Folk Remedies for kidney stonesHome remedies for kidney stonesFrom such problems as kidney disease and, in particular, kidney stones, suffers from a large number of people, especially older men. The stones are of different size and different nature of education, but all they are causing a lot of physical pain. Unfortunately, in most cases an acceptable treatment option is a surgical approach, but many of us are paying due attention to prevention and the use of folk remedies for kidney stones in order to prevent this terrible disease. Let's look at what tools we offer traditional medicine to strengthen the kidneys and urinary system.First, many expert’s advise not to use herbs and plants such as horsetail, birch leaves, or that have strong diuretic properties. They can irritate the kidneys, and the use of such herbs is only recommended in the various phyto-fees. Here is the recipe of one of the most effective herbal, which has a mild diuretic effect: in equal proportions, take nettles, Pulmonary, knotweed, goutweed, golden rod, wild strawberry leaves and birch, couch grass roots, brew a small amount of boiling water and take in 150-200 ml of half an hour before a meal.Another of the most effective home remedies from kidney stones is the following collection: Take equal proportions of corn silk, rose hips, horsetail and root parsley, 4 tablespoons of the collection brew in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and take a glass of 2-3 times a day. This treatment can last up to 2 months. When the pain in the kidneys are increased risk of stone formation, helps fine tea from the seeds of dill and tea made from pumpkin seeds. You can also drink the juice of pumpkin, 150-200 ml 3 times a day.Of other vegetable juice works well juice of black radish, which it can be mixed with honey and taken 3 times daily after meals for 1 tablespoon. Folk remedies for kidney stones include the use of decoctions and teas made from herbs such as heather, knotweed, marigold, knotweed, spurge, oat straw, and such juices like carrot, beet, cucumber and others. A great old folk remedy is a combination of raisins and black pepper: a mixture can be prepared using minced raisins and crushed pepper, and you can eat raisins and whole peppercorns.Finally, for the rapid dissolution of kidney stones, you can use a decoction of onions: 1 kg mince onion with 400 grams of sugar, boil in 1 liter of water, passed through cheesecloth and the resulting mixture was taken during the day (about 100 ml). If you want to use your favorite folk remedies for kidney stones, remember that in order to avoid complications and adverse effects, it is best to consult with your doctor. In addition, to effectively prevent or dissolve kidney stones should certainly pay attention to your diet and plan your daily diet.Kidney stones, bladder, liver, gall bladder Urinary stones are formed as a result of some metabolic substances and functions of the endocrine glands (thyroid and parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal glands). Contributes to the appearance of urinary stones prolonged use of products containing a large number of source substances for the formation of uric and oxalic acids, as well as the stagnation urine in the urinary tract - the kidneys, urethras, urinary bladder. These factors are creating conditions for the deposition of salt crystals from the urine, which usually dissolved in it, and the formation of urinary stones of different composition. In an attack of renal colic, call your doctor. Self-medication (Hot baths, painkillers) in such cases is unacceptable, so how similar attacks can also occur in some acute diseases of the abdominal cavity. Treatment for kidney stones is to remove the stones and the elimination of the associated inflammatory phenomena... All of this can be achieved with timely and proper using the methods of traditional medicine. Kidney stone is softer and finer, with a reddish tinge, while the stones in the bladder are much firmer and larger and may have black, gray or white. When the stones in the bladder are constantly there is itching and pain in polovk bodies. In children, most stones formed due to the mobile games on a full stomach, but also because of the narrowness tubules in the bladder. Older people have the stones appear as a rule, due to weak digestion. With the help of bath tubs and can sometimes cause the stones to come out.However, the frequent use of baths weakens the kidneys. When kidney stonesHelpful to lie on his back Here are the recipes of some folk remedies to help with kidney stones, urinary or gall bladder. If the application of any of these tools will not give the desired result, you need to try other funds.Recipes * The most powerful medicine, crushing stones in the bladder, isskorpionovoe oil, prepared as follows: nasushit scorpions or place them alive in the vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4 and exhibit in the sun for 9 days. Cooked with oil lubricated externally area bladder at night. * When the stones in the bladder helps the ash from the scorpions. For preparation of ashes should be covered with clay or dough half-liter clay-or ceramic pot, put in a scorpion, close the lid, covered with clay and put in a hot oven or in the oven overnight.Take one every day on the tip of a knife. Also, make ash of meat rabbit but this ash should be washed down with water. Similarly, there are no fireflies’ goals and legs, if the suns dry them in a copper pan. * When the kidney stone disease and other metabolic disorders: pour at the bottom of each dish a layer of pine nut shells, cover them with alcohol or vodka, 1 cm above the level of the shell, to insist 9 days and strain. Take 3 times a day for 20 minutes. Before eating and take 1 tsp, spreading a small amount of water.The course of treatment for 3-4 weeks, it is advisable to conduct such courses with a 3.2Interval between them in a month * The stones in the bladder expel tea from the roots berets mixed equal parts of tea from the hips and with the addition of 1 h "l. honey in 1 cup of the mixture. * When the pain in the bladder is useful to extract water from any herbs: chamomile, Melilotusofficinalis, marshmallow extract, or bran. In this case also helps the enema. * When urolithiasis: mix 10 g of strawberry leaves of forest, cranberries, rosemary, horsetail herb, licorice root, fruit and cumin juniper. Pour 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. mix, insist 2 hours and strain. Drink 2 cups a day. * For removal of kidney stones and bladder recommend taking turquoise powder on the tip of a knife 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before eating drinking his water * For removal of kidney stones, bladder and gall bladder: grind in a coffee grinder 70 grains of pepper, mix the flour and make a small cake (35 pieces). These cakes have to take one in the Day. * When the stones in the kidneys and bladder: pour 100 ml boiling water 4 tsp. pounded roots of garden parsley and infuse overnight in a thermos. Drink 1 of Art. L.3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. * It is recommended to take a decoction of burdock root: 2 tbsp. l. minced root pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a Day. * Infusion of flowers Viburnum destroys kidney stones, urinary and gall bubbles. Pour 1 cup water 2 tsp. colors and 4 hours to insist Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before eating * Boil 3 cups boiling water 6 tablespoons. L. crushed roots of wild rose, put on fire and boil 15 minutes. After boiling Drink warm, 1 glass 3 times daily after meals. After about 20 minutes. After broth hips should drink 1/2 cup of decoction of bearberry. Boil 3 cupsBoiling water 3 tbsp. l. herbs, evaporated on a plate 1/3 of broth. * Boil 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. grass and knotweed, wrapped; infuse 1 hour Drink 1/3 cup for 30 minutes, before eating. Then, at intervals of 5-10 minutes (Also before eating), drink a half cup of broth cocklebur leaves. Boil 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. leaves, wrapped, to insist night thermos and strain. The best are the leaves of cocklebur collected in mid-August. * Boil in 0.5 liters of milk for 5 minutes. 1of Art l. herbs and 1 tbsp. l. the roots of Potentilla goose and insist 30 minutes. Drink for 20 minutes, before eating the morning -150 ml for dinner - 100-120 ml, in mid-morning snack - 70-80 ml and the rest - before dinner.Along with the decoction of Potentilla need to take 1/3 cup of infusion knotweed, Boil 1 cup boiling water 1 st.-l. Knotweed, infuse 1 hour, and Strain. * Boil 1 cup boiling water 1/2 tbsp. l. hips, boil 10 minutes. On low heat, brew for a day and drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times daily before meals. You can drink a glass before bedtime. * Destruction of kidney stones, urinary and gall bladders helps juice of unripe rye flourishing equally with the juice of the stem and ear cinquefoil goose. Take 2 times a day for 3 tablespoons. l. * In order to dissolve kidney stones and bladder is recommended take horsetail decoction: Pour 1 cup boiling water 30-50 g of horsetail, hold on low heat for 20 minutes. and take 3 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. Outwardly take baths of decoction of horsetail. * Kidney stones, urinary and gall bladders dissolve gradually and painless, if a long time to drink beet juice. http://homeremediesforkidneystonesx.com