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MONTENEGROOSH and cooperation with EU institutions Zlatko Popovic
Percentage of employees in each industry Zlatko Popovic
Safety at Work LawOfficial Gazette of the of Montenegro, No 79/04 (2004) • Harmonized with Council Directive No. 89/391/EEC • The Law shall lay down rights and duties of employers and employees within respect to healthy and safe working practice, and measures to ensure health and safety at work • Obligations of an employer • Rights and Obligations of employees • Records and Reports • Supervising Zlatko Popovic
Organizational chart of Labour sector Labour sector Deputy of Minister Department of Labour relations Department of 1st Misdemeanour procedures Department of Labour inspection Chief Labour inspector Inspector grade I for labour relations Inspector grade I for safety at work 8 Regional Units of Labour (relations) inspection (24 inspectors) 8 Regional Units of Labour inspection for Safety at Work (11 inspectors) Zlatko Popovic
OSH system in Montenegro • Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare - Labour inspection • Social partners (Government of Montenegro, Montenegrin Employers Federation and Montenegrin Employers Federation) • Social Council • External Authorized companies for OSH • Authorized healthcare institutions(Department for Labour Medicine) • Section for OSHand Labour Medicine (SocialCouncil – representatives of Social partners) • The Health Insurance Fund and the Pension and Disability Fund • NGO – Safety at Work Association of Montenegro • Insurance companies… Zlatko Popovic
Problems • Construction industry • Metal industry • Forestry • Shipbuilding Zlatko Popovic
Problems • Number of work accidents • Untrained employees • Number of nonresident employees • Old technology • Working environment • In 2008 related to the labour inspection record data’sit was 70 work related accidents: 57 severe, 1 collective and 12 fatal (death) work accidents Zlatko Popovic
The European Union and Montenegro Before 1998, assistance was mainly provided to Montenegro (as a part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in the fields of humanitarian aid, assistance for democratisation and support for independent media. In April 1998 a €3 million Joint Action was adopted by the European Council. The aim of this Joint Action was to provide rapid short-term assistance to the new Government of Montenegro to continue its programme of economic and political reform. In December 1998, a €5 million assistance programme was agreed between the Commission and the Government of Montenegro. The main objective of this programme was to promote and provide further impulse to the process of political and economic reform in Montenegro in the medium term, while easing the resulting social problems (i.e. unemployment or refugee issues). The programme covered the fields of agriculture, transport, pubic administration and education. In May 1999 a Financing Agreement of €13 million was signed between the Commission and the Government of Montenegro, as budgetary support to alleviate expenditures incurred by the Montenegrin government related to the influx of internally displaced persons/refugees as a result of the Kosovo crisis. Zlatko Popovic
In July 1999, and following NATO air strikes in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Commission approved a €2.5 million damage reconstruction programme for Montenegro. It aimed to provide assistance for repairs at the Plav municipality (a destroyed bridge and related civil facilities) and Podgorica (the airport). In September 1999, the Commission agreed direct budgetary assistance to the Montenegrin government for €10.4 million. This assistance aims to support the Republic’s balance of payments, related to imports of products linked to food security problems. The Commission has also provided, specifically for Montenegro and following the Kosovo crisis, significant amounts of humanitarian aid implemented through ECHO, its humanitarian arm. (Some €28 million in humanitarian aid has been allocated to Montenegro since 1992.)In its meeting of March 23 and 24th 2000 in Lisbon, the European Council indicated its support to Montenegro's efforts to achieve democratic reform and economic prosperity. It underlined the urgent need for substantial assistance to Montenegro in order to ensure the survival of the democratic government. Two sets of funds were committed in 2000 – one for infrastructure construction and repairs (€5 million) and the other for transport, agriculture, financial/fiscal reform, education (€14 million). Zlatko Popovic
As part of the state of Serbia & Montenegro, Montenegro is also part of the Stabilisation and Association process. An Agreement is on offer to Serbia & Montenegro, with EU help promised to meet the conditions in which it can be signed. Within the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Process, political and economic relations between Serbia & Montenegro and the European Union are advancing fast. Montenegro benefit from European Commission assistance mostly managed by the The European Agency for Reconstruction . This includes macro-financial, humanitarian, democratisation, customs and fiscal planning aid, support for higher education cooperation programmes, the CARDS Regional Programme, and support for the EU Pillar of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). The region also receives bilateral aid from EU Member States. Zlatko Popovic
The EC assistance funds delegated to the Agency for management in 2006 amounted to some €244 million, most of it from the Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation (CARDS) programme. Since 2000, the Agency has managed a cumulative total of some €2.86 billion of EU taxpayers' money across its four operational centres. The Agency’s work is part of the wider Stabilisation and Association Process – the EU’s key strategy for the Western Balkans region. As the largest EU body managing assistance in the Balkans, the Agency is helping the region achieve lasting peace and prosperity, and progress towards eventual EU membership. The Agency’s emphasis has evolved from post-conflict reconstruction to helping countries with reform in areas such as justice and home affairs, public administration and public finance, and economic development. Today, programmes strengthen central and local administration, the police and the judiciary, public finances, the agricultural, transport and energy sectors, the environment and state utility providers. Zlatko Popovic
OSHA – European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – Bilbao, Spain • Montenegro started cooperation with Bilbao Agency in april 2007 and nominated Focal Point contact person. • In april 2009 Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Welfare of Montengro concluded Arrangement with OSHA. • OSHA contribution: • Travel expenses and Daily allowances for Focal Point meetings of Montengrin FOP contact person • Tickets for A + A fairy in Dusseldorf, Germany (2007) • Translation of 52 Fact Sheets and OSH Thesaurus (cca 1500 pages) • Printing of 6 different Fact Sheets (18000 copies) • Preparation activities for construction of Montenegrin OSHA website • Extranet registration and webspace for Montengrin FOP contact person • Online meetings Zlatko Popovic
Planning activities of OSHA for future cooperation: • Translation: • Launch the tender with a budget of about 24 000 euros for two • countries (Croatia and Montenegro covered) for the translation of • materials into Croatian and Montenegrin (cca 12000 pages) • Printing: • Printing of following "Maintenance" Campaign material in 2010 will be • done by OPOCE and the materials will be sent from Luxembourg. • Conference organisation: • The Agency has launched a tender to be able to sign a framework contract for conference organisation services in the EU 27 + Western Balkans and Turkey. • Activities for Preparation of Risk assessment methodology Zlatko Popovic
Next project co-ordination meeting: • The next project co-ordination meeting for the 18th of November 2009. • FoP meetings • Good Practice Award: • As I said the Good Practice Award competition will be open to the • Western Balkans and Turkey (Maintenance 2010-2011) • Website - Single Entry Point: • Preparation an introduction to the national Focal Point, similarly as it was presented by the Belgian FOP at the FOP meeting as an example. Zlatko Popovic
TAIEX (Technical Assistance Exchange Office) Instrument – DG Enlargement, European Commission • Cooperation with TAIEX started in March 2008 • EVENTS: • INT MARKT 27237 - Workshop on education and training of Montenegro's inspectors engaged in the area of health and safety – October 2008, Podgorica (Montenegro) • TAIEX Reference IND/STUD: 33111 -Study visit on implementation of safety and health measures on construction sites in EU countries – October 2009, Haan/Cologne (Germany). Hosting MS institution: BG BAU, Haan • UPCOMING EVENT: • INT MARKT 33110 - Workshop on New and Old Approach Directives EEC relating to personal protective equipment (PPE) Zlatko Popovic
EUROFOUND - European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin Ireland April 2009 - Started a preliminary activities and nomination of contact person for meeting with Montenegro and Albania missions to EU, with respect to the Fifth European Research on the Working Conditions (2010) Future cooperation: Considering that the Project envisages participation of the IPA countries, Montengro will taking the interest, in order to consider participation into research of EUROFOND. Zlatko Popovic
IPA Project on national level related to OSH • IPA 2009 Project Fische - "Harmonization and implementation of regulation of Labour inspection and Safety at Work inspection in accordance with EU acquis" • Costs: • Overall cost (VAT excluded): 1.360.000 € • EU contribution: 1.180.000 € • Consist of: • Twinning • Service contract • 2 Supply contract Expecting of tendering process for starting of realization of this project Zlatko Popovic