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The Cold War - state of hostility, no direct confrontation. Communism- state control of all property and economic activity, Communist party complete control Issues between US & USSR- - US helps anti- communist in 1918 Civil war, doesn’t recognize govt for 16 years
The Cold War- state of hostility, no direct confrontation • Communism- state control of all property and economic activity, Communist party complete control Issues between US & USSR- - US helps anti- communist in 1918 Civil war, doesn’t recognize govt for 16 years - WWII- USSR signs pact w/ Hitler, US waits till 44 to invade France - US keeps atomic bomb secret • US goal- spread democracy, create peace, improve economy, more markets to buy US stuff • USSR goal- extend power and communism, overthrow capitalism, keep Germany weak, rebuild E. Europe, USSR
Growing Tensions 1945 democratic parties banned E. Europe, Communist govts set up by Stalin- Satellite countries (Buffer zone) (against Potsdam conference) 1946 Stalin & Churchill trades speeches, each believe a call to war, Soviets start arms race. - Containment Policy- US foreign policy, stop spread of Communism by supporting weaker countries, create alliances - Truman Doctrine- support ($ or military) of free nations fighting communism (Greece, Turkey) 1947 Marshall Plan- 12 billion aid to European countries, strengthen economy, weaken communist support, help to create strong countries in W. Europe, help fight communists 1948 German reunification support by US- Soviets mad- cut off W. Berlin from supplies (road, water, fuel). Berlin Airlift- 1 year US flies in supplies (2.3 million tons) USSR gives up- Germany divided East and West
1949 NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Org. W. Europe, US, Canada join in military alliance. • Warsaw Pact- Soviets/ E. Europe sign own treaty (1955) • Soviets test nuclear bomb- sets off race for Hydrogen bomb 1952 US explodes thermonuclear bomb, fusion instead of splitting atoms- more powerful, Soviets follow in 53 • Brinkmanship- (Eisenhower, secretary of state John Dulles) willingness to go to brink of all out nuclear war, both countries race to build bombs and planes 1957 Soviets launch satellite, Sputnik, into space w/ ICBM-intercontinental ballistic missile (easily send nuclear bomb to anywhere in world), US answers in 58.
Conflict Around the World 1950-53 Korea- Separated after WWII between Soviets and US- 1950 North attacks south, 16 nations agree to help US and S. Korea fight the N. led by Douglas Macarthur - N. pushes troops to the very end of S Korea, MacArthur counter attacks, lands behind them at Inchon traps N. Korean troops. Pushes into N. Korea towards Chinese border - China moves into N. Korea to stop Macarthur pushes him back, fight for 2 years to return to 38th parallel (where they started) - Macarthur pushes to fight in China, wants to push on through N. Korea, Presidents says no, Macarthur tries to go around Truman w/ press, Truman forces Macarthur out of command - public debate continues, how limited to keep the war - Cease fire, Korea still divided
1946-49 China- After WWII Nationalists and Communists return to fighting over control of the country- Communists (Mao Zedong) gain more peasant support, nationalist govt corrupt, US sends nationalists aid, 1949- Nationalist flee to Taiwan- China falls to Communism, US refuses to recognize Communist govt. 1955- Egypt- Britain takes back $ after Egypt makes friends w/ Soviets, Egypt takes Suez canal controlled by Britain/ France, Britain and France invade with help of Israel (wants land), Soviets threaten missile attacks, US threatens back- UN calls for cease-fire. Eisenhower Doctrine- US will defend middle east from Communist attack Side note- Israel created post WWII by British from Palestine for Jews, kicked out inhabitants (angry), Muslim countries hate Israel/ Jews, refuse to recognize as a country
1953-6- Stalin dies, Khrushchev takes over, Soviets appear to loosen restrictions w/in the country, Hungry tries to gain some freedoms, leaves Warsaw Pact, invaded by Soviets 30,000 protestors killed CIA/ secret operations- • 1951- Middle East- US convinces Shah of Iran to replace Prime minister who favors US • 1954- Guatemala- US helps overthrow govt, becomes military dictatorship- also Bolivia (56) Chile (73) • 1955-1960- US flies U-2 spy planes over Soviets, 1960-soviets shoot down plane, lies on both sides, pilot- Francis Gary Powers- jailed and traded for soviet spy • Ruins hopes of reduction of tensions conference between Eisenhower and Krushchev
Cold War Hysteria at Home Fear grows- Red Hunt goes crazy, Freedom of Speech challenged • E. Europe, China fall to Communism • 80,000 in communist party in WWII in US Spies found in govt, info about Atomic bomb, info to pro-communist paper • Alger Hiss, ‘48 accused of passing govt. documents to Soviets, jailed (later Soviet documents,1990, seem to prove it) • Rosenbergs, ‘49-53- part of group giving atomic secrets to Soviets, weak evidence, claim they are being accused b/c they are Jewish, radicals- executed (first US citizens for spying) (later info seems to show guilt) Public Reaction • nuclear emergency drills • bomb shelters built • accused communists shunned by society • science fiction- nuclear fallout, literature • schools improve math, science to keep up with Soviets
Govt. Reaction • Loyalty Review Board- Federal employees monitored- 1947-1951, 3.2 million investigated • “subversive” organizations watched by govt • House Committee on Un-American Activities, ‘47- Investigates Hollywood, know for communists, Hollywood 10 decide not to testify are sent to jail, hearings are unconstitutional!!! (blacklist- accused of being communist, could not find work) - McCarthyism ,’52- (senator) accusations of communists in govt.- accuses army, investigation televised, McCarthy verbally attacks witnesses, loses credibility • Mccarran Act, 1950- actions related to creating totalitarian govt illegal, Truman vetos, passed over his head
Kennedy and Cold War • Campaign- promises to get “the country moving again”, win the Cold war, made for TV, youth and vigor of US (Robert McNamara, defense sec.) • Policy of flexible response- develop strength of conventional weapons. Cuba- Castro takes over, Communist (1960-61) 1st promises Democracy, takes power after overthrow • Bay of Pigs- (April, 1961) CIA trained exiles attack, failure, much stronger Cuban force backed by soviets. US is embarrassed • Cuban Missile Crisis- (OCT, 61)Soviet Missile bases built in Cuba (US spy pics). US quarantines Cuba, promises to sink ships bound for Cuba, Soviets approach line, attack will be war…Soviets agree to stop, US removes missiles in Turkey Germany • Berlin- (1961) people flee east to west, cut off of all of Berlin to west threatened, US threatens war. Soviets build the Berlin wall, no one can cross. US looks the other way. Tensions decrease.