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single neutrinos average of two neutrinos. 2 o x 2 o. 250 n m a day for IceCube. GRB/SN time -window:100 sec. Detecting high energy neutrinos from Supernovae. While core-collapse SNe are guaranteed sources of low-energy neutrinos,
single neutrinos average of two neutrinos 2o x 2o 250 nm a day for IceCube GRB/SN time -window:100 sec Detecting high energy neutrinos from Supernovae While core-collapse SNe are guaranteed sources of low-energy neutrinos, they might also be potent sources of high-energy TeV neutrinos. High energy neutrinos from Supernovae, besides being a remarkable discovery by itself, would proof the presence of internal jet production in Supernovae. Such jets are motivated by the recent association of Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts [1]. By complementing IceCube with optical follow-up observations, one can increase its sensitivity by a factor of 2-3 [2]. Sensitivity can be doubled by follow-up! References S.Ando & J.Beacom, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 061103 M.Kowalski & A.Mohr, Astroparticle Physics, 27, 553, 2007 3. A.Kappes et al. (IceCube Collaboration), Contributions to the ICRC, Merida, Mexico, Jul. 2007 4. G.G. Raffelt, astro-ph/0303226, 2003 5. A.S. Dighe et al. JCAP 06(2003)005, 2003 6. J. Janka et al. arXiv:astro-ph/0612072v1, 2006 7. T.Totani, Astrophys. J. 496 216 Supernova detection with IceCube: From low to high energy neutrinos Anna Franckowiak1, Timo Griesel2, Lutz Koepke2, Marek Kowalski1, Thomas Kowarik2, Anna Mohr1, Alexander Piégsa21Institut für Physik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin 2Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Supernovae search with IceCube This online detection algorithm is well tested and understood. The method is being used in IceCubes precursor AMANDA-II (Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array) and is now implemented in the new detector. Since IceCube will detect the neutrino light curve with unprecedented resolution, this experiment will provide precision information for Neutrino science and Supernova modelling. Due to the low noise rates of the IceCube DOMs (Digital Optical Modules) an incoming Supernova neutrino signal will lead to a significant rise in the noise rate of every single DOM. This excess can be detected with high significance. An online analysis monitors the rates and triggers Supernovae burst candidates. This will allow IceCube to participate in SNEWS (Super-Nova-Early-Warning-System). We estimate Supernova signals in IceCube for several models. While the Cherenkov light emission was simulated, the dark noise was taken from measurements during the first IceCube runs. The predictions on luminosity and mean energy are taken from the Livermore group for long time scales up to about 10s and from the Garching group for short time scales ~25ms [4,5,7] to analyze the very first rise of the Supernova neutrino emission. The figure shows significance versus distance for a Supernova detection in IceCube and AMANDA-II. Locations of the Galaxy Center and the LMC are indicated. What can welearn ? Galaxy Center (10kpc) ~ 160 A triggered Supernova event will provide a variety of new information. It will be possible to measure the full neutrino light curve and neutrino spectra of a Supernova explosion. This information is important, for modeling theorists as the neutrino driven heating inside the star is crucial for the explosion to happen [4,6]. The measured data will also provide information on neutrino oscillation effects within star and earth matter. It may be possible to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy [5]. This chance will be improved by combining flux measurements of experiments with different earth matter effects. A trigger sent to SNEWS would allow to observe the full optical light curve beginning just after the time of explosion – an observation that has not yet been made. LMC (52kpc) ~ 6 The estimated significance is more than one magnitude higher than that of AMANDA-II as Icecube will have twelve times more DOMs with a significant lower noise rate and corresponding fluctuations.The significance of a “Livermore-like“ Supernova at 10kpc is 160, while at 52kpc (Large Magellanic Cloud) the significance is still about 6 standard deviations. The figure shows the generated Supernova signal for the final IceCube detector setup with 4800 DOMs based on the Livermore SN code. Supernova Optical Detection: first image later image image difference Supernovae Sensitivity Optical Neutrino Follow-up Method: Triggered by a burst of high energy neutrinos, a network of optical telescopes scan the corresponding part of the sky. By searching for rising SN lightcurves as well as Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows through optical follow-up observations, one can sig- nificantly improve the perspectives for the detection of selected transient sources. Model: TeV neutrino emission from core collapse SNe is modeled according Ando & Beacom (2005) and used to project the sensitivity. SN Rate and jet kinetic energy are free parameters of our model. Configurations: Neutrino doublets (or higher order multiplets) combined with an optical follow-up with a 1m class telecope. 2) Single neutrinos are correlated with optically detected SNe within 20 Mpc. network of optical telescopes IceCube Neutrino-Trigger IceCube Neutrino Burst Trigger: Optical Telescope Requirements: Large Field-of-View to match IceCubes pointing accuracy (~ 1o) (see left Fig.) Limiting magnitude 20 (~1m diameter) . Observing time requirements ~20 hours a year Fast response time and automated operation Visibility of the northern hemisphere Telescopes which fulfill most of these requirements already exist (ROTSE-III, STELLA,…) and others become online soon (PTF,…). IceCube pointing accuracy Rate of two coincident atmospheric neutrino events: Figure XY shows the projected sensitivity (50% detection probability) of IceCube with optical follow-up (after a km3 yr exposure).