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SECO, InnoTour. Alena Kochurova , Simone Dimitriou , Lynn Huber, Jeannine Müller, Charlotte Andrey. History & Development.
SECO, InnoTour Alena Kochurova, Simone Dimitriou, Lynn Huber, Jeannine Müller, Charlotte Andrey
History & Development • The abbreviation SECO stands for State Secretariat for EconomicAffairs. It wascreated as an interface betweenpolitician, entreprises and social partnership. It helpsensurea sustainableeconomicalgrowth. • Innotourisa projectgeneratedby SECO, whichstarted in 1997. The aim of Innotouris to stimulate innovation, cooperation and profesionalism in SwissTourism. It tends to reduceburocraty and offersfinancal • assistmentto privates (PPP!).
Goals SECO focuses its measures on: Strengthening economic and financial policy, Developing urban infrastructure and utilities, Supporting the private sector and the entrepreneurship, Promoting sustainable trade, Stimulating climate-friendly growth
General informations about SECO (Innotour) It isdirected by Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch The headquarterissituated in Bern. Budget of Innotour: 20 moi Francs for 2012-2015, given by the Government. No turnover isgenerated by Innotour, at itis a help for innovation in tourism.
Challenges faced by Innotour • Innotour has supported the followingactivities, which are part of the challenges facednow by the tourismindustry: • Investment for improvment of the swiss international benchmarking (data sharing) • Investment for protection of the climate (global warming) • Investment to help developpingsummeractivities (fightagainst the seasonality)
Linked/associatedwith • Directlylinkedwith SECO, whichisSwitzerlandoveralleconomical control. • And theyhad of course many associations with the differentprivatestheydid help.
Importance and impact on the swisstourismsector • Innotour has a direct impact on the devlopment of tourism, as it finances privateorganization’sprojects. • It is a linkbetween Public (government) and Private (organization), as in PPP. The privatesfind help to co-financetheirprojects.
Personnal opinion • We constate that SECO offersmanyopportunities for development and innovation in the swisstourismsectors. It supports manyprivateswiththeirideas/projects, thereforeithelps the swisstourism to propose a more diversifiedoffer. • Swisstourismmayneed not only diversification, but also innovation to attracttouristsduring the off-season (summer). SECO, particularyInnotourworks on these objectives, as well as on the managment of climate changes and the difficultbenchmarking in tourismsector.