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The End Time Prophecies The 7 Churches Philadelphia

The End Time Prophecies The 7 Churches Philadelphia. Part 25.

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The End Time Prophecies The 7 Churches Philadelphia

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  1. The End Time PropheciesThe 7 ChurchesPhiladelphia Part 25 • Wake Up! Wake Up!– C. H. Spurgeon sermon 1445 date unknown, A Solemn Warning for all Churches, C. H. Spurgeon Feb 24, 1856, sermon 68,. Ryrie study Bible: New American Standard Bible, 1995 update (Expanded ed.) (2009). Chicago: Moody Press. Ryrie, C. C. (1996). MacDonald, W., & Farstad, A. (1997). Believer's Bible Commentary : Old and New Testaments Nashville: Thomas Nelson Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., Fausset, A. R., Brown, D., & Brown, D. (1997). Ironside, H. A. (1920). Lectures on the Book of Revelation (3839). Neptune, N. J.: Loizeaux Brothers.; Vos, H. F., & Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Yeatts, J. R. (2003). Revelation. Believers church Bible commentary (71). Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press.

  2. Faithful Preaching Today http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/03/29/taking-liberties-arrested-for-reading-bible/ • Mark Mackey opening his Bible • “Good morning, everyone,” he says to a group of 15 onlookers waiting outside the Hemet California Division of Motor Vehicles. “I would like to read a little bit of the word of God this morning.” • The video, shot in February of last year, ends with Mackey’s arrest. • “You can preach on your own property,” an officer from the California Highway Patrol tells Mackey as he leads him away in handcuffs.” Reverend Mark Mackey is arrested for reading His Bible in front of the DMV in California • Folks, this is what the United States is coming to,” Mackey says to the crowd, who were standing outside waiting for the DMV to open. “You can talk about anything you want, but you can’t talk about the Bible • Mackey is a reverend with Calvary Chapel Church, • A conservative Christian church that practices an “evangelical ministry,” requiring public testimonials and Scripture readings. • Church officials believe Mackey was arrested because of “Christian bigotry.” • The officer who made the arrest disagrees, claiming he arrested Mackey for preaching to a public audience who had no choice but to listen. • “You’re not allowed to preach here," he told Mackey, “because this is a captive audience.” • Mackey’s lawyer calls that “ridiculous.” • That doesn’t make sense in America,” says Robert Tyler of Advocates for Faith and Freedom, a non-profit law firm which defends Christian Liberties. • “If the doctrine of the captive audience is going to apply broad brush, no one is going to be allowed to [preach in] a public park…that’s not America.”

  3. Faithful Preaching Today • Tyler also points out Mackey was cited for “impeding an open business,” but he points out the DMV wasn’t even open at the time • “The DMV was closed,” he said. “They had no business arresting him.” • Not so, observes constitutional attorney Dan Conaway, saying those waiting for the DMV doors to open have no choice but to listen to Mackey. • “He's creating an intimidating situation for people who simply want to get their drivers licenses renewed,” says Conaway, who says it’s OK to preach in public, but not when your listeners can’t leave. • “He does not have the right to intimidate others and force them to listen and impede their ability to do normal business activities such as going to the DMV.” • Tyler points out that the “captive audience” statute requires more than simple intimidation. • “Mackey had to be threatening them. Is reading the Bible threatening?” • Tyler says that, in the end, Mackey has simply been charged with trespassing. • How can that be trespassing?” Tyler asks. “This is a public place. • He was not blocking or impeding anyone. He was standing over 50 feet from the entrance. This is crazy.” • Mackey sees it in biblical terms • “The devil is holding everyone captive to do his will," he said as he was led away. “Repent, and trust in Jesus Christ. Judgment Day is coming, folks.” Mackey sees this as our world being Captive To the will of Satan

  4. Introduction • The Seven Churches of Revelation • This week Philadelphia • The Faithful Church - Have Kept His Word and not denied His name • Christ is presented holding the Key of David – Opening and Closing • The Open Door • Persecution • Reward Philadelphia

  5. Philadelphia • The message to the church at Philadelphia is in some respects one of the most interesting of all the messages to the churches • The message addressed to the church at Philadelphia has the unusual characteristic of being almost entirely a word of praise, similar to that received by the church at Smyrna, but in sharp contrast to the messages to Sardis and Laodicea • The church in Philadelphia was a humble but faithful church • Content to exemplify the life of Jesus in the midst of a pagan and corrupt society • The name “Philadelphia” means “brotherly love.” • The district is disastrously seismic, and the great earthquake of a.d. 17 that also hit Sardis ruined it completely • The land area around Philadelphia was rich in agricultural value, but had noticeable tokens of previous volcanic action • Grapes were one of the principal crops • In keeping with this, Dionysus (god of the grape harvest) was one of the chief objects of pagan worship • Through the centuries, a nominal Christian testimony continued in this city of Philadelphia and prospered even under Turkish rule • But all nominal Christians left the city for Greece after World War I The church at Philadelphia was a humble but faithful church

  6. The Message to Philadelphia • Read Rev 3:7-13

  7. A Little Strength • I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (Rev 3:8) • The Philadelphian church was not great, but it was good; • It was not powerful, but it was faithful - The Spirit says, “Thou hast a little strength.” • Every band of believers has some strength • Weak as we are in ourselves, the fact that we possess some faith proves that we have a portion of strength • A church may have a very short list of members • And yet it may be very dear to God • God is more concerned with quality than with quantity, more concerned with obedience than numbers • The church at Philadelphia was not like that famous church at Corinth • They had little ability to speak with tongues, or work miracles, or teach the word • But they adhered faithfully to what they had been taught by the apostles of the Lord • This church had a focus on Christ The church at Philadelphia was likely a Small church with just a little strength

  8. Have Kept My Word • Jesus says of them “and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” • They may have had little strength, but they kept God’s word, and they did not deny his name • Faithfulness to God’s Word is a fundamental characteristic of every true church of Jesus Christ • The church at Philadelphia was loyal to Jesus — firm in the truths which Christ has taught us by His Word and the Holy Ghost • The church that keeps God’s Word, though they have but little strength, will receive a reward for it • They have been firm and steadfast in their confession of the faith once delivered unto the saints – Jude 3 • The Lord had given them the grace to be faithful to His Word and not deny His name • Even though they lived in a very pagan culture that was opposed to their beliefs • If we are to be like the church at Philadelphia in faithfulness we need to understand what it means to keep the Word of God The church at Philadelphia had Faithfully kept God’s Word and Not denied His name

  9. Receiving the Word of God • First, the church in Philadelphia had received the word of God • For if they had not heard it and held it, they could not have kept it • It was theirs, they owned it • They had no wish to hear anything else - It was theirs, they read it and searched it and made it their own • Isn’t that the problem in many churches today? • Many Christians in today’s churches believe that there is something else • Some new great teacher who will reveal some new truth, some new method of reaching the lost, or some new way of doing church – they are focused on the wrong things • And how many times have these people even read through the whole Bible? • How much do they study the Proverbs or the Minor Prophets? • How many Christians are reading Christian books on all sorts of topics instead of reading their Bibles? • People are asking me to read books all the time • Often I politely take the book, but I don’t really have time to read them • The Bible takes all my reading time • The study and meditation on His Word is what we really need • Not some new book on spurious topics that distract us from the study of the truth How much do you read the Bible?

  10. Story of Reading the Bible • I remember years ago, while my dear mother was still living, I went home to visit the family, and found there a man of God from the north of Ireland. • I was a young Christian at the time, engaged in gospel work • He was a much older man, an invalid, dying of what we then called “quick consumption.” • He had come out to Southern California, hoping climatic conditions would be of some help to him. • But it was evident that he was too far gone to be recovered to health again • He lived, by his own desire, in a small tent out under the olive trees a short distance away from our home • I went out to see him there. I can remember how my heart was touched as I looked down upon his thin worn face upon which I could see the peace of Heaven clearly manifested. • His name was Andrew Fraser • He could barely speak above a whisper, for his lungs were almost gone, but I can recall yet how, after a few words of introduction, he said to me, • “Young man, you are trying to preach Christ; are you not?” I replied, “Yes, I am.” • “Well,” he whispered, “sit down a little, and let us talk together about the Word of God.”

  11. Story of Reading the Bible • He opened his well-worn Bible • And until his strength was gone, simply, sweetly, and earnestly he opened up truth after truth as he turned from one passage to another, in a way that my own spirit had never entered into them. • Before I realized it, tears were running down my face, and I asked, “Where did you get these things? • Could you tell me where I could find a book that would open them up to me? • Did you learn these things in some seminary or college?” • I shall never forget his answer • “My dear young man, I learned these things on my knees on the mud floor of a little sod cottage in the north of Ireland. • There with my open Bible before me, I used to kneel for hours at a time, and ask the Spirit of God to reveal Christ to my soul and to open the Word to my heart, • and He taught me more on my knees on that mud floor than I ever could have learned in all the seminaries or colleges in the world.” • It was not many weeks after this that he was absent from the body and present with the Lord, • But the memory of that visit has always remained with me and is a most precious recollection • Is it not true that most of us do not stay long enough in the presence of God? • We do not get quiet enough to let Him talk to us and reveal His mind to us. Do we really study and Meditate On God’s Word?

  12. Knowing the Word of God • The church at Philadelphia knew their Bible • They kept it in their minds and memories - preserved it in their minds, used it in their experience, and practiced it in their lives • It was holistic in their lives, being part of everything they did (James 1:23-25) • They were not ashamed of revealed truth, but, on the contrary, they took it for their possession, their heritage, their treasure, their all • They believed all of it – the great doctrines of grace and salvation through the truths concerning eternal punishment for the unbelieving • God has entrusted us with the gospel • It is a great privilege to be taught of the Holy Ghost as we read the word • And we must be true to whole Word as we lives our lives and tell others of it • God takes note of our work • He sees you at your Bible-reading, he marks you in your endeavors to get at the meaning of his word • He notes you when you sit down and meditate upon his divine thoughts • And he takes pleasure in your eagerness to know what the will of the Lord is. • He says, “I know thy works”; • And though you may be one of little influence and little ability, yet he is pleased with you because you are pleased with his word The Bible needs to be part of every aspect of the Christian’s life

  13. Believing the Word of God • Like those in Philadelphia, you may have but very little strength • You may often be tempted and tried, and cast down • But if you believe the word, God is more pleased in a childlike faith than in the most glittering profession or in the most showy deeds • Faith is the queen of the virtues • Do you believe God’s Word, then you have wrought a great work • Believe it when others contradict it, and you are a conqueror over them all Faith in God is the backbone of our Christian Lives • Believe it when circumstances seem to make it questionable, and life’s problems seem to contradict God’s promises • Believe it when your own heart fails you • Believe it when your sin and corruption rise within you like a fountain of foul waters • So you will give glory to the God of truth • Keep holding on to the promises made to you in the Word of God • And to the manifestation of God which is seen in Christ Jesus • And you will be doing your God the honor which he deserves at your hands • And he will say, “I know thy works; for thou hast a little strength, but thou hast kept my word.”

  14. Holy and True • And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: (Rev 3:7) • Christ is presented as the One who is Holy • Here He claims to be “the Holy One” and therefore God • In the Old Testament “the Holy One” is a frequent name of God • He was holy at His birth (Luke 1:35), He was holy at His death (Acts 2:27), and He is holy today in His present priestly office (Heb 7:26) – He is set apart from all others • Christ is also presented as the one who is true • Christ is the Author of truth in contrast to all error or false doctrine • Christ is “the True One” as opposed to the false gods of the heathen; they are spurious gods • The truth of Christ today stands in contrast to the false systems of our world • We think of the “facts of evolution”, the denial of God, or the pluralistic philosophy of post modern man where there is no “absolute truth” – all is relative and everyone is right • Jesus said; “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6) • In the midst of so much that is false and perverted, Jesus Christ stands alone as the One who is completely true • And so what He tells us can be accepted in full faith, because He is true Jesus is Holy and True – He is God and Stands in contrast to all that is false

  15. Key of David • Jesus is seen as the one “Who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens,” (Rev 3:7b) • This is taken from Isaiah 22:22, where God gave His servant Eliakim(meaning God will establish) authority over David’s house in place of Shebna (King Hezekiah’s chief person in charge of the royal household) • It is recorded of Eliakim that “the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.” (Is 22:22) • Eliakim is called the “servant of Jehovah” • In possessing “the key of the house of David,” Eliakim had control over the house of David • So the key depicts the responsible position and the power to make decisions • The power of the keys consisted of supervision of the royal chambers and the decision of who was and who was not to be received into the king’s service • Eliakim foreshadows Christ • In Revelation we see Jesus holding the key of David, and holding the power to open and shut • Just as Eliakim had power and control over all of the House of David, so Jesus has all the power over the Kingdom of God • Jesus opens and closes – As presented here to His church, He determines who will be received into His (the kings’) service Having the key of David, Jesus holds All authority over the church and He Determines who will enter into His service

  16. The Faithful Church • I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. (Rev 3:8) • As we have seen, the assembly at Philadelphia received only words of praise from the Lord • The saints had been faithful and zealous for good works • In their own human weakness, they had trusted in the Lord • “I know thy works.” - Worthy for Service • Again, as with other churches, we see that Jesus observes the works of His church • He saw the entire panorama of testimony and witness in Philadelphia • And He wrote words of commendation for their faithfulness to His word and His name • They also “have not denied my name” • Because of this church’s faithfulness Jesus set before them an open door of opportunity that no one would be able to shut • It is significant that the testimony of this church continued through the centuries in evident fulfillment of His promise that they should have an open door • Jesus held the key of David – symbolizing His authority over the church and who He would select for service • He holds that Key today, and for those whom He finds faithful, He will open a door of opportunity for service Because they had been faithful Jesus would open a door of Opportunity to the church

  17. Open Door • An open door for service • You have been faithful; therefore I will use you • You have been steadfast; therefore I will employ you • When does God open the door? • For a considerable period of human life, it may be, God does not give to all of us a field of usefulness, but he provides a field of trial (James 1:2-4) • There are some to whom he opens the gate of usefulness early in life, because he sees in them a spirit that will bear the temptation of success • But in many other cases it is questionable whether they could bear promotion • And therefore the Lord permits them to be tried in different ways until he sees that they are found faithful • And then he puts them into his service, and gives them an opportunity of bearing witness for him • Not Used Yet • Now, perhaps to date you have been perfectly satisfied with holding the truth with all your might, and being faithful to it in private and in your own daily life • I want to suggest to you that if you have done this for some time the era has now arrived when you may go forward to somewhat more Have you been faithful to the Word of God and held fast His name, then you may be Ready for further service

  18. Opportunities for Service • Some are not ready • If you have been vacillating and shifty and tricky, and have believed everything and nothing • Nobody will take any particular notice of what you say, except it be to shut the door against your uncertain prattle • But when they have observed how you stand to the truth, how solid, and how steadfast you are • Then they will take notice and the Lord will open doors of opportunity for service that were not there before • These are placed before you especially because you have been tried, and have been proved faithful • As a general rule, the man that keeps God’s word has an open door before him • If you have been faithful to Him - If you have been striving to live according to His Word, then God can use you • If you can say what God bids me to do I am going to do • What he bids me believe I am going to believe; and if there is anything to be suffered for it, all right • I have added it all up, and I count the reproach of Christ to be greater riches than all the treasures of the world • This is the right kind of resolution. God help you to keep to it. • Before you the Lord God has set an open door What type of service are you able to do? Are there opportunities before you?

  19. Are You Ready for Service? • Where do you stand? • If you feel, “I never can give up the Bible” • I can never forsake the truths that I have learnt from it • They are stamped on my heart, they are cut into the very center of my soul,” • Are you trying to live a life in obedience to teachings? • Then you demonstrate your faith in what the Bible teaches through your actions – this is a real faith – one that God can use • There is an open door before you which no man can shut • Gird up your loins and enter it - Rush to the front • Victory lies before you - God means to use you • You are a vessel fit for the Master’s use • And there never was a vessel fit for his use that he did not use one day or other • Oh that these words might call out some faithful ones • We need pillars in the house of our God • Where are they to be found? • My story • Obedience in Baptism – Ushering • Faithfulness in Ushering and reading God’s Word – teaching • Faithfulness in teaching - Deacon Are you faithful to God’s Word Then God will open a door for you

  20. The Opposition of the Church • Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. (Rev 3:9) • The church at Philadelphia was loyal to Christ • And they had made a public confession of their trust in Him • In recognition of this fact He says to them, “and have not denied my name.” • As the result of their faithfulness in witness - some Jews were making life hard for them • The reference to the synagogue of Satan and to those who say they are Jews is to unbelieving Jews • These Jews were opposing the witness of the gospel in Philadelphia and making it difficult for the Christians to bear a good testimony before the pagan world • Jesus promises that their adversaries, described in verse 9 as “synagogue of Satan,” will be forced to acknowledge that the Philadelphian church were true servants of God • False religion has always been a formidable antagonist against true Christian faith • The day will come, however, when all opponents of the faith will have to acknowledge the truth (cf. Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:10-11) • Then Christ declared, “I will make them come and fall down at your feet and make them know that I have loved you.” The church of Philadelphia faced opposition Just as we do today- Jesus promises that those who opposed them would one day come and bow down at their feet

  21. Their Reward • ‘Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown. (Rev 3:10-11) • Christ’s coming is held before the saints as a motive to steadfast endurance • His return and the reward He brings should be a great motivation to serve Him now • Christ tells them that they should not let anyone rob them of the victor’s crown when it is so near at hand • Jesus tells us later in Revelation - Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. (Rev 22:12) • After Jesus’ return, Christians will be brought before His judgment-seat, and be rewarded according to service here • For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (2 Co 5:10) • Then He will give out the crowns for our service here on earth • Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. • If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. (1 Co 3:12–15) At the Bema seat of Christ We will receive rewards for Our service to Him

  22. Pillar in the Temple of God • He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name. (Rev 3:12) • The promise that believers will be pillars may allude to the custom in Philadelphia of honoring a magistrate or philanthropist by placing a great pillar with his name inscribed on it in one of the temples • The overcomer will be made a pillar in the temple of God, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, and shall dwell in the Father’s house to go no more out forever • Upon him will be written the name of God, the name of the Holy City, and Christ’s new name • All that is involved in this is beyond our finite comprehension • But it speaks of stability, of security, of fellowship, of intimacy with the Lord Himself • Which will make heaven to the believer—his blessed and eternal home The true believer will dwell with God in His Holy City

  23. Conclusion • He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ (Rev 3:13) • Will we Listen? • End Week 25 – The Church at Philadelphia

  24. Ready to Adhere to God’s Word • Adhering to the Word • In addition to the inner possession and the hearty belief of the truth • we must be ready to adhere to it at all times • That, perhaps, is the central thought here, — ”Thou hast kept my word.” • Why, there are great folk among us that never care to believe according to God’s word at all • They have thought out what they believe; their theology is made out of their own substance • We must believe God’s Word above all else - “Thus, saith the Lord.” • It is not what I think; it is not what some greater man may think; • It is not what may be the consensus of all the enlightened minds of the period: • The decision lies with what the Lord has spoken • God’s thoughts are as high above ours as the heavens are above the earth; dare we drag them down and sit in judgment on them?

  25. Ready to Adhere to God’s Word • We cannot acquiesce to the popular science of the day • If the thought of the age happens to be right, well and good; but it is not upon temporary opinion that we rest • Our faith stands not in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God • What is taught in Holy Scripture is sure truth to us, and every other statement must bow to it • Many say we Christians are fools • They laugh when we say we believe in a young earth as taught by the Bible • If we have but little strength, we will “hold fast” the Holy Spirit and to his eternal teachings • Supposing that we have not such big heads as some have, and cannot excogitate or multiply sophisms and inventions as they do, • It will be no small thing to be commended at the last, in these terms — ”Thou hast a little strength, but thou hast kept my word.” • Cling to God’s word; • cling to infallible and immutable revelation! Whatever novelty comes up, keep to the word of Jesus! • Whatever discovery may be made by the wise men of the age, let Christ be wisdom unto you • Regard the new teachers no more than you would the wise men of Gotham, for those who oppose themselves to God’s word are fools. Let them cry “Lo here, or lo there,” but believe them not. Here is your anchorage • The Book is our ultimatum

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