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PCIDEA CURRENT ACTIVITIES IN THE AMERICAS. INTER-AMERICAN WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ACCESS 3-6 March 2004, Campinas-SP BRAZIL. ANTECEDENTS. Resolution 3, 6th. UNRCCA:* To E stablish a Permanent Committee of Spatial Data Infrastructures for the Americas Resolution 4:
ANTECEDENTS • Resolution 3, 6th. UNRCCA:* To Establish a Permanent Committee of Spatial Data Infrastructures for the Americas • Resolution 4: To establish National Spatial Data Infrastructures * New York, June 1997
ANTECEDENTS Meeting of delegates and experts from the UNRCCA in Aguascalientes, Mexico; March 1998. Reaffirming resolutions and plan to establish the Permanent Committee
ESTABLISHMENT • March 2000, Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia; • First Provisional Board: • Colombia, IGAC, Chairmanship • Mexico, INEGI, Vicepresidency • Colombia, IGAC, Executive Secretary
MEMBER COUNTRIES Argentina Belize Bolivia Brasil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba El Salvador Ecuador USA Guatemala Guyana Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Dominican R. Uruguay Venezuela
SECOND MEETING • 7th UNRCCA, New York, January 2001. • Ideas renewed: • Create national conditions which guarantee that infrastructures for geographic information development are supported as an strategic policy. • Adhere to the concept of Spatial Data Infrastructures and look after the development of the regional and national SDI´s
THIRD MEETING • Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, May 2001. • Along with GSDI5 • Membership upgraded to 24 countries • Statutes and Bylaws approved • Working Groups created • Election of new authorities
THIRD MEETING; NEW AUTHORITIES • Venezuela, IGVSB, Chairmanship • Panama, IGNTG, Vicepresidency • Colombia, IGAC, Executive Secretary
DEFINED OBJECTIVES • Establish and coordinate policies and technical standards for the development of the regional SDI. • Foster with a high priority the establishment and development of national SDIs in the member countries. • Promote geospatial information interchange among the members
OBJECTIVES (2) • Estimulate cooperation, research, complementarity and interchange of experiences • Define guidelines and strategies to support cadaster information development
WORKING GROUPS • Group on Legal and Economic Aspects Revise and adjust the Statutes, taking care of technical considerations and legal principles, in order to have the legal frame supporting the establishment and operation of the regional SDI
WORKING GROUPS • Group on Communications Disseminate basic concepts about SDIs with a wide coverage and in greater detail for a theme covering a country (case study)
WORKING GROUPS • Technical issues • Fundamental Data Define, establish and generate a set of basic geographic data of high usability, for which there is a justified necessity in the national and regional levels.
WORKING GROUPS • Technical Issues • Geoespatial Standards Develop and promote among member countries the collection, use and efficient management of standards for regional geographic information
WORKING GROUPS • Technical Issues • Policies and Capacity Building Propose resolutions and recommendations focused on dissemination, quality standards and guidelines to share and interchange geospatial data in the regional, national and local levels.
WORKING GROUPS • Technical Issues • Clearinghouses Install a Clearinghouse node in each one of the member countries in order to establish the geographic metadata consultation system, with support and technological transfer from the FGDC and Colombia.
WORKING GROUPS • Technical Issues • Cadaster Develop initiatives and actions in the member countries of PCIDEA to foster awareness on the importance of cadaster in connection with SDI development.
WORKING GROUPS • Technical Issues • Geographic Names Support and fortify the initiatives from the UN Groups of Experts, PAIGH and the national authorites or committees, aimed to the normalization and precise and consistent use of geographic names, considered as an essential element of global, regional and national SDIs,.
WORKING GROUPS • Technical Issues • Capacity Building Objective: To increase the management capacity of the Permanent Committee and of its members, through the formalization of technical, cooperation and financing agreements with different sectors of the international community, to guarantee technolgical transfer and the sustainable development of the región.
FOURTH MEETING • San Jose, Costa Rica. June 2003 • Reports from Working Groups • Presentations of national initiatives on SDI • Election of new authorities
NEW AUTHORITIES • Mexico, INEGI, Chairmanship • Panama, IGNTG, Vicepresidency • Mexico, INEGI, Executive Secretary
MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN • Strong challenges to face to develop the regional SDI • The same for national SDIs • Strenghtening of PCIDEA is required • Need to develop new paradigms among member countries • Need to open new doors with the rest of the world
MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN (2) • New challenges as connected to mutual understanding, cooperation and development of knowledge. • Opening of opportunities in a world of globalized information and communications • Need to work towards the development of new ideas. Everybody has to learn from the others
PROGRESS • Several countries are working in the conception, development and implementation of national SDIs: • Some are in the conceptual stage, • Others are working on implementation • A few have already an outstanding and impressive progress, (USA and Canada)
COUNTRIES WITH SDI INITIATIVES Argentina Bermuda Bolivia Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dom. Republic El Salvador Ecuador Guatemala Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Peru Trinidad/Tobago U.S.A. Uruguay Venezuela
CLEARINGHOUSE • Several countries already have a clearinghouse node • Significant assistance from the FGDC, United States of America
COUNTRIES WITH CLEARINGHOUSE Argentina Barbados Bolivia Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Dominica El Salvador USA Dominican Rep. Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Peru Trinidad/Tobago Uruguay Venezuela
STANDARDS • There is already a link established with ISO/TC211 • Information on geospatial information standards is being received from ISO • This information is going through organization for the benefit of PCIDEA members
COMMUNICATION • PCIDEA has an operating Website • Communications will be strenghtened through this facility
REDEFINE AND FORTIFY WORKING GROUPSMake working groups better integrated and operable
MEMBERSHIP REINFORCEMENT To cover the whole American Continent
REGIONAL SHOPS ORGANIZATION • Shop on Geographic Names. Aguascalientes, date to be defined for 2004 • Shop on Metadata Development, Clearinghouse Management and Web Map Services. Aguascalientes, November 2004
CPIDEA MEETINGS ORGANIZATION • Organization of the 5th. PCIDEA meeting in Aguascalientes, Mexico, october 2004. • 6th Meeting along with the next UNRCCA (date to be determined by UN for 2005)
ENHANCEMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS • Promote better communications with and between members, and encourage participation. • To Privilege the use of resources from information and communication technologies. • Possibility to report on information regarding national geospatial information projects. • Establishment of discussion forums between members through the PCIDEA Website.
CONCLUSION • PCIDEA is young organizattion aiming to put together common interests in the realm of geospatial information for the development of integrated national spatial data infrastructures. • Increasing demands imposed by globalization, economic sustainable development and the ever present growing technology can not be ignored. • PCIDEA progress is on the line but will take some time to reach all of its goals within a formal reality. • Through mutual understanding, cooperation and the will to make things happen in our American Nations, those goals will be attained in due time.