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u01d- Case Study Analysis. Latrice Riley EDD 8104: Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development. Introduction.
u01d- Case Study Analysis Latrice RileyEDD 8104: Leadership Through Personal and Professional Development
Introduction According to Srivastava, Bartol & Locke (2006) empowering leadership is positively related to team efficacy and knowledge sharing. Leadership and management, although not the same are inescapably interconnected and complement one another to provide an invaluable service. There are some principle differences and just because one is a good manager does not mean he or she will be a good or even great leader. It is imperative to first understand these differences in order to successful dissect the case studies and prepare an analysis and recommendations.
Introduction Continued • Characteristic differences between a manager and a leader:
Problem Statement Leaders inspire and are inspired by those they lead. The case of Alex Sander (AS), the newest and youngest product manager at Landon Product Care is centered on his attitude and behavior. He had been very successful in the two product releases he has been in charge of. He is an exceedingly talented individual as well as conscientious, dedicated, and highly very efficient. AS is skilled at providing results however team management is difficult for him to master. The ability to lead and manage his team in completing assigned tasks is flawed. In addition his behavior generates difficulties for those who work with and for him. He is highly regarded by his supervisor Sam Glass (SG) who is genuinely interested him continuing to work at Landon however at the same time he recognizes that AS leadership skills nonexistent particularly when dealing with people. It has destructive influence on the general work environment, specifically those directly under his management. This case study provides sheds light on the importance of how emotions, sensitivity or inadequacy can affect inspiration and leadership competencies.
Problem Statement Leaders are engaging and utilize self-reflection the manage shortcoming and grow. His or her position does not define who they are. • The case of “Thomas Green (TG): power, office politics, and a career in Crisis”, illustrates the dilemma of TG, a Dynamic Display employee. TG was recruited as an account executive, and within five months, he was promoted to Senior Market Specialist by the company president, Shannon McDonald (SD). Thomas supervisor Frank Davis (FD) was very displeased with the quality of TG’s work and performance shortly after the promotion and emailed SD regarding his concerns. TG grew alarmed by the development and contemplated how he would explain his position.
Problem Statement • Managers can be terminated despite their production results. In the case these two managers, their behaviors were undeniably responsible for the negative feedback and impending dismissal. • The question/problem is how can they be successful in business and still fail? • This PowerPoint presentation will analyze some details outlined in both case studies in order to understand the consequences of poor leadership.
Purpose of Presentation Managers can be terminated despite their production results. In the case these two managers, their behaviors were undeniably responsible for the negative feedback and impending dismissal. The question/problem is how can they be successful in business and still fail? This presentation intends do the following: • To identify the behavior and problems that impeded the mangersfrom reaching their potential of developing into authentic long-standing and effective leaders. In addition to the employees response to their shortcomings. • Analyze and compare the different feedback instruments are utilized. • Create possible solutions to the identified problems.
Cases in Comparison Thomas Green Senior Specialist Alex Sander Product Manager
Background • Alex Sander received feedback results through the administration of a tool called 360 which polls everyone (supervisors, colleagues, and consumers). • Thomas Green’s performance feedback was generated various e-mails • It was revealed that both Alex Sander and Thomas Green have the potential to go from good to great and their business plans was exceptional however their approach and treatment of their colleagues and employees affected their potential as good leaders • The behavior of the managers unequivocally influenced the feedback and employee’s attitude and perception of them.
Guiding Questions • Is feedback or reporting tools essential to promote quality leadership? What are appropriate forms of feedback tools are most effecting for promoting quality leadership within an organization? Are these tools effective? • Is a manager’s attitude or displayed behavior related to their inability to make the leap from good to great? What are the proficiencies are stifled by the poor behavior? • How can a manager determine where the fine line in over managing and minimal supervision is? Is delegation and leadership strategy for allowing employees to perform without micromanaging?
Significance of Questions Analyzed Professional Development: • Professional development feedback forms were designed to gain perspective on effectiveness and possible areas of improvement. This information can prove invaluable for the success of an individual or organization if regarded as a tool. • Leaders welcome this unique form of insight from their peers, colleagues, and consumers and use the information to improve their practices or products. • Leaders readily accept the opportunity to continually grow and sharpen their skills. • In order to evolve one must use self-reflection and take heed to the suggestion of others.
Significance of Questions Analyzed Regarding the problem: Managers generally ineffective leaders because they lack the following characteristics necessary for making the leap: • Failure to acquire a leadership identity/style • One way communication- poor listening skills, does not value other’s viewpoints • Resistance to change- big ego and may feel threatened by employees. • Unhappy employees/ low productivity- poor treatment and no motivation to work hard
Systems-Thinking ConceptsLeadership and Management Relationship • Consistency between the manager’s business plan, projected results and their behavior. Behavior Attitude
Reflection on Personal Values and Behaviors Assessment and feedback tools are highly effective and service an important role in personal and organizational performance. Feedback should not be viewed as a personal attack but guide to enhancement. Professional Development training and strategies should incorporate the following goals. • Set clear achievement of goals and objectives • Determine the timetable for reassessment or reevaluation for effectiveness • Build leadership skills by becoming a great communicator both by listening and allowing employees the opportunity to be heard. • Encourage creativity and motivate • Censor negative thoughts and behavior • Attend seminars for effective communication and leadership skills • Embrace challenges and learn from their resolution • Innovate and inspire • Learn Leadership strategies • Supervisory Training • Innovate and inspire • Continue to evolve
Summary Effective leadership relies on all aspects of the team working in unison towards a common goal, realizing the leaders vision. Nevertheless, there should be organization and respect through the ranks Thomas Green’s promoting upset the order at Dynamic Displays. His thirst for power and inability to perform caused angst within the ranks. Although Alex Sander was a polished business man his people skills were inefficient and he like Thomas were brash and ill-equipped for the roles the assumed. • Managers with faulty behavior and substandard leadership skills is a recipe for low morale, production and impending failure. Which can assuredly lead to their dismissal. • Feedback reporting tools are indispensable and are vital to a leader and organizations growth potential. Learning what your consumers needs are or your staff’s concerns may be and along with an assessment of ones professional performance is empowering and can galvanizing leadership or an industry.
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