Must Have Marketing Habits For Businesses Every business must have a well drafted marketing plan to succeed. It is very essential for business owners to adopt certain marketing habits that can help the business strive forward and improve their sale as well as productivity. Always carry your business card along with you. Start writing blogs and articles related to your business and share them on social media profiles. Provide effective after sale service to your customers. Ask your clients for referrals and create a well-organized referral system. Engage with customers on your social media page and respond to their queries & issues regularly. Become a member of local chamber of commerce and participate in their events & meets. Ask customers for feedback. www.killeenchamber.com Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce One Santa Fe Plaza Drive PO Box 548 Killeen, TX 76541 Phone:(254) 526 - 9551 Image source: Designed by Freepik