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What Is Special About You?

What Is Special About You?. MATTHEW 5:38-48. Outstanding Behavior. Behavior that stands out ! Outstanding doctrine permeates our culture People mock, dilute, or allegorize Jesus’ words Normal worldly behavior: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth Exodus 21:22-27

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What Is Special About You?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Is Special About You? MATTHEW 5:38-48

  2. Outstanding Behavior • Behavior that stands out! • Outstanding doctrine permeates our culture • People mock, dilute, or allegorize Jesus’ words • Normal worldly behavior: eye for an eye, tooth for a toothExodus 21:22-27 • Judges’ justice, not personal vengeance • Resist not an evil person • Turn the other cheek (a slap not a punch) • Above and beyond if you lose litigation • Go the extra mile (1st mile a legal obligation)

  3. Outstanding Behavior • Help if asked Deut. 15:7-11, Prov. 19:17 • “Love your neighbor but hate your enemy” • Love your enemies, bless, do good, pray for • That you may be children of God v.45 • Be like God v.48 • Normal worldly relationships: hurt enemies, avoid strangers, tolerate acquaintances, enjoy friends, love family • We must do more than the world to stand out! v. 46-47

  4. Outstanding Behavior • But people will use us • The example of Jesus 1 Peter 2:21-25 • Matt. 20:20-28 • They ought to pay for what they did to me • Jesus paid Rom. 3:24-26 • They should not get by with it • They won’t Romans 12:17-21 • Neither will we Psalm 18:24-27 • It hurts • God knows Eph. 4:30; Isaiah 53

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