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Walsall Social Care and Inclusion. Briefing Session Social Care Community Based Contributions Policy. Purpose of the briefing session. Explain the principles of the Social Care Community Based Contributions Policy Explain about charges for other services like transport and community alarms
Walsall Social Care and Inclusion Briefing Session Social Care Community Based Contributions Policy
Purpose of the briefing session Explain the principles of the Social Care Community Based Contributions Policy Explain about charges for other services like transport and community alarms Outline information on when the new charging policy will be applied
Implementation and Timescales • Policy came into force on April 6 2015 • Information about individual charges and how to pay will be sent out at the end of May • Where people have a query they will be asked to contact the Customer Contact Centre on • 0300 555 2922.
What is included in the policy? All Community based services these include: Care received at home through home care agencies Attending day centres Living in an adult placement scheme (‘Shared Lives’) Personal budgets and direct payments Supported Living schemes Respite Care (this means there will not be a separate charge for respite)
Care Act 2014 In order to comply with the Care 2014 the policy seeks to: Be comprehensive, transparent and applied equally Promote wellbeing, independence and choice Reflect the variety of options for meeting needs Enable and encourage those who wish to stay in / take up employment
Policy Principles The Council Policy will adopt the following overarching principles: Contributions calculated with individuals through financial assessment People will only contribute what they can afford Contributions will not exceed the cost of services to be provided or if lower, 90% of the disposable income. Currently no contribution for arranging services
Policy Principles The Council will take into account the following principles when making decisions on charging: Ensure people are not charged more than it is practicable for them to pay Reduce variations in assessed charges Provide benefits advice throughout the process Services will not be removed if people cant pay, however debt recovery may be pursued
How is the contribution calculated? The process is broken down into 6 steps: Step 1 – Assessing need for community based social care services Step 2 – Assessment of your financial situation and working out what the maximum contribution might be Step 3 – Calculating the contribution Step 4 – Collecting of contributions Step 5 - Review of Contributions Step 6 - Appeals Procedure
Step 1 – Assessing need for community based social care services Undertake an assessment including capacity determination. Determine if the Adult meets the Eligibility Criteria, Give information and advice on other sources of support for meeting non-eligible needs. Undertake a financial assessment of ability to contribute to the cost of their care. Where people have sufficient funds to pay for their care, council can be asked to commission this on their behalf.
Step 2 - Assessment of your financial situation – and working out the maximum contribution Collect financial information Calculate the assessable income Subtract allowances and disregards Subtract disability related expenditure and housing costs The maximum charge will be either be the cost to provide such services, or if lower, 90% of the adult’s disposable income. Provide information and advice on benefits, including support with applications
Minimum Income Guarantee National government requires us to ensure that we leave people enough money to live on This is called the minimum income guarantee This will mean retaining income equivalent to their basic Income support or Pension Credit Guarantee level plus 25%
Disability related expenditure An allowance will be given to reflect additional expenditure due to disability identified in a support plan Will be based on a standard allowance approach, with an option for an individual assessment. A graduated scheme is in place linked to percentage based on Disability Living Allowance benefit received.
Disability related expenditure A 10% DRE component is applied against each of the three rates detailed below: Care Component Lowest Care Component Middle Rate Care Component Highest Rate An individual assessment will be considered, when DRE costs are greater Receipts may be requested for all items/services
Disability related expenditure Additional personal care costs may be met in some circumstances Monies paid on “cash in hand basis” will not be allowed No allowances will be given for: Alternative therapy/treatments. Medication/Drugs, Physiotherapy, treatments or products( for example - incontinence items) which should be available from the National Health Service.
Deprivation of Assets If an adult has deprived himself or herself of capital or an asset with the intention of avoiding or reducing the charge, this will be treated as the adult still possessing the asset.
Step 3 – Calculating the contribution and notification Notify in writing the amount of contribution Contributions taken from date of financial assessment, or service commencement if a delay in financial assessment is caused by the individual This new system is intended to inform adults up front what money they are entitled to from the Council for their support and how much they will have to contribute themselves.
Step 4 – Collection of contributions An invoice will be issued 4 weeks in arrears for council commissioned services Direct Payments will be paid net of contribution Preferred method for collection is Direct Debit Recovery action will be taken where non-payment occurs in line with the council’s overall policy on unpaid invoices The Council is entitled to recover the costs incurred by it in recovering or seeking to recover the sum due.
Variations to planned provision and contribution Contributions will be calculated on the basis of planned service provision A reduction will only be considered ifreasonable notice (at least 12 hours) or an urgent hospital or short term care admission takes place or where a service is not delivered All notifications should be made to the brokerage team
Step 5 - Review of Contributions Reviews will take place at least annually Adults have a duty to notify the Financial Administration Team, if there is a change to their financial circumstances. Additional contributions due following a change will be back dated to the date of the change A standard increase will be levied in line with DWP changes to avoid unnecessary paper work A reassessment will be offered if there is a query on this increase, by way of a self assessment
Step 6 – Appeals Procedure Adults have the right to ask the council for a review of their contribution where they believe they cannot afford to pay A request can be made for a review of a contribution or an appeal against a contribution in full or in part This will be carried out by Senior Council Officer s This can happen at the initial assessment stage or when a review has taken place
Other charges Community Alarms flat rate fee of £2.90 per week is applied to everyone irrespective of age, subject to receiving an income equivalent to basic pension credit. Transport Excluded from this policy covered by assisted transport policy Adaptations equipment and minor adaptations costing less than a £1000 are provided free of charge, adaptations over £1500 taken through DFG process
Other charges Court of Protection Fees Fees for acting as court appointed deputy are fixed and are set by the Court of Protection. These include: An annual management fee, payable on the anniversary of the court order An annual property management fee A fee for the preparation and lodgement of an annual report or account to the Public Guardian.
Exemptions The following services will be exempt from charging: Intermediate care, including reablement for up to six weeks; Care and support provided to people with Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease; Aids and minor adaptations of less than £1000; NHS Services; After care and support provided under section 117 Mental Health Act 1983; Service’s that the Council is required to provide under other Acts.
Questions Please use the post-it notes available to record any questions
Further Information A copy of the presentation, a frequently asked questions sheet and the policy can be viewed: http://www.walsallsocialcareworkforce.co.uk/ Information on the charging policy can be viewed at: www.walsall.gov.uk/how_to_pay_for_social_care_services
Thank you for your time Walsall Social Care and Inclusion