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Why Statistics Scientific Method. A systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation guided by theoryState problemHypothesisTest relationships empiricallyDraw conclusions. Levels of Measurement. Qualitative vs. QuantitativeCategorical vs. ContinuousNominal vs. interval and rati
1. Research Methods I Review
2. Why Statistics – Scientific Method ‘A systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation guided by theory
State problem
Test relationships empirically
Draw conclusions
3. Levels of Measurement Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Categorical vs. Continuous
Nominal vs. interval and ratio
Ordinal is qualitative but can be used as continuous (Likert scale)
Validity of Measure
Content (face, sampling-content), criterion, construct
Reliability of Measure
Test-retest, inter-rater, internal-consistency
4. Descriptive Statistics Describe difference between individuals in sample.
Frequency distributions (simple and grouped)
Graphical Displays
Histogram, Stem and Leaf
Measures of Central Tendency
Mean, Median, Mode
Median smaller than mean – right skewed
Median larger than mean – left skewed
5. Measures of Dispersion How far are individuals away from the mean?
(Homogeneous versus heterogeneous samples)
Interquartile range (middle 50%)
S2 = S (X – Mx) / N
Standard Deviation
Square root of variance, same unit of measurement, greater variability = larger standard deviation
Standard deviation and empirical rule
+/- 1 SD = 68%
Standard scores (z-scores and T-scores)
Mean = 0; SD = 1; Z = (X – MX) / s
6. Linear Statistical Models Regression vs. Correlation
Regression – prediction, independent and dependent variable, y = a + bx
Correlation – no dependent variable, Pearson correlation coefficient, for non-experimental designs
Scatter diagram to display relationship
Bivariate frequency distribution
Cartesian Coordinates
7. Correlations Pearson Correlation Coefficient
(X – MX) x (Y – MY)
Negative cross-product – negative correlation
Sum of cross-product (magnitude depends on N)
Divide sum of cross-product by N
Correlation Coefficient
Divide covariance by SDX x SDy
Correlation and Causation (causal, spurious, reciprocal)
Correlation and z-scores (r = S ZX x ZY / N)
8. Linear Regressions A perfect line: y = a + bx
Least Squares Method
Residuals: ei = Y – Y (reveal large errors)
Sei2 = (Yi – Yi)2 should be as small as possible
ayx = MY – byxMx - the y-intercept for this method
byx = S (Xi – Mx) ( Yi – My) / S (Xi – Mx)2
Analyze residuals
A plot of the residuals will not have random scatter around zero if there is no homoscedasticity
Residual analysis can show outliers and other problems
Rule of the buldge
Coefficient of Determination – R2 (proportion of variance of one variable explained by variance of the other).
9. Linear Regressions Evaluate Quality of Prediction – Relationship between Y and Y
Calculate Y for each X of the sample
Calculate the correlation between Y and Y
Calculate F for the correlation between Y and Y
Partitioning the Y scores (sum of squares)
SStotal = SSregression + SSresidual
rXY2 = SSregression / SStotal – proportion of total variance that can be accounted for by the independent variable
Evaluate Quality of Prediction – Score Model
F = MSregression / MSresidual
MSregression = SSregression / dfregression
10. Multiple Regressions Predict score of dependent variable from two or more independent variables
Regression plane Y = a + bX + cT
Two kinds of multiple regressions
Orthogonal (IVs are unrelated to each other)
Non-orthogonal (IVs are related to each other)
11. Orthogonal Regression Assessing quality of prediction
Prediction of X plus prediction of T
ry.x2 + rY.T2 = RY.XT2
Like in linear regressions
SStotal = SSregression + SSresidual
Score Model
Y = a + bX + cT
Y = My + b(X – Mx) + c(T – MT) + (Y – Y)
12. Introduction to Inferential Statistics Estimate values for whole population
State null hypothesis and research hypothesis
Decide at which level of significance (a) to reject the null hypothesis (how likely is it that the result was obtained by chance)
Less than 5% chance (p < .05)
Less than 1% chance (p < .01)
Type I and type II error
13. T-tests One sample t-test
When population variance is not known
Two sample t-test for independent samples
Compare two sample means
Samples are independent of each other
Two sample t-test for dependent samples
Compare two sample means
Samples are paired / dependent