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Enhancing Mathematics and Science Education in Dinaledi Schools

Presentation on the funding, enrollment trends, budgets, progress, challenges, and performance of Dinaledi Schools in Mathematics and Physical Science. The focus is on improving outcomes and implementing new approaches.

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Enhancing Mathematics and Science Education in Dinaledi Schools

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  1. Presentation to Select Committee on Appropriations 29 May 2012 Dinaledi Schools

  2. SUMMARY • Scope of the grant • Enrollment of learners over the years • Budgets and Expenditure; • Progress on the implementation of the Conditional Grant in provinces; and • Comparing performance of Dinaledi Schools in Mathematics and Physical Science. In NSC over subsequent years of implementation. • Challenges • Recommended new approaches to enhance delivery of outcomes going forward.

  3. BACKGROUND • In 2001 government launched the National Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (NMSTE) Strategy to address and improve the performance in mathematics and science outputs • The Strategy was focused at improving the quality of teaching and learning in mathematics and science, and increasing number and quality of learner passes in maths and science at Grade 12 level • In 2005, government re-affirmed the commitment to the NMSTE strategy and set the system a target of doubling learner performance in HG mathematics and science to 50 000 by 2008 • The Dinaledi School Project was also established to give targeted support to raising the participation and performance especially of black learners and girl learners in these subjects in selected schools 5/24/10

  4. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION • 1.Set performance targets in all schools • 2. In every classroom a qualified and competent teacher • Improving the language of teaching and learning (LOLT) • Identifying and nurturing talent and potential • Co-operation with the Department of Science and Technology - NSW, camps, etc. 6. Partnerships with relevant stakeholders - resources and technical support 7. Evaluation and monitoring of MST in provinces 8. Introduce ICTs in all schools


  6. OBJECTIVES OF THE DINALEDI SCHOOL PROJECT • The Dinaledi schools are intended to raise the participation and performance by historically disadvantaged learners in SC mathematics and physical science • The project is designed to provide a cost-effective way of channeling scarce resources in the context of competing priorities • The project is a short term approach to provide adequate learning and teaching facilities to selected schools with potential to address the objectives of the MST Strategy

  7. Total Number of learners writing and passing Mathematics in Dinaledi schools – 2011 NSC

  8. 2009 to 2011 comparison of learners enrolling and passing Mathematics at 50% and above in Dinaledi schools vs national

  9. The number of learners enrolling and passing Physical Sciences in Dinaledi schools - 2011 NSC

  10. Comparison between 2009 to 2011 of the total learners enrolling and passing Physical Science at 50% and above in Dinaledi schools vs national

  11. Implementation of the Dinaledi schools Conditional Grant

  12. 2011 Dinaledi Schools Conditional Grant • The Dinaledi schools project has been granted R70 million in 2011/12, and R99 million in 2012/13 to improve the participation and performance of learners in Mathematics and Physical Science in line with the National Strategy for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (NSMSTE). • The purpose of the conditional grant is to promote Mathematics and Physical Science teaching and learning, improve learner performance in Mathematics and Physical Science in line with the Action Plan 2014 and also improve teacher’s content knowledge of Mathematics and Physical Science.

  13. The grant is intended to do the following • Address textbook shortages by ensuring that each learner in Grades 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 have 7 textbooks. • Provide Mobile Science laboratories to 300 Dinaledi schools that do not have access to laboratories. • Provide Mathematics kits for 500 Dinaledi schools. • Provide 300 ICT laboratories in Dinaledi schools. • Install televisions to receive educational TV Broadcasts and solutions to 500 Dinaledi schools • Provide 50 computers in each of the 500 schools. • Provide Mathematics, Physical Science and English FAL teaching and learning software to 500 Dinaledi Schools. • Train 2 000 teachers on content knowledge in mathematics , physical science and English First Additional Language. • Distribute a diagnostic tool to assess, measure and address learning and teaching deficiencies in mathematics, physical science and English First Additional Language to 500 Dinaledi Schools. • Develop capacity of principals in 90 Dinaledi schools that achieved below 60% pass rate in the 2010 National Senior Certificate examinations. • Train and support Grade 8, 9 and 10 learners in 500 Dinaledi schools to participate in mathematics and science Olympiads

  14. Provincial allocation of Funds

  15. Provincial transfers and expenditure as at March 2012









  24. Provincial allocations for the current financial year 2012/13 financial year

  25. CHALLENGES • The various assessments conducted in the system have revealed that learner enrolment in Mathematics and Physical Science has not increased substantially over the years. This reality, presumably, is directly linked to low performance in these gateway subjects. • Furthermore, over the past number of years, the analysis has observed a trend in the decline in learners moving away from Mathematics to Mathematical Literacy and Physical Science. Statistics from the National senior certificate results over the last four years clearly support the observation of this trend. The assumption is linked to both participation and performance attainment in each of the subjects. • There is evidence that lack of capacity in provinces and at the national office is contributory to slow pace of procurement as well as lack of sufficient monitoring.

  26. RECOMMENDATIONS The Dinaledi schools conditional grant must assist feeder schools so as to increase the supply of learners taking Mathematics in the system. The project is further intended to expand to secondary schools in proximity of the identified Dinaledi schools by making use of the resources at Dinaledi schools. Provinces must ensure that the criteria for Dinaledi schools is maintained at all times such as all Dinaledi schools must ensure that 60% of learners are taking Mathematics as a subject and 40% are taking Mathematical Literacy. The Department is currently in a process of capacitating the Dinaledi schools and the Technical Recapitalisation project and developing it into a single special unit at the national office.

  27. For Further noting • It should be noted that the grant is in its first year of implementation and was only made available from April 2011 in the form of four quarterly tranches. In view of resources procured being intended for the 2012 academic year it is expected that the grant will only yield the desired results in the 2012 NSC examinations. . • The DBE has taken note of the findings with respect to enrollment and learner performance in Dinaledi schools and has accepted that these are not in keeping with the enormous capital outlay and intended outcomes. The following remedial actions have been recommended in line with a re-conceptualization of the Grant:

  28. For Further noting cont • Expansion of schools taking Mathematics and Physical Science beyond Dinaledi Schools: The funding model for the Dinaledi Project is restricted to 500 schools. It is proposed that a differentiated model be utilized with funding for each school in the programme to be implemented on a sliding scale. As schools are resourced their budget support is reduced with a sustainability plan in place. This therefore allows for more schools with mathematics and science subjects to be included in the Programme for support. • Expansion of Grades supported by the Dinaledi Conditional Grant: At present, support is limited to grades 10-12 in identified Dinaledi schools. It is proposed that support be extended to grades 8 and 9 in these schools to enhance teaching and learning in natural science and mathematics in these grades, effectively improving understanding and affinity of learners in these subjects. Support must include training of educators to improve teaching skills and content knowledge, learning and teaching support materials, motivational road shows, and career guidance.

  29. For Further noting cont • Increase of enrolment for learners taking Mathematics and Science: A directive to be given to all Dinaledi schools to offer only Mathematics and Physical Science as subjects. • Increase of girl learners taking Mathematics and Science: In addition to iii above, additional classes, motivational talks are offered to girl learners in Dinaledi schools. • Connectivity to increase performance in mathematics and physical science as follows: • It is proposed that The Dinaledi budget be utilized to provide connectivity for the remaining 268 Dinaledi schools in addition to the 132 schools provided through the Telkom network. • Dinaledi schools will be provided with digitized content that allows for interactive teaching, learning and evaluation as will as explore broadcasting solutions for curriculum content broadcasting as provided for in Western Cape e.g. Telematic Teaching. • Neighbouring schools encouraged to utilise facilities at Dinaledi schools to improve content knowledge and understanding.

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