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A. Chi²=14,21, df=5, P=0.014 Model rejected. Rosette area. 0.872***. 0.57***. Leaf number. Leaf 6 area. 0.615***. -0.336***. 0.603***. Epidermal cell number. Epidermal cell area. B. Chi²=14,15, df=4, P=0.007 Model rejected. Rosette area. 0.872***. 0.57***. Leaf number.
A Chi²=14,21, df=5, P=0.014 Model rejected Rosette area 0.872*** 0.57*** Leaf number Leaf 6 area 0.615*** -0.336*** 0.603*** Epidermal cell number Epidermal cell area B Chi²=14,15, df=4, P=0.007 Model rejected Rosette area 0.872*** 0.57*** Leaf number Leaf 6 area 0.615*** -0.332*** 0.603*** -0.024ns Epidermal cell number Epidermal cell area Supplemental Figure S2. Two path diagrams tested in the whole population of RILs from the Ler x An-1 cross. Arrows represent linear functional relationships between leaf growth variables. Simple-headed arrows represent causal relationships, and double-headed arrows represent free correlations. Standardized path coefficients are indicated on each arrow with level of significance (***: P < 0.001, ns: not significant). Both models were tested against our data and results are given in the upper right corner. RA and LN were log-transformed.