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Exploring Black Holes in Interconnected Networks with Mobile Agents

This paper by Wei Shi, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, and Jean-Pierre Corriveau explores the use of mobile agents and tokens to search for black holes in interconnected networks. It discusses the token model, agent behaviors, and techniques like cautious walk and bypass to navigate safely through the network.

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Exploring Black Holes in Interconnected Networks with Mobile Agents

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  1. Searching for a Black Hole in Interconnected Networks using MobileAgents and Tokens Written by Wei Shi, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Jean-Pierre Corriveau MengfeiPeng

  2. Assumption • Agents: asynchronous, co-located/dispersed, carry a map of the network. • Not assume FIFO on either nodes or links (first-in first-out) • Network: un-oriented, asynchronous Hypercube, Torus, Complete network. • Model: Token model

  3. Black hole Agent

  4. Token model Node 3 Node 1 Node 2 Port Shared memory on a node agent

  5. Token model This port is dangerous, I don’t go into it. I can stay here waiting or go to another way. A F C B D Node 3 Node 1 Node 2 E I come back and the next node is safe. How can we use a token? Cautious walk 1,when the agent leaves the port, It puts a token at the port----this means “I’m going to the next node” Port 2,when the agent comes back, It picks up the token----that means ”I come back safely” Shared memory on a node agent

  6. Maybe A died here, it’s a dangerous port. I won’t go into it. A piece of software

  7. Whiteboard model Node 3 Node 1 Node 2 Port agent Shared memory on a node

  8. Whiteboard model B C D A F Node 3 Node 1 Node 2 E How can we use a whiteboard? Cautious walk 1,when the agent leaves the port, It writes “I’m going to the next node” on the whiteboard Port A: I’m going to the next node A: I come back safely and the next node is safe 2,when the agent comes back, It writes--”I come back safely” agent Shared memory on a node

  9. Synchronous agents 5 kilometers cost 50 minutes. 6 kilometers cost 60 minutes. OK, 11:00 Let’s meet at 11:00 8 kilometers cost 80 minutes. 1 time unit 1 time unit 77 kilometers cost 770 minutes. Asynchronous agents 5 kilometers cost 5 minutes. 6 kilometers cost 150 minutes. 8 kilometers cost 999 minutes. 1 time unit 100 time units 4 time unit When? Let’s meet Whenever you can come Sure, I will try to come early 8 kilometers cost 3 minutes.

  10. Co-located agents

  11. Dispersed agents

  12. Bypass technique 1,use cautious walk to find a safe ring----no black hole in the ring S S S Safe ring Dangerous ring

  13. 2,agent A is exploring the dangerous ring, and leave a token at port J2 S S S Safe ring S Dangerous ring

  14. 3,agent B comes and sees A’s token, and moves A’s token to a safe port J1. S S S Safe ring S Dangerous ring

  15. 3,agent B goes to the safe ring and continues exploration. S S S Safe ring S Dangerous ring

  16. 3,agent B leaves its token at port P3, and explores the next node L S S S Safe ring S Dangerous ring

  17. Question 1: what happens if there is an agent C comes? S S S Safe ring S Dangerous ring

  18. Answer: S S S S Safe ring S Dangerous ring

  19. Question: • When can we use the bypass technique? • In a interconnected network, after finding a safe ring. • What’s the purpose of bypass technique? • Allow more than one agent to explore the same ring at the same time.

  20. a complete network, each node is linked to every other node by an edge.

  21. complexity

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