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P.A.W. Junior Curriculum Supplement Summer 2013

P.A.W. Junior Curriculum Supplement Summer 2013. Quarterly Supplement for P.A.W. Junior Classes By Sister Evette Thompson, Resource Designer

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P.A.W. Junior Curriculum Supplement Summer 2013

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  1. P.A.W. Junior Curriculum Supplement Summer 2013 • Quarterly Supplement for P.A.W. Junior Classes • By Sister Evette Thompson, Resource Designer • All materials correspond to the lessons in Apostolic Light Junior (Junior Way®) curriculum. Supplemental materials are designed exclusively for users of the Apostolic Light Junior curriculum, and are offered free to P.A.W. customers. • These supplemental materials vary with each lesson but might include: • Worship ideas. • A supplemental activity for each lesson in the quarter. • Lists of materials. • Graphics and templates for specified lessons. • Song suggestions for worship. • Website suggestions. • Supplemental materials are also available for all Apostolic Light levels: • Preschool • Primary • Junior High • Teen • Young Adult /Adult

  2. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 1 June 2, 2013 – God Is Worthy Praise and Worship • Keep In Mind: “And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory”(Isaiah 6:3, KJV). • Activity: Students learn the difference between praise and worship • Before class, write the word PRAISE on a piece of poster board paper and on another piece of poster board paper write the word WORSHIP. Post both pieces of paper at the front of the class. • At the time of the activity, divide the class into two groups. Each group will have a scribe and a presenter. The group will define the word given to the group. As they define the word they must try to locate scriptures that define the word. The designated scribe will list all their findings on the poster board paper. • When complete, the presenter will present to the entire class their findings and give their definition of their word. • Give the class the time to discuss their findings and scriptures. They must be able to answer and understand the difference between praise and worship. If there is time, allow students to come into the presence of God and give praise and worship. • Close in prayer, thanking God for being God and having the ability to worship Him because it is our duty. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Bibles • Poster board or flip chart paper • Pens and markers • We Worship

  3. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 2 June 9, 2013 – She Praises Even In The Midst • Keep In Mind: “And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted” (Isaiah 12:4, KJV). • Activity:Students praise God • Depending on space, allow each student to have a poster board piece of paper. • Give students the opportunity to write a personal praise testimony on their piece of paper. Their testimony can be in a form of a poem, song, story, prayer, or etc. Whatever they write it must be a message where they are praising God. • As they complete their assignment, divide the students into groups of two. Allow the pairs to share their story with each other. Remind students that no one should be demeaning. This is a time where they are giving God the glory in their own way. • Provide an opportunity for students to share with the remaining class. If you as the instructor feel led to share a testimony, be sure it lines up with the focus of the lesson, reminding your students to praise God in every situation. • Close in prayer thanking God for the opportunity to praise him in every situation. God gets the glory and He is worthy to be praised. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Poster board or flip chart paper • Pens and markers We Worship

  4. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 3 June 16, 2013 – True Worship In Spirit and In Truth • Keep In Mind: “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:” (Isaiah 29:13, KJV). • Activity:Students worship God truthfully. • As students enter the classroom, give them a piece of paper. Explain that the first few minutes of class will be a time of reflection and that they will be writing a personal letter to God. • Remind your students that true worship comes through their personal relationship with God. Give them a moment to think about who God is and all God has done for them. Then ask them to write a worship letter to God. Be sure to encourage them to be free and honest in their writing, as there are no right or wrong answers. • Because worshiping God is a personal experience, students do not have to share their writings. However, if there are students who would like to share, allow them to. Encourage the rest of the class to be serious, as worship is a serious matter. • Close in prayer, thanking God for the opportunity to worship Him truthfully. Give Him praise for loving us, and thank Him for everything that He has provided for us and our families. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Pens and markers • An open heart We Worship

  5. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 4 June 23, 2013 – A New Home Are You Prepared? • Keep In Mind: “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy” (Isaiah 65: 17-18, KJV). • Activity:Students become prepared for what God has in store for them • As students finish their letters to Ammon in the “Explore The Meaning” section, add on to this activity and give students time to discuss what God has in store for their futures. • Give students about 10 minutes to write down their thoughts about what they believe God has stored up for their futures. Encourage them revisit the scripture lesson for the day if they feel stuck. Permit them to share if they feel comfortable. • As students share, make sure they reflect on whether or not they are preparing themselves for what God has for them. Explain that it important to have a spirit of expectation; but it is just as important, if not more important, to work while waiting. Part of that work is preparing for what God has and another part is continuing to follow God’s commandments. • Allow time for students expressively praise and worship God in advance for what He has in store for them. • Close in prayer, thanking God for the past and the future. Also pray for strength for the present, that we do our part to prepare for all that God has stored up for those who love Him. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Pens and markers We Worship

  6. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 5 June 30, 2013 – A Celebration In Everything Give Praise • Keep In Mind: “They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required” (Ezra 3:4, KJV). • Activity:Students celebrate and praise God in all things • Divide the class into even groups with 3 or 4 people in each group. • Reinforce the aim of the lesson—to celebrate and express thanks to God in all things. • Instruct each group to come up with an event, happening, or situation that will lead to celebrating God. Some examples may include getting a good grade on a test, God healing a sick loved one, finding some money, getting an unexpected gift, etc. • Give each group an opportunity to silently act out their event, happening, or situation while the other groups compete to figure out what they are pantomiming. The group who guesses correctly will receive a point. The group with the most points at the end will be declared the winner! • When a group figures out what the presenting group is pantomiming, they rejoice and celebrate by shouting “Hallelujah!” If no one in the class figures it out, the whole class should shout, “Hallelujah anyhow!” Be careful of how loud the class gets, we do not want to disturb the other classes. • Close in prayer thanking God for the opportunity to give Him praise in all things. • Supplies: • Creativity • Imagination • Energy We Worship

  7. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 6 July 7, 2013 – Hi, Friend God will always be my friend • Keep In Mind: “And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the Lord; because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid” (Ezra 3:11, KJV). • Activity:Students understand the importance of friends • Before the class begins, use seven (7) pieces of poster board or flip chart paper to write one letter from the word, “friends” on each one. The first poster board should have only an “F” on it, the second an “R,” the third an “I” and so on. • Decide if you want to divide the class into seven small groups, or to complete the activity as a class. • Students should describe friendship using words that begin with the letter on the poster board. For example, the letter “F” could include words like forever, forgiveness, fun… any words they brainstorm. Allow students to write their ideas on each poster board. • Allow time for the class to have a discussion about the words they use to describe friends/ friendship. Find out if there is a consensus on each word, or if there are diverse opinions. If time permits, encourage your students to discuss the life application story from the lesson—how the friendship suffered heartache, but endured because of forgiveness. Ask your students where is God in their friendships and whether or not they think He approves of the people they hang out with the most. • Close in prayer, thanking God for His everlasting love, for His grace and mercy, and for us having opportunities to express love and grace and mercy in our friendships. • Supplies: • Poster board or flip chart paper • Pens and markers We Worship

  8. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 7 July 14, 2013 – Sing With Joy • Keep In Mind: “And the children of Israel, the priest, and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity, kept the dedication of this house of God with joy” (Ezra 6:16, KJV). • Activity:Students compete to make the most joyful noise • Before the class arrives, place three chairs at the front facing the front of the room (similar to how the judges sit on the show, American Idol. If you have access to one, place a microphone in front of the three chairs. • At the time of the activity, inform your class that you are having a talent show. Encourage all your singers, readers, poets, and dancers to consider helping out with this activity. Even if there are no artistic people in the class, encourage a few people to participate anyway. • After you have selected three to five performers, select three students to act as judges. Give the participants a couple of minutes to prepare their talents if they need it. • Each act will have one to two minutes to perform. If you are pressed for time, feel free to shorten the performance time. Encourage your audience to freely express their delight for the performers. • The judges should score each contestant with a score between one and ten where one is the lowest and ten is the highest.. • The contestant with the highest score will win. • Tell your class that even though there was one winner in the competition, that God accepts and appreciate all joyful noises offered unto Him. • Close in prayer thanking God for being able to make a joyful noise unto Him. • Supplies: • Paper/pencils for judges • Microphone • Prizes for all contestants We Worship

  9. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 8 July 21, 2013 – Our Preparation What Are You Doing? • Keep In Mind: “So we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us” (Ezra 8:23, KJV). • Activity:Students learn the importance of sacrifice • Write “FAST” the board. • Allow each student write on their own paper what they understand fasting to mean to them. • Because families/ ministries fast differently, it may be helpful to discuss the different types of fasts without attaching a value to them. Examples include, but are not limited to: the Daniel fast, the water fast, no food or drink fast, fasts from TV, fasts from video games, talking on the phone, etc. • Invite a few students to share their responses to introduce a discussion. Consider the following question as suggested discussion question if you the discussion doesn’t flow naturally. • What else, if anything, should a person who is fasting be doing in addition to not eating or not playing a video game, etc.? • On a scale of one to ten, how important is it to pray? Why? • On a scale of one to ten, how important is it to reading the Bible? Why? • Close in prayer thanking God for the opportunity to spend time with Him and for giving us the fortitude to endure. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Pens We Worship

  10. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 9 July 28, 2013 – But It’s Saturday Morning • Keep In Mind: “And I said unto them, Ye are holy unto the Lord; the vessels are holy also; and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering unto the Lord God of your fathers” (Ezra 8:28, KJV). • Activity:Students see benefits of serving others as the Lord commanded • Divide class into two equal groups and give them three minutes to brainstorm as many ways to serve the elderly as possible. One group will brainstorm ways to serve the elderly inside the church and another group will brainstorm examples of service outside the church. Some ideas have been provided. • Help an elderly person down the stairs • Help an elderly person hang up their coat • Open and close doors for an elderly person • Assist an elderly person in church by taking their offering to the offering basket • Carry an elderly person’s plate to them if your church serves dinner. • Keep an elderly person company by asking them to tell you a story about their past. • Have each group share their list with the other group. • Ask the class if they would be willing to commit to serving the elderly in the church and community by performing tasks on the lists they created. Encourage them to try and assist and elderly person at least three times before the next class period. • At the next class, encourage your students to share their experiences of how they served the elderly. You can ask them the questions below to get them thinking: • How did you feel doing these acts of service? • What was the response of the elderly person you served? • Do you think Jesus would be pleased with your act(s) of service? • What was your attitude like before they performed the acts of service? • How, if at all, do you think your attitude changed after the act? Explain your answer. • Close in prayer, thanking God for the opportunity to serve others, especially the elderly. • Supplies: • Chart paper to list ideas We Worship

  11. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 10 August 4, 2013 – Let’s Celebrate • Keep In Mind: “And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness” (Nehemiah 8:17, KJV). • Activity:Students to celebrate with others • Before class, make your classroom festive by decorating it with balloons and ribbon. • When your students arrive, tell them that you want to have a celebration, but you have to have a reason to celebrate– and that they have to provide the reason. • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and invite them to think about their accomplishments from the past week. • Instruct them to make a list of the accomplishments then allow time for them to discuss their lists with their classmates. • Once everyone shared, tell the students that you will celebrate your accomplishments. • Here are a few ideas of ways you can celebrate in the classroom. • Provide a breakfast donuts and milk, fruit, juice, and/or chips depending on the time of your Christian education class. • Give everyone a small gift or a certificate of achievement. • Play some music and have a praise party. • Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind that the objective of this activity is to give students the space to celebrate their accomplishments for the week. • Close in prayer thanking, God for a community of faith where we can celebrate together. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Pens and markers • Balloons, ribbons, party signs • Snacks (donuts, milk, fruit, juice, and/or chips) • Gifts (gift bags with chips and juice) or certificates We Worship

  12. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 11 August 11, 2013 – Tell The Truth The importance of the truth • Keep In Mind: “And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers” (Nehemiah 9:2, KJV). • Activity:Students realize there are consequences for everything they do • Before class, create an intimate setting that fosters comfort and sharing and arrange the chairs in a circle. • Have your students read the application story, “What’s It All About?” from their lesson. Ask them to consider reasons why Bobby lied. • Through the discussion, let students talk about telling the truth and telling lies. Consider the following questions for discussion: • Is it more difficult to tell the truth or to lie? Explain your answer. • Discuss the consequences of lying. • What is the effect of telling the truth? • Instill in the students that consequences accompany every decision, whether it is good or bad. If time permits, ask a couple of your students to share a personal story of when they told a lie and another story of when they told the truth. Be sure they tell what the outcome of each story. Also encourage them to share how they felt after each scenario and whether or not they think they learned anything. • Close in prayer, thanking God for His grace and mercy to forgive us in our wrongdoing and for giving us second and third chances to make things right. • Supplies: • An open heart • A willingness to share We Worship

  13. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 12 August 18, 2013 – Great Job Celebrate • Keep In Mind:Keep In Mind: “Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off” (Nehemiah 12:43, KJV). • Activity:Students to celebrate with others • Before class, make your classroom festive by decorating it with balloons and ribbon. • When your students arrive, tell them that you want to have a celebration, but you have to have a reason to celebrate– and that they have to provide the reason. • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and invite them to think about their accomplishments from the past week. • Instruct them to make a list of the accomplishments then allow time for them to discuss their lists with their classmates. • Once everyone shared, tell the students that you will celebrate your accomplishments. • Here are a few ideas of ways you can celebrate in the classroom. • Provide a breakfast donuts and milk, fruit, juice, and/or chips depending on the time of your Christian education class. • Give everyone a small gift or a certificate of achievement. • Play some music and have a praise party. • Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind that the objective of this activity is to give students the space to celebrate their accomplishments for the week. • Close in prayer thanking, God for a community of faith where we can celebrate together. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Pens and markers • Balloons, ribbons, party signs • Snacks (donuts, milk, fruit, juice, and/or chips) • Gifts (gift bags with chips and juice) or certificates We Worship

  14. P.A.W. Junior Supplement Summer 2013 Lesson 13 August 25, 2013– It’s Time For Dinner Family Time • Keep In Mind: “And I commanded the Levites that they should cleanse themselves, and that they should come and keep the gates, to sanctify the sabbath day. Remember me, O my God, concerning this also, and spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy” (Nehemiah 13:22, KJV). • Activity:Students understand the importance of family • Before class, write FAMILY on the board. • Divide the class into groups. Each group, after selecting a scribe and a presenter, should brainstorm and list words and/or phrases that best describes family. • Once the group has written words and/or phrases, instruct them to discuss , in more detail, the meaning of family to them individually. Use the following questions to help them with the discussion. • Why do you think family is important? • Does your family have rules? If so, name a few of them. • What rules, if any, will you have when you have a family of your own? Explain. • What have you learned from your parent (s), sibling (s), grandparent (s) and/or other family members? • Invite the groups to come together as class and present their findings to each other. Allow time for further discussion as a class. • Close in prayer, thanking God for each student’s family and the lessons, rules, activities of our families that make us into stronger people of faith. • Supplies: • Notebook pads • Pens and markers We Worship

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