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Kidney Stones. Group 4. Normal Process of filtration. Abnormal or disrupted process of filtration.
Kidney Stones Group 4
Abnormal or disrupted process of filtration The kidney stone is formed during the process of urine formation. Therefore the kidney stone passes through the ureteres. A mass that is too large to pass through may causes pain and tear the lining of ureters .The ureters may bleed and results in blood seen in the urine
Kidney stones can be comprised of………. The formation of a kidney stone is usually a high concentration of one of the substances below and low amounts of water within the body. The high concentrated substance forms a solid with no water to dilute the mass
Prevention Foods not to eat Beverages to drink Water Lemon lime sodas Ginger Ale Fruit juice *Limit 1 to 2 cups * -coffee - Cola Soda -Tea • *Uric acid* • Less meat • *Calcium oxalate * • Less spinach • Less beats • Less chocolate
Treatments • Extracorporeal shock wave lithostrpsy- is a treatment that uses electrical impulses that directly break up the kidney stones into smaller pieces so the stone are able to pass through the urinary system
Treatments Ureteroscope treatment uses a ureterscope with a camera to locate the stone. The ureterscope is inserted through the bladder. Once the stone is located the stone can be extracted in two ways. The doctor can pull it out through suction or a device is used to destroy the stone.
Treatments Percutaneousnephrolithotomy- is the removal of the stone through a small incision in the back. A small tool extracts the kidney stone from the body.
Bibliography • Picture sites • http://www.medicalook.com/diseases_images/kidney-stones2.jpg • http://www.kidney-disease.info/images/kidney_stones_big_photo.jpg • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_svqbG2-JtPc/TMY55WHTrGI/AAAAAAAAAKo/gbn6NlitTSE/s1600/KidneyStone1aa.jpg • http://www.kidney-stone.us/kidney-stones.jpghttp://www.kidneystone911.com/images/extracorporeal-shockwave-lithotripsy_machine.jpg • http://www.panchalurologycentre.com/images/ureteroscopy.jpg • http://content.revolutionhealth.com/contentimages/nr55552042.jpg • Information sites • http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/Kudiseases/pubs/pdf/stones_ez.pdf • Anatomy and physiology ,seeley 9th edition, Mcgraw hill • Human Anatomy and Physiology laboratory manual, Georgia State University, Kyla Ross
Group 4 Hoang-Lan Nguyen Bhumi Patel Kayanne Sinclair