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Near term opportunities for LCLS 'upgrades' . ge x,y = 0.4 m m (slice) I pk = 3.0 kA s E / E = 0.01% (slice). Recent Results! (25 of 33 undulators installed). J. Hastings for the LCLS Experimental Facilities Division June 25, 2009. Goals. Increase user access Multiplex options
Near term opportunities for LCLS 'upgrades' gex,y = 0.4 mm (slice) Ipk = 3.0 kA sE/E = 0.01% (slice) Recent Results! (25 of 33 undulators installed) J. Hastings for the LCLS Experimental Facilities DivisionJune 25, 2009
Goals • Increase user access • Multiplex options • Soft x-rays (800-2000eV) - AMO, SXR • Hard x-rays (up to 25 keV) – XPP, XCS, CXI, MEC • Performance enhancements • Energy range • Long wavelength • Short wavelength • Polarization • Pulse duration • Laser-electron beam interactions
CXI X-ray transport tunnel XCS XPP MEC SXR XCS Offset Monochromator AMO
AMO, SXR, XPP, XCS, CXI, MEC Soft X-ray mirrors AMO SXR Hard X-ray mirrors Large offset monchromator Instrument layout
Soft X-ray experiments at LCLS Soft X-Ray Offset mirror system Typical AMO experiments are dilute samples: put re-focusing optics behind AMO: run two experiments in ‘parallel’ (500) 800 eV – 2 keV Beam sharing in place on a ‘12 hour basis’ (mirror deflection between AMO and SXR)
XCS Large Offset Monochromator Troika, ID10B, ESRF Kohzu, BL24XU, Spring-8 LUSI Concept
Baseline: • K = 3.5 • = 3.0 cm • = 8415 (4.3 GeV) 1=1.5 nm • Long wavelength ‘limit’: • K = 3.5 • = 3.0 cm • = 5870 (3.0 GeV) 1=3.1 nm lu lu Long wavelength limit
Si (111) 0.75-Å 1.5-Å 2nd Harmonic Afterburner Increase hard x-ray energy reach 1.5-Å LCLS Undulator afterburner 130 m 43 m 0.75-Å radiation using “spent” LCLS beam, and completely parasitic to LCLS operation at 1.5 Å. Add 40-m, 2nd-harmonic tapered undulator SLAC-PUB-10694. 0.75-Å Parameters: Z. Huang, S. Reiche
Polarization Control by Crossed Undulator • Horizontal + vertical undulators or two helical undulators • Polarization controlled by phase shifter, fast switch possible with pulsed dipoles at ~100 Hz -π/2 π/4 -π/4 0 Ex + Ey Phase shifter π 5π/4 π/2 π/2 • Studies show that equal power in x & y requires L2 = 1.3LG • Over 80% polarization is expected at SASE saturation • Second undulator can be adjusted as a second-harmonic afterburner if needed K.-J. Kim, NIMA 2000 Y. Ding & Z. Huang,PRST-AB 2008
Thin slotted foil in center of chicane coulomb scattered e- e- unspoiled e- coulomb scattered e- 15-mm thick Be foil PRL92, 074801 (2004). y P. Emma, M. Cornacchia, K. Bane, Z. Huang, H. Schlarb, G. Stupakov, D. Walz (SLAC) 2Dx x DE/E t
2 fs fwhm z 60 m Genesis 1.3 FEL code ~1010 photons x-ray Power (<1 fs possible) Power (GW)
SIMULATED FEL PULSES Y. Ding Z. Huang 1.5 Å, 3.61011 photons Ipk = 4.8 kA ge 0.4 µm Simulation at 1.5 Å based on measured injector & linac beam & Elegant tracking,with CSR, at 20 pC. Y. Ding Z. Huang 15 Å, 2.41011 photons, Ipk = 2.6 kA, ge 0.4 µm 20 pC tested J. Frisch 1.2 fs time-slicing at 20 pC Simulation at 15 Å based on measured injector & linac beam & Elegant tracking,with CSR & 20 pC. Measurements and Simulations:20-pC Bunch, 14 GeV MEASURED SLICE EMITTANCE 135 MeV 20 pC gex = 0.14 µm accepted in PRL
Power profile at 25 m Average photon number: 2.4x1011 Estimated time-bandwidth product ~ 3 times Fourier-transform limit.
30 fs Two-Stage SASE FEL Self-seeding Short pulse, or narrow bandwidth, & wavelength is more stable Moderate – new undulator line or upgrade SLAC-PUB-9370, TESLA-FEL-97-06E, SLAC-PUB-9633, SLAC-PUB-10310 30 Parameters: C. Pellegrini
Measuring Bunch Arrival Time Jitter with an RF Deflector V(t) BPM Y Position (mm) TCAV OFF TCAV ON 9 mm rms 110 mm rms Dt±0.6 ps e- S-band (2856 MHz) y-BPM slope = -2.34 mm/deg Now measure BPM jitter with deflector OFF, and then ON (at constant phase) Timing Jitter = (110 mm)/(2.34 mm/deg) = 0.047 deg 46 fsec rms
short pulse train 800-nm modulation (few GW) 24 kA 15-25 kA peak current enhanced x7 70 as Peak current z /lL SASE FEL 4 GeV 14 GeV Allows synchronization between laser pulse and x-ray pulse E-SASE(applied to LCLS) A. Zholents PRL
ESASE in the LCLS Chicane buncher R56 = 0.3-0.8 mm 10-GW laser L = 0.8-2.2 m wiggler ~3 m 10-period 4.54 GeV z 0.02 mm rf gun rf gun Linac-1 L 9 m rf -25° Linac-2 L 330 m rf -41° Linac-3 L 550 m rf -10° 13.6 GeV new Linac-0 L 6 m Linac-1 BC1 Linac-2 BC2 Linac-3 Linac-0 undulator L 130 m undulator L 130 m X X …existing linac …existing linac BC1 R5639 mm BC2 R5625 mm DL2 Laser Heater Laser Heater DL2 R560 DL1 R56-6 mm SLAC linac tunnel undulator hall New elements
ESASE single spike selection • Two ten-cycle lasers (second laser tunable wavelength with OPA) • Tapered undulator to compensate LSC and enhance contrast E (MeV) P(GW) Ding, Huang, Ratner, Bucksbaum, Merdji, FEL2008
Special Thanks to: Y. Ding, P. Emma, J. Frisch,Z. Huang, H. Loos, A. Zholents, J. Wu ……