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Theoretical analysis of the deuteron-induced activation at low and medium energies. FENDL-3 3rd RCM NDS/IAEA, Vienna, 6-9 December 2011. Marilena Avrigeanu and Vlad Avrigeanu. “Horia Hulubei†National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, P.O.Box MG-6, Bucharest, Romania.
Theoretical analysis of the deuteron-induced activation at low and medium energies FENDL-3 3rd RCM NDS/IAEA, Vienna, 6-9 December 2011 Marilena Avrigeanu and Vlad Avrigeanu “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, P.O.Box MG-6, Bucharest, Romania • Breakup • Direct reactions • Pre-equilibrium • Evaporation • (d,x) reaction cross-section evaluation FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Motivation: Data Needs • IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) D-Li neutron source for testing fusion reactor candidate materials • General purpose : Activation/transmutation data library • [U. Fischer: "Nuclear Data Libraries for Advanced Systems: Fusion Devices“, Nov 2007, IAEA, Vienna] • Urgent need for qualified IFMIF reference data library • IEAF/EAF : (n, p, d), to be further developed, improved and validated • Cross section measurements & calculations required for neutrons (E >20 MeV): Cr, Co, V, W, Ta, Pb, Bi, Au, Mn deuterons (E ~ 60 MeV): Al, Cu,Nb, Co protons (E < 12 MeV): Cu, Al, Nb, Ta, W, Au, Pb • Evaluations (n, p, d) to be further developed, improved and validated • Reliable gas production cross-section data (H, He) • Dosimetry data file to be developed for E > 20 MeV (IRDF) • Surrogate reactions • Complementary analysis for (d,f) cross section evaluation Phys. Rev. C 79, 044610 (2009); Phys. Rev. C 84, 014605 (2011); J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 903 (2011); FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Nuclear Model Calculations • Elastic scattering : OP parameters settlement SCAT2 [O. Bersillon] - phenomenological OP + semi-microscopic (DF) OP (local version) • DFOLD [M. Avrigeanu] • - double folding method • Direct reactions FRESCO (2003-2006-2011) [I.J. Thompson] -breakup: elastic component (CDCC): Phys. Rev. C 82, 037610 ( 2010). - elastic transfer:weakly bound systems: Nucl.Phys. A 759, 327 ( 2005). • -stripping & pick-up: (d,p), (d,n), (d,t; ): Fusion. Eng. Design, 84, 418 (2009); • Phys. Rev. C 79, 044610 (2009); • Phys. Rev. C 84, 014605 ( 2011). • Composite system equilibration • STAPRE-H95 [V. Avrigeanu, M. Avrigeanu](updated) • - OMP:SCAT2000; preequilibrium:GDH / EXCITON;evaporation:Hauser-Feshbach • TALYS - 1.2 [A. Koning, S. Hilaire, M. Duijvestijn] • - OMP:ECIS’97;preequilibrium:MSD / EXCITON;evaporation: Hauser-Feshbach • TENDL-2010/2011 FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
DIRECT vs STATISTICAL mechanisms analysis E. Simeckova, .... M.A, F.L. Roman, V. Avrigeanu, Phys. Rev. C 84, 014605 (2011) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Breakup, Stripping & Pick-up involvement in d+63,65Cu interactions E. Simeckova, .... M.A, F.L. Roman, V. Avrigeanu, Phys. Rev. C 84, 014605 (2011) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
(d,t)pick-up exclusive contribution at low-energy excitation function M. Avrigeanu, V. Avrigeanu, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 903 (2011) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
d + 27Al:activation cross-sections P.Bem,E. Simeckova, M. Honusek, U. Fischer, S.P. Simakov, R.A. Forrest, M.A., F.L. Roman, V. Avrigeanu, Phys. Rev. C 79, 044610 (2009) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
d+63,65Cu:activation cross-sections E. Simeckova, P.Bem, M. Honusek, M. Stefanik, U. Fischer, S.P. Simakov, R.A. Forrest, A.J. Koning, J.-C. Sublet, M.A., F.L. Roman, V. AvrigeanuPhys. Rev. C 84, 014605 (2011) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
TENDL 2010/2011 FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Deuteron breakup mechanism analysis fpTBU= 0.087 – 0.0066 Z + 0.00163 Z A1/3 + 0.0017 A1/3E – 2E-6 ZE2; Ed< 80 MeV; 27Al – 232Th fELBU= 0.031 – 0.0028 Z + 0.00051 Z A1/3 + 0.0005 A1/3E – 1E-6 ZE2; Ed < 30 MeV; 27Al – 181Ta Empirical breakupcomponentssystematics: M. Avrigeanu et al. , Fusion. Eng. Design, 84, 418 (2009); fBU= σBU/ σReaction , fEL = σEB/ σReaction fBF= fBU- fEBσBF= σBU- σEB Elastic breakup phenomenology versus CDCC M. Avrigeanu and A. M. Moro, Phys. Rev. C 82, 037610( 2010). Inelastic breakup enhancement calculation ( e.g. through σ(n,2n) process): 27Al(d,x): Phys. Rev. C 79, 044610 (2009); 63,65Cu(d,x): Phys. Rev. C 84, 014605 (2011); 93Nb(d,x): J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59, 903 (2011) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Deuteron breakup components FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
EB: phenomenologyversusmicroscopiccalculations ELASTIC BREAKUP CHECKING the correctness of parameterization EXTRAPOLATION elastic breakup systematics limit FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Elastic breakup: phenomenology versus CDCC(1) unbound excited states of the projectile Elastic breakup treated as an INELASTIC EXCITATION of the projectile (Nuclear & Coulomb interactions) through the Coupled Channels approach • truncated continuum spectrum at E*max • divided into a finite number of bins: i =0 (g.s.), N • each bin represented by a single, averaged w.f.: • (Vnp=V0e-(r/rd)2;V0=72.15 MeV; rd=1.484 fm • M. Kamimura et al., Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 80 (1986) 1) where χi(R)are channel wave functions: i=0: elastic channel i>0 : breakupchannel FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Elastic breakup: phenomenology versus CDCC (2) Coupled Channels calculations: i=0: elastic channel ∑σi=σCDCC, i>0 FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Breakup enhancementcalculation: 93Nb(n,2n)92mNb FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Deuteron breakupenhancementof theactivation cross-sections FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
Deuteron interaction with heavy nuclei: breakup versus fission M.A., V. Avrigeanu, F.L. Roman: CNR*11, Sep. 19-23, 2011, Prague, EPJ Web of Conference, in press d + 231Pa n + p + 231Pa 2n 232U* 230U complementary measurements FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
BREAKUP : dominantreaction channel at Coulomb Barrier Former 231Pa(d,3n)230U analysis: (d,f) dominant M. Avrigeanu, W. von Oertzen, R. A. Forrest, A. C.Obreja, F. L. Roman, and V. Avrigeanu, Fusion Eng. Design, 84, 418 (2009). C. Kalbach Walker, TUNL Progress Report XLII (2002-2003) p. 82-83, Triangle University Nuclear Laboratory. FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
BREAKUP : dominantreaction channel at Coulomb Barrier FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
BF enhancementto231Pa(d,3n)230U activation TALYS-1.2 - default FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
231Pa(d,3n)230U activation cross section TALYS-1.2 - default FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
CONCLUSIONS • DIRECT REACTIONS contributions to d activation c.s. • Deuteron breakup enhancement of activation cross sections BREAKUP: DOMINANT mechanism for heavy targets at Ed~VC • stripping and pick-up mechanisms (d,t) pick-upexclusive contribution at low-energy excitation functions • PE and evaporation mechanismscontributions corrected for the direct reactions: breakup, stripping and pick-up • Comparison ofd-activation cross sections with TENDLlibrary : EFFECTS of BREAKUP, STRIPPING & PICK-UP • HIGH REQUEST of new measurements: • inclusive nucleons spectra, dσ/dεn/p • complementary excitation functions, σ(d,xn)&σ(p,xn) Thank you ! FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
1 (a)fpTBU= 0.087 – 0.0066 Z + 0.00163 Z A1/3 + 0.0017 A1/3E – 2E-6 ZE2 • 1 (b)fELBU= 0.031 – 0.0028 Z + 0.00051 Z A1/3 + 0.0005 A1/3E – 1E-6 ZE2 Empirical breakupcomponentsfBUsystematics Q{Al(d,p)} = 5.5 MeV M. Avrigeanu et al., Fusion Eng, Des. 84, 418 (2009) FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011
231Pa(d,3n)230U activation cross section FENDL-3: 3rd Research Co-ordination Meeting, IAEA-Vienna, 6-9 Dec. 2011