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Data Analysis Organisation for ICECUBE. Data Analysis organisation. DASP. Data Analysis Co-ordinator. Working group Calibration. Working group Simulation. Working group reconstruction. Analysis WG 1. Analysis WG 2. Analysis WG 3. Analysis WG 4. Analysis WG 5.
Data Analysis Organisation for ICECUBE Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Data Analysis organisation DASP Data Analysis Co-ordinator Working group Calibration Working group Simulation Working group reconstruction Analysis WG 1 Analysis WG 2 Analysis WG 3 Analysis WG 4 Analysis WG 5 Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Data Analysis Steering Panel (DASP) • The DASP should co-ordinate and discuss all relevant questions about the data analysis presented at general analysis meetings. It should solve problems which are in common between the different working groups. The panel should have the complete knowledge of the progress in the different working groups and should ask the Collaboration Board to allocate extra resources if necessary. • DASP consists of one representative from each institution + Data Analysis Co-ordinator + Working group co-ordinators (WGC) • Data Analysis Co-ordinator akt as Chariperson in DASP Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Working group co-ordinators • The working group co-ordinators (WGC) are responsible to organise the work within the groups and to ensure that enough progress is obtained. If problems are found which are not possible to solve within the group the co-ordinator should report to the Data Analysis Co-ordinator who will take necessary action. The working group co-ordinators should be elected by the collaboration board for a limited period of time (e.g. two years) and the positions should rotate between the collaboration members. Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Supporting working groups (1) • General supporting Working groups • Calibration Working group • Simulation Working group • Reconstruction Working group • All participating institutions have to contribute to the man power in these groups Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Supporting working groups (cont 1) • Calibration Analysis Working group • The responsibility of this group is to collect and update the constants in the data base for the geometry of the detector, the time corrections (t0s) and the ice parameters etc. The information collected in the data base will be input for the simulation and the reconstruction programs. • The group should also take the responsibility to organise the monitoring of the detector performance. This is a work which should rotate between the different institutes and shared by many people. Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Supporting working groups (cont 2) • Simulation Working group • The group should be responsible to write, support and document all necessary simulation programs. • Generators: • Atmospheric muons, Atmospheric neutrinos, Neutralinos from the Sun and the Earth, AGN point sources, GRB point sources, Electron neutrinos, Tau neutrinos, Neutral current interaction, particles moving with v < c (e.g. monopoles) • Detector hardware simulation • General ICECUBE simulation program • Fast and/or detailed simulation Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Supporting working groups (cont 3) • Reconstruction Working group • The group should be responsible to write, support and document the reconstruction programs. • Single muon tracks, starting and stopping • Multimuons • Cascades • Tau neutrinos • Contained events • Energy reconstruction Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Physics analysis working groups • Physics Analysis Working groups • PW1 • Icetop, atmospheric muons • PW2 • Atmospheric neutrinos, neutrino oscillations, WIMPs • PW3 • High energy neutrinos (diffuse), Point sources, GRB Relativistic monopoles • PW4 • Isolated cascades, ne ,nt ,NC events, • PW5 • Supernova, seasonal muon rate variations Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth
Review Procedure • The results of the analysis from a working group should first be reviewed inside the group. • When the group is ready, a written technical report should be submitted to DASP. • DASP will assign two editors to write a scientific draft. • The draft will be accessible to the collaboration for comments within a time limit. • The editors will take into account the comments for a new draft which should be commented again by the collaboration. • Final draft will be reviewed by two internal reviewers and sent to DASP which decides to send it to CB for final decision. Icecube Data Analysis Per Olof Hulth