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Revealing the Secrets of Cosmic Accelerators with IceCube Neutrino Astronomy

IceCube neutrino observatory allows for the observation of hidden regions of cosmic accelerators, providing insights into black holes, pulsars, and supernova explosions. With its exceptional detector reliability and high sensitivity, IceCube plays a crucial role in studying astrophysical accelerators and dark matter annihilation phenomena. Discover the latest advancements and findings from the IceCube project in neutrino astronomy.

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Revealing the Secrets of Cosmic Accelerators with IceCube Neutrino Astronomy

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  1. IceCube A. Karle UW Madison

  2. c Why neutrino astronomy? Neutrinos allow for observation of ‘hidden regions’ of cosmic accelerators (BH, pulsars, initial epochs of SN explosions). The penetrating power of νs is important also for moderately opaque sources from which we may be seeing ϒ spectra that are significantly distorted Accretion disk with jets Astrophysical Accelerators DM annihilation CasA Supernova Remnant in X-rays A. Karle UW Madison

  3. Drilling experience AMANDA drilling (1950m) 90 hrs IceCube drilling (2450m) 35 hrs Thermal power: 5MW A. Karle UW Madison

  4. Detector reliability • Very good survival rate during installation. • 98.5% of all deployed sensors are commissioned and being used in the first science run. • In 1000 DOM years of accumulated live time only 2 sensors failed after commissioning. • Estimated survival rate after 15 years: 97+1.5-3.5% • Estimate based on the assumption of a constant failure rate. Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  5. Commissioned for operation in January 2007. 3 Winter-over scientists operate and maintain instrument during winter Only two winter-overs planned for 2008 17 racks of electronics Power: 60 kW total for full IceCube IceCube Laboratory and Data Center A. Karle UW Madison

  6. IceCube 22: 2007 operation since “physics” start • May 23, run 107868 until July 30, run 108975 • 95.9% uptime • Trigger • In-ice: > 7 hits in 5 ms • IceTop > 5 hits in 2 ms • Typical rates: • in i3+AMANDA(twr) mode: 610 Hz • In i3-only: 525 Hz • Since start of I3 physics filtering (July 7 - now): • 99.4% uptime (special ops –like CV flashing- while running at least partial I3 detector) • Data • 200 GBytes/day raw data written to disk • 25 GBytes/day filtered and sent north via satellite • Monitoring files posted daily at http://icecube.berkeley.edu/i3-monitoring/2007/monitor.shtml Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  7. List of deployed filters (31/07/07) Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  8. Physics analysis From Pole to North by satellite Offline Data Flow Calibrated Decompressed Refiltered Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  9. IceCube 2006-2007: 13 strings deployed 2005-2006: 8 strings 2004-2005 : 1 string 2007/08: add 14 to 18 strings and tank stations Completion by 2011. IceTop Current configuration - 22 strings - 52 surface tanks Air shower detector 80 pairs of ice Cherenkov tanks Threshold ~ 300 TeV 1450m InIce AMANDA-II 19 strings 677 modules Goal of 80 strings of 60 optical modules each 17 m between modules 125 m string separation AMANDA now operating as part of IceCube 2450m

  10. IC22 Events ( Red hits = early; yellow/green/blue = later ) IceCube DOM locations blue, AMANDA OM locations red Downward cosmic-ray event (“muon bundle”) Upward candidate n event Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  11. Azimuth distributions: IC9 and IC22 Downgoing muons. Azimuth distribution illustrates detector response. At lower energies one can see azimuthal structure due to detector geometry. Rate for 22 strings ~4 times higher

  12. IC22 - Online zenith distribution Zenith distribution is compared to simulations. (Crosses: data, line: MC, normalized) Events with zenith angle > 80° pass online filter and are sent to North. (There are numerous other filter streams, eg. Nu_e and nu-tau, GRB, WIMPs, …) Cos(zenith)

  13. IceTop – 2 tanks per station Preliminary energy spectrum with 2006 data Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  14. Reconstruction of big, coincident event: E ~ 0.5 EeV by IceTop • 0.5 EeV • ~2000 m at 2.5 km Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  15. Cosmic-ray physics with IceCube • Measure spectrum/composition • from <1 PeV to >1 EeV • IceTop alone • In-Ice alone (muon bundles) • Hybrid, coincident events • Calibration with IceTop tagged events • Measure physics background • Muons and muon bundles Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  16. Note severe cuts needed to reject background with only 9 strings. Situation will improve as detector grows Atmospheric n with IceCube-9 Phys. Rev. D (to be published) arXiv:0705.1781 Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  17. Full IceCube 2011  +IC36-40 +IC22 +IC9 Km3Net AMANDA ANTARES Growth of detector Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  18. IC 9 in 2006 • Point source catalog • Many involve jets  • IC-9 point source • search reported at • ICRC2007 Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  19. Point source search, example: MILAGRO MGRO2019+37 in Cygnus Note: small signal with signal/background ~1 Photon flux: data & model fits to MGRO J 2019 +37 Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  20. IceCube Sensitivity • IC9 sensitivity ~10-7 GeV-1 cm-2 s-1 (EGeV)-2 • ~2 orders of magnitude above predicted signal from MGRO J2019 +37 • Cuts remove large fraction of signal (90% for atmospheric spectrum, less for harder spectrum) • Sensitivity grows faster than detector size • For example, IC22 sensitivity is 4-5 times IC9 while size ratio is 2.5 • Angular resolution improves with longer tracks Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  21. Expectations for point source search with IceCube • Expected signals small • < few events per year • Background of atmospheric n in search bin comparable to expected signal • Optimize search techniques • Unbinned searches • Sensitivity to expected hard spectrum • Source stacking • Multi-messenger approach: • Use correlation with physically related variability in multi-wavelength g data • Examples: flaring AGNs; GRB Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  22. Multi-messenger/multi-wavelength • Coordination with MAGIC, VERITAS, HESS… • Two IceCube talks this week at • Optical follow-up scheme proposed • Like ROTSE to look for GRB afterglow or SN light curve or choked GRB • Trigger on 2 or more n in time/direction window • Two guest investigator proposals to GLAST Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  23. All flavor limits by AMANDA Cascade(Rolling) Cascade(Trig & Roll) Waxman-Bahcall PRL 78 (1997) 2292 Murase-Nagataki A PRD 73 (2006) 063002 Supranova, Razzaque et al. PRL 90 (2003) 241103 Choked bursts Meszaros-Waxman PRL 87 (2001) 171102 Limits on neutrinos from GRB from AMANDA: -from cascades (ne, nt), Ap.J. 664 (2007) 397 -from neutrino-induced muons, Ap.J (to be published) nm search Search for neutrinos from GRB GRB models Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  24. Prospects for detecting GRB n’s with IceCube • AMANDA limits • Already disfavor some models • Sensitivity close to classic Waxman-Bahcall fireball prediction (expected ~ 1n in 400 GRBs) • IceCube sensitivity ~20 times AMANDA • 200 GRB / yr expected from GLAST • Expect 3s detection of Waxman-Bahcall level in 70 GRB with full IceCube • Non-observation would indicate GRB jets are pure Poynting flux (Blandford) rather than baryon loaded plasma (Piran, Meszaros, …) Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  25. Cascades—a way to avoid background of atmospheric m M.Kowalski [astro-ph/0505506 • Atmospheric -induced cascade events: • 9-strings: 10 events / year • 22-strings: 30 events / year • Prompt -induced cascades from charm • - 15 events/year with 22 string-array • Diffuse extraterrestrial neutrino flux (expected from AGNs or GRBs) • - With 22 strings Waxman-Bahcall rate (with source evolution) E2<5x10-8 GeV-1sr-1s-1 may be detectable Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  26. Take advantage of n-oscillations: use the nt channel • No atmospheric n background • But rare, ~1 event / yr in full IceCube Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  27. AMANDA+IC22:Improves low-energy capability for point source search including n from WIMP annihilation in Sun Effective Area Angular Resolution AMANDA+IC22 AMANDA AMANDA+IC22 IC22 preliminary preliminary AMANDA gives to IceCube more area at lower energy from ~ 100 GeV IceCube gives to AMANDA a better angular resolution up to ~ 50 TeV Optimization scheme in order to fight atmospheric neutrinos (dominant at this energy): - Search for n from dark matter - X-ray Binary: energy spectrum and time characteristic - Pulsar Wind Nebulae: energy spectrum - SNr near Molecular Clouds: stacking

  28. AMANDA/IceCube as MeV  detector …first proposed by Halzen, Jacobsen & Zas, astro-ph/9512080  PMT noise low (~ 300 Hz)  ice uniformly illuminated  detect correlated rate increase on top of PMT noise Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  29. Supernova watch with IceCube • IceCube SN DAQ • Now running with 1300 DOMs • Total noise rate shown  • Connection to SNEWS • Planned for 07/08 season • Depends on good monitoring • Sensitivity • Example shows SN at gal. cntr.  • Good probability of detection out to LMC Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  30. 76 75 70 69 68 63 62 61 60 54 53 52 Deployed in 07 / 08 IceCube deployment 2005-2011 AMANDA 78 IceCube string and IceTop station deployed 01/05 77 74 73 72 71 2004 / 05 IceCube string and IceTop station deployed 12/05 – 01/06 67 66 65 64 2005 / 06 59 58 57 56 IceTop station only 2006 55 50 49 2006 / 07 48 47 IceCube string and IceTop station deployed 12/06 – 01/07 46 45 44 40 39 38 2007 / 08 IceTop station only in 06 / 07 30 29 21 2560 DOMs deployed to date ONLY 3 ? FAILED SO FAR 3 more seasons planned Crucial planning period during the next 4 – 6 months

  31. Extras Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  32. Detector operation(Snapshot as of 31-07/07) Latest Status from Experiment Control *Moon data is taken only when it is > 15 degrees above horizon Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  33. Properties of coincident events Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  34. Compare AMANDA-IC9 Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  35. Point source search with IC9 IC9 Neutrino effective area (Dumm, Finley & Montaruli, ICRC2007) Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  36. Growth of detector volume Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  37. Photon data: light curves combination M. Tluczykont, M. Shayduk, O. Kalekin, E. Bernardini Elisa Resconi

  38. What do we gain? • Analysis cuts re-optimized using the blocks distribution • For the moment NO energy spectrum optimization (to be come soon) • How does it look like the Detection Probability ?? Preliminary

  39. Optical follow-up Teresa Montaruli for Multi-wavelength conference, Adler Planetarium, Aug 9 Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  40. Take advantage of n-oscillations: use the nt channel • No atmospheric n background • Assume diffuse flux at AMANDA limit • 3 x Waxman-Bahcall limit • A total of ~0.48 events per year is expected for all tau signature in IC-22 • Lollipops: ~0.16 events per year • Inverted Lollipops: ~0.19 per year • Double Bangs: ~0.13 per year Tom Gaisser, IceCube Status

  41. All strings with 60 DOMs on Tom Gaisser

  42. Local coincidence count rates versus depth (std. occupancy plot) Note that rates are lower in this standard occupancy plot -- Note: SMT >= 8 per string is required Tom Gaisser

  43. Future high-energy extensions ?

  44. Low energy core ? • AMANDA has no veto coverage from top, (which is where the muons come from) • Ice below 2100m is exceptionally clear, significantly better even than current ice model. 1500 2500 A. Karle

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