient to use as you can put it at any place like patio, porches, poolside or decks. It is favourable to mostly all such places. • It naturally repels small flying insects and keeps the surrounding area of them. • It clears the pollutants present in air like smoke particles, dust mites and pollens. • Benefits plants by increasing humidity in air. Co Conta ntact ct To Bigfogg.co To Bigfogg.com m F Florida lorida O Offi Big Big F Fo ogg 1406 1406 Big Big Tr N Ne eptu ptune ph phon one e: 9 Big Big F Fo ogg 808 808- -38 381 1- -4 46 66 66 6 DEALER DEALERS If If you you are int are inte er re este 888 888- -853 853- -1728. 1728. Email Email Us: Us: mai ffice ( ce (R Re ent gg M Mistin isting Sys Tre ee e R Roa ne, F , FL 322 L 32266 : 904 04- -5 571 71- -9 92 290 ntal O al Of ffice O g Syst te ems ms and F oad d 66 90 fice Only): and Fans nly): ans gg H Ha aw wai aii O i Offi ffice: ce: 2617 2617 N Na ahaku haku P Place #2 lace #2 Ho Hono nolu lul lu u, Ha , Haw waii aii 9 96 6826 826 S W WA AN NTED TED! !! !! ! sted in be d in becomi coming a " ng a "Bi Big F g Fo ogg gg Deale Dealer" r" pl ple ease c ase con ont tact act u us s at at mailto:In lto:Info@Big fo@BigF Fogg. ogg.com com 9ec c So Sou ur rce U ce Ur rl l - - https://g https://go oo o.g .gl/7 l/7x xR R9e