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1. The Question

2. The Task. . Mind map made with Inspiration software. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. . Imagine that you and three of your friends take a hike into the woods. As you are walking, you come to a very strange looking rock. As you continue to observe this rock, you and your friends discover, that thi

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1. The Question

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    1. 1. The Question What has the discovery of the paintings in the Lascaux caves taught us about the lives of the early people who created them?

    2. 2. The Task

    3. 3. The Student Activity

    4. 4. Assessment Assignment: Part One: The Guidebook. You and your partner will use Microsoft word to type a report on your findings in your assigned area of the cave. You will include facts and information describing the paintings you discover in the caves, (what the images are what and they look like.) Also write when this area of the cave was discovered. Part Two: Inquiry and reflection. Art often communicates aspects of the people that create the art work. It represents these peoples lives and what was important to them. Imagine that you are a Historian and a Scientist. What is important about this found cave? What was important to these people who lived in this region of France so long ago? What conclusions can you and your partner assume about these cave paintings?

    5. 5. Checklist

    6. 6. Take a Deeper look Click on More, and then learn to gain more insight about the cave. Investigate how archeologists date the paintings in the caves. The cave was closed to the public in 1955, due to deteriation from humans breathing out carbon dioxide in to the cave. Debate why you think the caves should be open to the public or remain closed in order to preserve the art for future generations. Note: A man made cave of Lascaux has been recreated, however this is not the original cave or Artwork. Design a cave drawing in art class.

    7. 7. Standards & Benchmarks Visual Arts: Uses materials and techniques to process and communicate ideas and experiences. VA.II.El.1. Explain how visual arts have inherent relationships to everyday art. VA.I.EL.1. Select and use subject symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning. VA.II.EL.4 Know that the visual arts have a history and specific relationships to various cultures. VA.IV.EL.2 Describe ways in which the principles and subject matter of the other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated to the arts. VA.II.EL.5. Demonstrate how history, culture, and the visual arts can influence each other in the making and studying works of art. VA.IV.EL.3. Technology Foundation Standards for all Students: 2. Social, ethical, and human issues. 5. Technology research tools. 6. Technology problem-solving and decision making tools. Language Arts Content Standard 1: All students will read and comprehend general and technical material. 1. Use reading for multiple purposes, such as enjoyment, gathering information, learning new procedures, and increasing conceptual understanding. Content Standard 2: All students will demonstrate the ability to write clear and grammatically correct sentences, paragraphs, and compositions. 1. Write fluently for multiple purposes to produce compositions, such as stories, reports, letters, plays, and explanations of processes.

    8. 8. Teacher Tips

    9. 9. Bibliography Citations for URLs: http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/lascaux/en/ Citations for Graphics: www.google.com (images, caves of Lascaux)

    10. Cave of Lascaux

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